One Bike at a Time. One Hero at a Time.

And it's Time...



Introducing Recipient: #45

Army Veteran Jennifer Driebel

of New Lisbon, Wisconsin



Jennifer grew up in Milwaukee, WI, and while living with her mother was introduced to bikers and the lifestyle: and jumping on an open back seat was the most exhilarating thing she could do. With all her $300 could get her, she bought a Honda CB900 and learned to ride, quickly grasping the unique personal connection riding offered. Jennifer balanced multiple jobs, obtained a criminal justice degree and after a bit of soul searching, pursued her dream of military service. Wanting both a civilian and family life, she set her sights on the Army National Guard; and enamored with the thought of “being a badass and being paid for it”, at age 24 she walked into the Recruiter’s office and enlisted on the spot. Less than a month later Jen headed to boot camp at Fort Leonard Wood, MO; and after choosing to become a Healthcare Specialist/Medic, she got her advanced training at Fort Sam Houston, TX.

Jennifer saw her life advancing in all the ways she’d hoped. As she grew, so did her bike size when she bought her first Harley, a 2007 Night Train. Living next to Milwaukee H-D at the time, the culture quickly became a part of her identity and social circle, and she balanced work as both a bank teller and bartender with Guard responsibilities. In 2010, with our nation in two wars, Jennifer volunteered to deploy to both relieve the strain of multiple deployments for others and put her training to use. After 18 months of not hearing anything, she let go of the idea, fell in love and got married. The day after returning from their honeymoon, Jennifer got her individualized deployment orders attaching her to the 1157th Transportation Company as a convoy Combat Medic. Pre-mobilization procedures and training started within a month; and in April 2012, four months after the call, she landed at Bagram Airfield Base, Afghanistan, for a one year tour.

A lot of bad things happen on convoys during war: insurgents, snipers, IEDs, RPG’s, and suicide bombers to name a few. Because they are ready targets for the enemy, at least two combat medics were assigned to travel with the Company’s security teams. Jennifer was the non-commissioned officer in charge of the Transport Medics, and she had two roles: ride along with the convoys and work at the Troop Medical Clinic providing health care for those on base. As the Convoy Medic she sat in the back of a truck, bouncing on a wooden bench for 12-20 plus hours in 90 pounds of body armor, waiting to be needed. When they made their destination, she cleaned and cared for the convoy’s equipment and restocked supplies. It was primitive, exhaustive, and tense living outside the wire. It left Jennifer anxious and vulnerable as she was moved about the foreign land exposed to dangers and threats; and she quickly learned to push fear and emotions far from her mind to keep a strong persona for those who depended on her. Violence struck their convoys on numerous occasions; and it was Jennifer’s job to run to the attacked truck and attend to injuries, just as it was her job to also assist in the retaliatory response. On one fateful mission, Jen’s truck was hit by a roadside IED and her convoy attacked by insurgent gunfire. She was thrown within the truck, striking her head hard. Her team fought back, benefiting from a directly-aimed enemy RPG misfire, while they waited for air fire support from two Apache helicopters upon surrounding insurgents. Jennifer remembers thinking at the time how cool it was to see it all play out like she was in the movies; but later couldn’t afford to think about the horrific reality that was hers and how close to death they came that day. She dealt with her concussion and banged up body; and since she had more trucks to climb into and more patients to attend to, she locked it all down tight in the far recesses of her mind to fester.   

Day in and day out, Jennifer often worked multiple back to back shifts between both roles with little to no free time, lost 67 pounds and struggled to sleep. She spent roughly 75% of her time outside the wire, but her time on Bagram Airfield and surrounding bases wasn’t that much safer or less volatile. Attacks on base were common; in fact, she was sound asleep one day when the empty tent next to hers was struck by a mortar. She recalls several times either in Clinic or on base where she helped redirect others who were struggling and times where she physically saved lives after destructive artillery. In her last month of deployment, Jen worked at the Clinic and was assigned to the base’s Quick Response Force (QRF) as a Medic. Roughly 5 times a week, typically in the dark of night, they would be dispatched off base to respond to a traumatic incident and render life-saving care. She learned to go to bed in her uniform and boots; and she further mastered the art of shoving down all the horrors of war she saw and lived amongst. Home was just around the corner and she’d had enough.    

