A fall farm scene featuring an American Persimmon tree illustrated by Evanston-based artist, Hannah Bess Ross. Hannah is working with Iroquois Valley on our forthcoming Holiday Gift Guide (out December 1st!).
Generations of farming experience

Rooted by a shared mission to invest in an organic future
We are proud to share that Rodale Institute invested $2 million into Iroquois Valley through their endowment, making them one of Iroquois Valley's top five largest shareholders. Rodale Institute is a leader in organic farming research, studying its benefits and organic as a system for over 70 years. In their famous field system trials, they have compared conventional agriculture to organic agriculture and found that organic farming systems:

  • have a smaller carbon footprint than conventional systems
  • conserve and build soil health
  • replenish natural ecosystems by increasing biodiversity and cleaning air and water

Rodale Institute's support is significant –– it shows their commitment to growing the organic movement from many angles, which is critical as we understand more deeply that farming organically offers resilience in our changing climate. Rodale Institute's investment increases our capacity to provide land security and financing for the organic farmers making change on the ground. We invite you to consider supporting Rodale Institute's work by making a tax deductible donation to further our shared goal of an organic future.
Iroquois Valley's owned & financed acres
Rodale’s endowment investment allows Iroquois Valley to deploy more capital to transitioning and organic farmers, increasing the acreage under organic management across the country.
Record support from investors
Iroquois Valley has experienced a record fundraising year, raising over $13 million dollars from 110 unique investments and 90 first-time investors. These numbers will continue to grow as we approach year end. The vast majority of this support has been through the purchase of REIT Equity Shares, a stock ownership position that shares risk with the farmers through dividends that reflect the success of the portfolio in any given year. 
2020 has also shown continued broadening of the investor base, with capital coming through small, direct investments from non-accredited investors, larger investments via independent investment advisors, and significant capital allocations from institutions, foundations, non-profits and more –– as illustrated by the Rodale Institute news above. Iroquois Valley is now approaching 550 investors in 41 states who have invested via equity, debt or both. 
Iroquois Valley offers both REIT Equity Shares and Soil Restoration Notes in the United States and Canada (accredited investors only). If you would like more information about our offerings, please reach out to Alex Mackay at invest@iroquoisvalleyfarms.com. Learn more about investing by visiting our website.
We're hiring
We're looking for a part-time Office Manager to join our team in Evanston, Illinois. We welcome your help in getting out this news. Image from an Iroquois Valley field trip to a farm in Spring 2019.
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The information contained on this website is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security, insurance product, or service. Any product or service discussed in this website is intended for and is only appropriate for accredited and institutional investors and other qualified purchasers as determined by current SEC regulations and orders. The information available on this website is for informational purposes only.

Securities involve risk, and investment may result in a partial or total loss. Some of the statements herein may constitute forward-looking statements under federal securities laws. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including those described in offering circulars prepared for the purpose of offering and selling securities by Iroquois Valley. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance.

Iroquois Valley and its affiliates are not liable for any investment decisions by its readers or subscribers. It is strongly recommended that any purchase or sale decision be discussed with a financial advisor, tax advisor, broker-dealer, or a member of any financial regulatory body. The information contained herein has been provided as an information service only. The accuracy or completeness of the information is not warranted and is only as reliable as the sources from which it was obtained.

In particular, Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT, PBC is offering its common stock for sale pursuant to Tier 2 of Regulation A+, and as such intends to be exempted from state qualification pursuant to federal law. Offerings are only made through our Offering Circular, available here. No offer to sell securities or solicitation of an offer to buy securities is being made herein or in any state where such offer or sale is not permitted under the blue sky or state securities laws thereof. No offer to sell securities or solicitation of an offer to buy securities is being made in the following states: AL, AR, ND, OK, and WV.
As a corporate guideline,  we do not look for specific farmland to purchase or finance. We develop relationships with farmers, mostly young and organic, who want to grow their farm business. We move forward when we have a ready, willing and able farmer. 
Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT | Public Benefit Corporation  
 Certified  B Corporation | Est. 2007