Accounting is a rapidly changing field that requires a range of exceptional skills. To help accountants at every stage of their careers capitalize on their knowledge and experience, Jerry Maginnis, RCB’s executive-in-residence in accounting and a former partner at KPMG in Philadelphia, recently wrote Advice for a Successful Career in the Accounting Profession: How to Make Your Assets Greatly Exceed Your Liabilities, published by John Wiley & Sons in October.
“My motivation to write the book was not financial,” Maginnis said. “It was more an effort to give back to a profession that has been very good to me and, maybe, in some small way, help the next generation of accountants and aspiring CPAs.”
Based on many years of mentoring students and young professionals, Maginnis offers advice, experiences and real-world examples in an engaging fashion. This practical guide shares career-advancing strategies that can benefit students exploring the field as well as seasoned professionals.