In 2013, Jennifer returned to Milwaukee, went through transition programs and medical checks; and even though she knew she wasn’t okay, she lied on all the checklists just to get home. Her next year was rough, struggling to fit in and function in the brutal juxtaposition that was now “normal” life. She lacked purpose and felt insignificant compared to who she was and all she’d done in service. Although she reached out for help once, Jen found it easier to suck it up and ignore all she was feeling. She turned to her Night Train to ride through the chaos in her mind but after an accident totaling her bike, she turned to drugs and alcohol to numb all she tried to hide. She spiraled further, as did her home life; and after almost losing her job and military career, Jennifer scared herself straight. She pushed away the turbulent emotions, divorced her husband and, working as a traveling wellness examiner, she relocated to rebuild her tenuous life.  

In 2016, on a whim to help a friend, Jennifer started her own transport business as a side job, grew it quite successfully and was eventually afforded a comfortable lifestyle. She bought a home on land outside of Wautoma and she bought a brand new Street Glide to reconnect her passion. Back on the road, Jennifer’s world, outlook and experiences reopened themselves to her and she found herself thriving and happy. Unfortunately, Jennifer met and fell for the wrong man again. In short order she found herself manipulated and threatened, and would eventually lose all her business and personal assets, including her bike, and amass great debt. Life unraveled quickly and so she found another way out. In 2019, Jen moved and took a full-time job within the Army National Guard as an instructor at Fort McCoy, redesigning and teaching the Comprehensive Medic Course and Master Resiliency Training. She loved this work, and she was good at it; and despite all she’d personally been through in combat, and all she still denied, she expertly taught the content for the next four years until she no longer could.   

Unfortunately the degenerative disc disease to her neck and back from combat had been worsening the past five years and she sought treatment from the VA, including procedures to burn her nerve endings to reduce pain and massages for muscle tension. In the fall of 2020, while getting a therapeutic massage for her back pain, Jennifer was sexually assaulted by the male therapist. Her world and sense of self was immediately devastated. She struggled to sleep, work and stay focused; and as she spiraled, years of denied PTSD began seeping through the cracks of her strong facade. Jen again turned to alcohol to soothe the hard hours alone. She sought counseling for the assault; but with minimal support from area police, she grew angrier and fearful that it might happen to another woman. In response, she reached out to the Department of Justice who assigned a special investigator, went public with her story and helped the local PD bring charges after uncovering another six women who'd been sexually assaulted by the same man. Jennifer fought and advocated for others in the midst of her own turmoil; and it paid off. In a plea deal last month, the perpetrator pled guilty to several charges and “no contest” to Jen’s lowered charge of 4th degree sexual assault. He faces sentencing this month; the personal cost to Jennifer, however, was like salt on her hemorrhaging wounds. 

Jennifer’s story is one of strength and courage amidst great pain. Over the last 11 years, she’s moved through combat, failed relationships, property loss and crippling bills, and then sexual assault with little, close support. She handled each as best she could until she couldn’t, then she’d gather herself, move forward and go back at it. In January of 2022, Jennifer made the painful decision to remove her close cousin from life support; and that deeply personal loss of sisterhood was the one that finally broke her.  

Jen’s shattered resilience made it easier for flashbacks, nightmares and all her anxieties to ooze out. There was no resolve left to push back the years of accrued pain; and depression not only took over her life, it nearly ended it. She’d become a brittle shell of herself; and one day while simulating the treatment of a trauma for work, Jennifer snapped. A colleague stepped in; and in perhaps Jennifer’s strongest personal move to date, she went to the VA emergency department. While there a social worker, who Jen credits with saving her life, quickly surrounded her with a mental health care team that picked Jen up and helped her move through 18 months of counseling and medications to get her to the point today where she feels like she is healing from the inside out. Jennifer is deeply proud of her 15 year military career and impact; but realizing she could no longer compromise her mental health, the Sergeant First Class medically retired from the Army National Guard in November, 2023 due to PTSD from combat.

