March 24, 2021
Important Dates Coming Up At Amana:

  • Friday, March 26th : Freedom Friday

  • March 29th- April 2nd: Spirit Week

  • Friday, April 2nd: Escape the Island Day + Monthly Community Circle (note date change)

  • April 5th - April 9th: Spring Break (No School)

  • April 12th - April 16th: ALL STUDENTS take part in Remote Learning

  • April 27th - May 13th: Georgia Milestones Testing
Amana Plans to Return Face-to-Face
Next School Year:

During the past year, our school has partnered with parents to continue the education of Amana students through the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are grateful for the generous support we received from individual families, foundations, and government agencies to ensure we had the resources to safely and effectively continue instruction. In the process, we have picked up some new skills, new tools, and new habits that will outlast the pandemic. However, remote learning and synchronous instruction have not been without their challenges for both teachers and students. We know that the impact of our hands-on minds-on program is fully realized when teachers are directly interacting with students and facilitating classroom instruction, and we are seeing signs that pandemic is already abating and will be under control in time for the new school year. New CDC guidelines also point to loosening of restrictions for schools.

Therefore, our plan is to return next fall safely and responsibly in full face-to-face mode without a remote learning option. Focusing on one modality will allow our teachers to boost student learning and provide the unique Amana experience. 

We welcome the opportunity to discuss with you ways to boost confidence in our implementation plan. Returning responsibly will likely include mitigation strategies based on CDC guidelines at the time, and include habits and protocols we have learned in our own experience these past months. Please be on the lookout for sessions where you can provide input. In the meantime, if you have specific accommodations you would like to discuss with us, please schedule an appointment with us at
Georgia Milestones Survey:
Please fill out if you haven't done so

The State of Georgia is moving forward with administering the Georgia Milestones to all students in grades 3-8 and those taking high school courses Algebra I, Physical Science, or Biology.

Please click here and complete the GMAS Spring Testing Survey to help us prepare for spring testing and to let us know if your child will participate in the Georgia Milestones. The survey will be open until Monday, March 22.

ALL families of students should respond to the survey, including those learning face-to-face and those learning remotely for grades 3-8. Please contact Nicole Woodard ( if you have any questions or concerns. 
Next Year's 2021-2022 School Calendar:

Click below to view our updated 2021-2022 School Calendar for the next school year.
Last Week's State of the School Address

Were you able to join us for the State of the School address last week? If not, no worries - we recorded it so we could share good news with even more of you!

Amana PTO Fundraiser: Socks for Good

Want to look cute, feel cuter, and help a GREAT cause? Shop for some snazzy socks and support your favorite PTO at the same time. We want to raise funds to help with funding some of our continual programming needs and also build up our account so that next school year when we return to full F2F that we can have funding to do all the wonderful things that our Amana Community wants to do. BUT even more AWESOME, is that for every 2 pairs of socks purchased, we get 1 free pair to donate to a charity of our choosing.
Amana Will Be Remote From April 12-16th

Please note: Amana Academy will take part in online Remote Learning during the week of April 12th - April 16th immediately following Spring Break. We are following Fulton County's lead to remain remote in order to allow vaccines to be given and to guard against a post Spring Break COVID-19 surge.

The Fulton County Federal Programs Department is holding our district Federal Programs Input Meeting. We are requesting parent, community, and staff input into how we spend our federal grant funds (Title I, II, III, IV, and IDEA) and our District Parent and Family Engagement Plan. The meeting dates are March 31st at 9:00 am (Join here and April 1st at 1:00 pm (join here The meetings are scheduled to take place on Teams. Your input is essential, and we value your feedback.
Fulton County Offering Rent Assistance

Eligible Fulton County residents living outside the City of Atlanta can apply for emergency assistance for rent and utilities (water, gas, power) resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

COVID-19 Reporting for ALL Amana Families

ALL AMANA FAMILIES - whether your child is returning Virtually OR F2F - are expected to fill out this COVID-19 Reporting Form if your Amana student fits into one or more of these categories:

  • Has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 15 days
  • Currently waiting for the results of a test for COVID-19
  • Has been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 mins) in the past 15 days with someone diagnosed with COVID-19

If your child meets any of the above criteria or is ill or unwell: DO NOT send your students to school until you have spoken with Amana’s clinician (Ms. Fowler).

COVID-19 Report Form can be found on our main site North Fulton -> Parents > COVID-19 Form
Help Desk & Tech Support Phone Numbers

If you have any questions or need general tech support, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team below:

  • 7:00am - 10:00am : Morning Support Line: email
  • 10:00am - 12:00pm : Support Line #1: (470)-456-1082
  • 12:00pm - 2:00pm : Support Line #2: 770-329-3406 
  • 2:00pm - 4:00pm : Support Line #3: (470)-456-1011

Reporting an Absence:

To report a student absent from school, please go to Amana's NEW website and click:

  1. North Fulton
  2. Parents
  3. Attendance Form
  4. Complete and submit the form

8th Grade Parents: Fulton County
Magnet High School Application Dates

Innovation Academy
  • Application Dates: October 15 - December 15
  • Visit their application site here
  • North Fulton STEM Charter School

North Springs High School
  • Application Dates: November 15- January 15
  • Visit their application site here 
  • Fulton County Charter School: North and South

Global Impact Academy 
  • Application Dates: October 15- December 15
  • Visit their application site here 
  • South Fulton STEM Charter School

Riverwood High School 
  • Application Dates: November 15- January 15
  • Visit their application site here 
  • Fulton County Charter School- North and South

Northview High School 
  • 3DE Program by Junior Achievement 
  • Click here for more information about this program
  • North Fulton Charter School

Tri Cities High School
  • Click here for information
  • South Fulton Charter School

Westlake High School
  • Application Dates: November 15-January 15
  • Visit their application site here
  • South Fulton Charter School 

For more questions, please email Ms. Jaime Albright at
Amana Academy | 678-624-0989 | | 285 S. Main Street, Alpharetta