Amana Plans to Return Face-to-Face
Next School Year:
During the past year, our school has partnered with parents to continue the education of Amana students through the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are grateful for the generous support we received from individual families, foundations, and government agencies to ensure we had the resources to safely and effectively continue instruction. In the process, we have picked up some new skills, new tools, and new habits that will outlast the pandemic. However, remote learning and synchronous instruction have not been without their challenges for both teachers and students. We know that the impact of our hands-on minds-on program is fully realized when teachers are directly interacting with students and facilitating classroom instruction, and we are seeing signs that pandemic is already abating and will be under control in time for the new school year. New CDC guidelines also point to loosening of restrictions for schools.
Therefore, our plan is to return next fall safely and responsibly in full face-to-face mode without a remote learning option. Focusing on one modality will allow our teachers to boost student learning and provide the unique Amana experience.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss with you ways to boost confidence in our implementation plan. Returning responsibly will likely include mitigation strategies based on CDC guidelines at the time, and include habits and protocols we have learned in our own experience these past months. Please be on the lookout for sessions where you can provide input. In the meantime, if you have specific accommodations you would like to discuss with us, please schedule an appointment with us at