Jennifer has always strived to be a good person and she’s learned a lot about herself the last few years to make her a better person. It’s not always easy, and she has a long way to go with rough days still, but she’s learned to talk, forgive and accept help from others as she releases deeply rooted emotional pain she spent years building. Equally hard and compounding her efforts, Jen lives most days in physical pain. Between her neck and back disc disease and the radiculopathy affecting both of her legs, Jennifer’s compensating body mechanics have now affected her knees and hips and weakened her musculature. She’s had surgery for a torn rotator cuff from service, but still faces surgery to her feet; and, Jennifer is a mere 39 years old. With so many health care appointments and procedures, she’s not been able to currently manage working and lives frugally on her disability allowance for now. She calls herself a broken mess, but refuses to stop doing the things she enjoys like fishing, hunting and being outdoors in general. She’s added much to her life, including new love and acceptance from an understanding and supportive man, and is just recently engaged with rings that reflect their love of Star Wars. But one of the things she connects with most, filling her heart and clearing her mind, remains financially out of reach: riding.  Unfortunately, Jennifer’s unstable legs and physical deterioration are not able to safely handle two wheels anymore; and a motorcycle, let alone the trike she needs, is financially well out of reach. Hogs For Heroes admired Jennifer’s strength and felt that our healing gift might just be the one that not only helps hold her up, it keeps her moving forward on the hard path she still has ahead of her.   

Jennifer has learned to count her blessings, but we were one she didn’t think she’d get or deserved, and we completely caught her off guard. We sent her out to test ride trikes and find the model that best fit her, and it was the TriGlide that suited her desire to tour.  Preowned TriGlides fly off of showroom floors these days, but she found her perfect beauty at Ukes H-D in Kenosha, WI. This 2019 black H-D TriGlide has just 9,000 miles on it; and our friends at Uke’s super-stretched our dollars to make this unbelievable find land within our budget. Unique to this bike, it has been fully paid for by the stunning 2023 fundraising efforts of Wisconsin’s Operating Engineers Local 139. This group has been amazing supporters for the past eight years and we will be gifting this bike following their Poker Run benefiting us this year! Join us as we hand over Jennifer’s set of keys on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 4:30 pm at Summit Ridge Bar & Grill in Wonewoc, WI. Better yet, jump on your bike or UTV and join us for the day’s Poker Run to have some fun with us and raise funds for the next Bike and Veteran pairing!  


Meet Our Next Recipient: #46

Sergeant First Class Paul Morrison

of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin



“Just because you take the uniform off

doesn’t mean you stop serving.”

Outside of military travels and base life, Paul Morrison has lived his entire life in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. He grew up with small town family values, a strong faith and a desire to serve. He enlisted in the Army National Guard’s delayed entry program while a junior in high school and drilled his senior year. After graduating in 1985, Paul left for boot camp and then spent his next 22 years serving through multiple tours and specialized operations too numerous to list, three combat deployments, and earning several personal and unit awards for dedication and heroism along the way. In those years Paul lived by the seven core Army values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage. The values reached far beyond his military career to impact his personal character and contributions as well. 

Unfortunately, Paul also learned that the values of selfless service and personal courage come with a steep price: one he’s been paying most of his adult life.  

Without many job opportunities in the Guard at the time, Paul worked as a Cook until 1986 when he enlisted for Active Duty. While in active duty, he completed Airborne training and specialized in Military Police. After time in South Korea, he received his first combat deployment; and in 1990, headed to Kuwait in advance of the Gulf War. During Operation Desert Shield he conducted highway patrols, was a part of the Quick Response Force for violent area incidents and provided base security. As the War phased into Desert Storm, he secured supply routes and, attached to an Infantry Unit, moved with them in-country to set up and manage our over-crowded enemy prisoner of war camps. They lived and worked amongst tents in the arid desert with scarce resources, outdated equipment and continual threats of chemical warfare, all of which compounded frustrations and anxieties. As mission objectives were achieved, Paul’s Company then moved into Saudi Arabia for six months of security operations in the tense and culturally restrictive country. His deployment complete, Paul returned to Fort Bragg, NC, where it was “business as usual”. There was no transitional support or discussion about what they’d just been through or how it affected them. In fact, to do so at the time would have been viewed as weakness and likely had you removed from duty. In response, Paul learned very quickly to process his memories, actions and emotions stoically and silently…and there began his pattern of denying his PTSD.

While home on leave in 1992, Paul met his first wife and mother to his eldest daughter. She moved to North Carolina where they lived off base and did their best to create a happy life. Paul took advanced skill and leadership courses and rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant. In 1994 he received his second combat deployment order and headed to Haiti for three months where, in a U.S. effort to restore democracy, Paul secured landing zones and communication networks, and he managed enemy detainees amid the country’s severe unrest and massive refugee crisis. The past nine years had begun to wear on his body; and although he wouldn’t acknowledge yet, on his mind and marriage as well. Wanting a better life balance, Paul transferred back into the WI Army National Guard’s 32nd MP Company in Milwaukee, returned to Wisconsin Rapids and pursued an additional form of service: law enforcement. In 1996 he landed a Deputy Sheriff’s position within the Adams County Sheriff’s Office, stayed with them for the next 20 years, and brought his core Army values with him:  

Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage. 

Life moved along as planned, until September 11, 2001 upended the world as we knew it. Minutes after the second plane hit The Towers, Paul was called to duty. He reported to Central Wisconsin Airport that very day to lead security efforts as part of our nation’s protective response. Six months later, with the world on edge and war upon us, Paul went to eastern Europe to provide security while NATO countries conducted joint training missions. It was only a matter of time before Paul would receive combat orders; and in January, 2003, he learned his job would take him to Iraq. He began pre-deployment training and worked with the Sheriff’s Department right up until it was time to leave. Following a day in court testifying, he and his partner responded to a mental health disturbance in the neighborhood; and one targeted gunshot later, Paul found his partner’s lifeless body, senselessly murdered in the line of duty. Six days later, still reeling in loss and anger, he flew out for Iraq and immediately buried the pain back home.

Paul landed in Baghdad in May, 2003 for a one year tour to the recently invaded country. The Iraqi Army had been disbanded, sending thousands of well-armed men into the streets. The jails had been emptied, the corrupt regime was on the run and the dwindling Iraqi police force required reinforcement and training. As an MP Paul had two primary roles: transport security detail and Iraqi police support. Early war in Baghdad was guerilla warfare and most had little preparation for what they came upon. Insurgents violently struggled to gain control and retaliated amongst themselves as much as against us. Mistrust was rampant and warranted: the child he played soccer with one day, hurled a grenade onto Base the next…and the kind-looking elderly woman who wouldn’t stop her approach, then let the hidden machine gun fall from her burka when she finally put her hands up. At every turn there was a threat of violence that Paul dealt with: disguised hideouts, daisy-chained explosives on routes and IEDs cleverly hid in animals, boxes and, as Paul would later learn, in curbing. Injuries and loss happened rapidly and it demanded a constant state of vigilance and preparedness. Amidst all the violence, destruction and death in Baghdad, Paul quickly “grew numb” in protective, exhaustive response. Numb to the grisly sights he’d seen and the tortured cries he heard. Numb to the rampant gunfire, explosions and their close proximity. Numb to the threats of others, the lives taken and the many Brothers he lost in war. And numb to the deep pain each of those would eventually cause…simply to stay focused on the mission at hand, survive his deployment and later, to reenter society.  

They lived in hot tents that were easily mortared or, when lucky enough, the occasional evacuated palace or mansion floor we now controlled. They often slept in uniform and with their boots on: ready at a moment's notice. Between the two roles, Paul worked long, often 18 hour shifts on continual heightened alert and wearing 80 pounds of protective gear. One oppressive 115 degree day in August, 2003, the need for air conditioners was identified; and Paul’s Squad was tasked with obtaining the units. While driving into downtown Baghdad they passed another U.S. Humvee just as it took a tragic IED hit: the explosion damaging their vehicle, but blowing out the occupants of the other with a massive fireball that critically burned its soldiers and melted the vehicle. Paul’s team got out to screams from colleagues and sniper fire; and after that, he next remembers bullets landing at his feet as he unloaded his weapon in response. While seeking shelter, he found a bloody trail that led him to one critically wounded soldier, BJ, and then he found another. With the help of endangered citizens, Paul provided life-saving care to one while the litter team treated both of BJ’s severed legs. Paul threw the man over his shoulder and led the team out of the building to a Humvee in wait as tanks and troops rolled in. Almost immediately, Paul passed out from shock and heat exhaustion and later awoke, panicked, to an Iraqi medical student rendering him care near Baghdad’s Green Zone, never knowing what happened to the soldiers he rescued. Paul was issued a personal recognition from General Myers, the Joint Chief of Staff, and an Army Commendation Medal with Valor for his personal heroic efforts. Seven years later, upon meeting BJ for the first time since that explosion, Paul gave BJ his medal.  Twenty years later however, Paul still hangs on to all the flashbacks, vivid memories and their horrific details, and the survivor’s guilt that this engagement, along with a multitude of others, would cause.  

Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage.

Accomplishments in war come at great expense and from the personal sacrifices of many. Less than a month before his tour was to end, Paul’s deployment was mandatorily extended another four months. It was during this time, May 2004, that Paul left an Iraqi police training he’d just led and, less than a mile away, passed an IED hidden in a curb when someone remotely detonated it. Hundreds of pounds of explosives and cement chunks hit the left side of his truck and his body. He awoke to a smoke filled truck that was still moving forward and hit a building. He saw that his gunner had sustained significant head injuries and another two of his team had been blown out of their truck. Paul's knees had broken the gun resting between them during impact; and despite the searing pain to his body and head, he got out of the truck, disoriented but ready to shoot, when others arrived to help. He was medevaced to the local, U.S. occupied, hospital for the multitude of shrapnel wounds covering his entire left side; and it would be three weeks before he could walk on his own. Paul declined the offer to be sent stateside for care; and instead, requested he stay with his unit until they all left for home, together. He was awarded a Purple Heart for personal injuries resulting from enemy action; and earned a life filled with chronic back, disc and nerve pain, a knee injury that would require surgery and eventually replacement, a traumatic brain injury that would much later slow his cognition, and PTSD that would take him years to gain control of. 

Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage.

Paul came home in August, 2004, again without transitional support or counseling; and within days he was back to work with the Sheriff’s Office. By now he’d mastered the art of pushing horrible things out of his mind; and to keep moving forward Paul threw himself into work, picking up extra shifts and overtime as much as he could. Over time he grew angry and short-tempered at home and hyper-vigilant in public. And as he struggled to communicate and show emotion, his family life further crumbled. Paul knew something was wrong, he “wasn’t like this before war”; but not wanting to be judged or labeled, he withheld and withdrew, and further lost himself. In 2005 the marriage ended and there began years of sharing time with his daughter, scraping by to make it on a Deputy’s paycheck and struggling to find himself.  In 2007, facing another Iraq deployment with the increasing physical limitations his injuries had caused, Sergeant First Class Paul Morrison chose to retire from military service with 22 years in, and on his own terms.

Working in law enforcement was tough; and since losing his military brotherhood was another hard loss on his own battlefield, Paul began exploring coping strategies for his mounting stress. In 2008 he took up motorcycling and quickly grasped the liberating peace riding provided him. He started out on smaller sport bikes then grew in bike size and miles accrued.  The Road showed him how to release his stresses, clear his mind and build relationships. He then began volunteering within his community and church, and with local Veteran organizations, where he found the brotherhood he’d been missing. One day while talking to the newly hired Deputy, Paul realized the Deputy’s sister, Jenny, was a long-lost childhood friend. The two reconnected, quickly fell in love and married in 2009. They soon began building their family and eventually welcomed two strong, bright daughters to fill his heart with joy, wonder and pride. His family was his world: and he would do anything to protect them, including keep his wife on the periphery of his struggles.

It wasn’t until 2013, while volunteering at the King Home, that Paul met a Korean War Veteran who shared his biggest regret was not talking to his wife about his war experiences and struggles. He urged Paul to acknowledge his demons to not only release them, but to let others in and move forward in life. It was at that moment, after years of fighting, hiding and denying, that it all made sense to Paul…and he broke down. It was a hard reality check for his self image, but it was right on. Soon thereafter he found the courage to slowly begin talking with Jenny, opening up to other Veterans, and finding more ways to safely release his burdens, including riding. He still can’t begin to explain it all to her, but she understands enough to know how impactful his coping strategies are and she supports him fully.  

Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage.

In 2016 Paul finally acknowledged the changing tide in law-enforcement and the toll it had taken on him and his family; and after almost losing his brother-in-law in the line of duty, he retired with 20 years in. Paul put a lot of time and effort into better understanding and managing his dark fight with life after war, but there are still tough times where symptoms surface and he needs to employ other strategies. Wind therapy gave him great reprieve; and it made him a better person, father and husband. Staying active and involved provided him with purpose and support…so he found new ways to fill his days after retiring. Paul went on to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Organizational Leadership and while a student, he started counseling.  Looking to guide others, he works as a substitute teacher within area districts and as a high school wrestling referee, both of which bring him great joy. He volunteers in his church, his children’s school and within the Royal Rangers, a church-based scout program. He found great peace being outdoors and surrounded by nature: and so he took up hunting and fishing, and, again, he rode as much as he could. As he spent more time within the American Legion and VFW, Paul expanded into leadership and outreach roles; and just recently, he accepted the nomination for President of the State VFW Riders Group.

Riding became woven into Paul’s life fabric over the years. Unfortunately, as his back’s degenerative disc pain worsened and his knee required surgeries, the rider position of his 2008 Suzuki Boulevard began limiting how much he could ride and to the point last year, where he could no longer handle the pain it caused. The angst of not riding and not having excess funds for a different, upright model quickly eroded his spirits and raised his anxiety. After reading Paul’s application, Hogs For Heroes knew this man was a rider at heart; and understanding the loss Paul faced after the efforts he’s made, we knew our gift would help him stay on the good path he’s created for himself and for others.   

Since submitting his application this March, Paul learned more about our past Recipients; and feeling unworthy compared to the others, believed he would not be chosen. He reconsidered ways to afford a bike without compromising his family and home needs; and he spent hours searching for what his first Harley-Davidson might be. With riding season and his presidency underway, Paul grew more despondent and convinced he wouldn’t be selected…until he was, and it was an emotional moment. Fate works in mysterious ways, folks.  There aren’t many preowned Road Glide Ultras out there, but Paul found the 2019 black beauty he wanted at Vandervest H-D in Green Bay, where our friends took great care of him. Another amazing Veteran & Bike match made possible by the generosity of so many!

Paul’s bike is the second of three bikes to be fully sponsored this year alone by the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 139’s fundraising efforts last year…and it’s their ninth overall! Join us for Paul’s Presentation of Keys Ceremony on Saturday, June 22 at 4:30, along with #45, in a joint ceremony following the Operating Engineers Poker Run benefiting us that day at Summit Ridge Bar in Wonewoc, WI.     

Better yet, ride with us during the day’s event—motorcycle or UTV this year— to have some fun and raise some funds with us!  

In 2016, the Operating Engineers decided to have their raffle proceeds go to charity, and with their President Terry McGowan having just joined our Advisory Board, they chose to share with us. As they learned more about our mission, every year since their team has surpassed their fundraising goals to further enhance our gifting abilities...and they have directly changed more Veterans lives with the healing power found on The Roads they build.

Wisconsin's International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 139 is, by far, our largest supporter to date. Their almost 11,000 Wisconsin members are primarily heavy equipment operators in the construction industry and contractors.

They also have the first Trade Union Post for their many Veteran members, American Legion Post 139!

Their first Poker Run for us was in 2018, and we rolled in and out of their Training Center in Coloma, WI. The place is a stunning and well planned site; and provides their Apprentices and members with classroom, hands-on and simulated training to assure expertise and safety in the field. The ride has changed locations the past few years due to construction and the chance to highlight the many beautiful areas where their members reside and work. Catch this year's 6/22 Poker Run details by clicking here!

Click here for a PDF of the flier to share or print and post!






Our IUOE Local 139 friends are hosting their annual Poker Run to benefit Hogs For Heroes, and exploring the beautiful roads of Wisconsin's Driftless region.

New this year, a Separate UTV Route doubling our fun & support!

It's OPEN TO EVERYONE and trust us-- this is one well-done ride with unbelievable swag and raffles... and a BIG chance for a bike gifting at ride's end, compliments of their stunning fundraising in 2023!

Catch the event details by clicking here!





The VFW Post 6003's Veterans, Riders Group and area friends are working hard again to make this one heck of a ride around Wisco's beautiful rural roads. They are a great, welcoming Post that is home to two of our Recipients. We'll roll in and out of here, and return for dinner and LIVE MUSIC!

Stay tuned for more details, friends!






Slinger Speedway's Lynch Pavillion is ready to welcome Wisconsin HOG members for a night of car racing, Hooligan riding and a great time hanging out together! Your VIP ticket gets you in plus brats, burgers and sides, and canned beer/soda!

And super cool... with the VIP ticket, you can take your bike on the racetrack for opening lap! Tickets are available presale only, and it's open to all motorcycle enthusiasts. Come have some fun and raise some funds for us!

Catch the event details by clicking here!




The family and friends behind

this ride come together to celebrate a rider's life well-lived by paying it forward and helping our Veterans... specifically our nonprofit this year! We'll go in and out of Janesville VFW to grab some miles and fun!







Yeah, that's right! This 17th annual good-hearted event raises funds to support different local organizations each year, and this year we've been lucky enough to make their nice list! They even get a bus to move more friends along their merry-making route! Come on over and join the know you want to!

Grab event details here!



Make it a destination ride and hang out at Johnny B's on the water's edge with Diamonds and Lead filling the airwaves and smoked goodness to fill your tummy...all on a relaxing Sunday afternoon.

More details to come...

Watch for More Upcoming Events on Our News Page


Always Remember...

Freedom Isn't Free.

HOGS FOR HEROES, INC.| 608-228-0026 ||
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