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Building Bridges of

Inclusion, Justice, and Spirituality

Rock The Week

5 June 2024


The following motions were passed at our congregational meeting.

The Governing Board and President were elected.

  • Joe Botticelli
  • Tony Spencer
  • Tom Mehlert
  • Barbara Zaborowski
  • Cathy Arnold
  • Rick Stuart
  • Linda Merritt
  • Susan Wadell, president

Thank you to everyone who has served, who is serving now, and will serve in the future!

Affirmation of Church Board acting as Foundation Board

Approved the Facilities Improvement Fund Proposal

5.50.2401 Sanctuary Soffit Repairs –   

Part I at the costs of $56,465.34 and not to exceed $62,000.

Approved the Facilities Improvement Fund Proposal

5.50.2402 Fire Panel Upgrade and Replacement – 

at the costs of $56,260.00.

Supporting the Direction and Work of

Our Transition Team and Governing Board

The motion is a vote of confidence for the direction and work of our Transition Team and Governing Board as they develop and implement the strategic initiatives of estate planning, expanding wedding venues, and increasing rental income.


2024 Annual Report


Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phil. 4:6-7

Wars and conflicts continue to escalate around the world. Injustices and inequalities manifest as racism, discrimination, gender-based violence, economic disparities, and other issues. As a communal response to uplift these sorrows and support our neighbors near and far, General Minister and President, the Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson calls the church to a season of prayer. Prayer undergirds our witness, ministry, and advocacy as we work for peace and a just world for all.

This is an open invitation to anyone who feels called to offer a prayer to end violence in any manifestation, and to bring about peace. Share your prayers using the People’s Prayers for Peace form on this page. New prayers will be published on this page daily. Publishing is at the discretion of the National Ministries of the United Church of Christ and prayers may be edited for content and length.

Holy One, let our church remember discipleship, remember the Jesus who opposed a foreign occupier and called out a corrupt religious and legal system and lost his life in so doing.

Spirit of Truth, may you grant us courage and Remind us of the power in naming things. Let us see with your eyes, and name what we see for what it is- apartheid, ethnic cleansing, forced starvation as a tool of war, genocide.

Let us face our complicity with humility.

Relieve us of our addictions to comfort and peace devoid of justice.

Forgive us, Holy One, we don’t know what we’re doing.

-Rev Korte Yeo, Seekonk, MA

Make Us Part of Your Chosen Spiritual Family

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey,

you are welcome here!

This Sunday at Shadow Rock

9:00 a.m.

  • Spiritual Play in the Red Room (Spiritual Play will begin at 9 am and end at 10 am through June)
  • No Sunday School/Wonderkids during the month of June
  • Adult Spiritual Formation will be in the Multipurpose Room. Our discussion asks the question, "Did Jesus care about empire?"
  • Child Care in the Blue Room
  • Kindlings in the Lime Room (Parent's Group)

10:15 a.m.

  • Worship in the sanctuary

11:15 a.m.

  • Sermon Reboot will NOT happen after the worship service June 9nd. We will meet in the Multipurpose Room for Let's Find Out. Everyone is invited to learn some foundational and defining ideas about who we are.

If you want to look beyond the week then click below.

The Month At A Glance

Sliding Into July Sabbath Office Hours

The office will be closed Wednesday afternoons of June 12, 19, and 26. These are work days for the staff. This time will be used to plan and catch up on administrative tasks. The office will be open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday mornings (9 am -12 pm) and Thursdays through June. Lois, Heidi, and Ken can still be reached by phone or email.


June 9 Knowing what you are called to, and Let's Find Out more about Shadow Rock

June 16 What things or experiences of worship time do you value most?

June 23 Speak Out Sunday A Speak-Out is defined as an event in which people publicly share their experiences of or views on an issue. The topic is, "Describe a healing moment for yourself or one you witnessed".

June 30 Celebrating 25 years of being Open and Affirming of all people, potluck, and visiting with Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins (SWC Conference Minister)


What is your spiritual voice? "Voice" is the object of hope's desire. Pastor Ken thinks of his voice as that of a beggar and a proclaimer.

June 23rd is about encouraging Shadow Rock friends and members find and use their voice. Specifically find and use their voice to describe a healing moment either for yourself or a healing moment your witnessed.

Pastor Ken is looking for 2-3 people to share their stories on this topic. He will work with them. The work will include the technical aspects of preparing a message and the spiritual direction to help people discern their "spiritual voice".

How to do this?

  • Choose a story
  • Write the story (@ 750 words)
  • Email it to Pastor Ken
  • Set up a discussion time with Pastor Ken

The stories need to be finalized by June 19th.

This is one more way we give voice to goodness!

shadow rock preschool logo



More Summer Art Fun!

Fitness is another important activity.

Let's Find Out June 9th

What is that strange wonky wedgeblade cross thingy?

Why is Shadow Rock so inclusive?

Where is the "Cave"?

This is a good time to learn more about Shadow Rock and ask questions about belonging to our family in an official capacity. We will meet after worship on June 9th in the Multipurpose Room. This is our gathering that leads up to Claiming Sunday. What is "Claiming Sunday"? Come to LFO and find out.

Study About The Sermon On The Mount Resumes June 10rd.

We began a new bible study that focuses on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. Our focus for June 2nd is Matthew 6:16 - 34 which includes advice to not worry.

We will continue to meet in the Multipurpose Room on Mondays at 1 pm.

If you want to join us by Zoom click here.

Article Heading

Place article copy here. Be sure to make the articles short and concise as people tend not to read much more than a couple of paragraphs. Place article copy here.

Text Link

Plan the Work and Work the Plan On June 23rd After Church

After worship we will gather in the Multipurpose Room to review the "planning tools" available for people who join a working group for the initiatives of increasing ministries and revenue for Shadow Rock. The Initiative Working Groups include rental income, planned giving, and wedding venue. Each of these groups hold potential for sharing our core values, building new friendships, and strengthening our congregation.

This flag means ALL ARE WELCOME! Additionally, it gives a message of inclusivity to specific people who have historically been excluded.

We Celebrate 25 Years of Being An Open and Affirming Congregation

June 30th we will celebrate Shadow Rock's congregational vote to be an Open and Affirming Congregation to all people. Our celebration will have music, a potluck, and a visit with Dr. Toni Hawkins (our Southwest Conference Minister).


We will be having "Sloppy Joes" thanks to Bert Ruby!

We will be reaching out to our relationship groups to help with items, i.e. buns, relish trays, fruit, bags of chips, etc. If you see this and want to leap ahead of the process, contact the church office.

Transition Team Mission Statement

The scope of their work is to oversee the process of moving Shadow Rock UCC into an organizational model that is sustainable and adaptive, with the motivation that the preservation and promotion of our core values, vision, and mission are key to the survival and thriving of Shadow Rock.

Thank you, Transition Team



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Everyone is in agreement that our 50th Anniversary Art Show was a great event that celebrated our core values, our community, and local artists. All of us want to do it again but we remain open to other possibilities as we explore potential leadership for this Fall 2024 event. Shadow Rock's governing board is hanging on to this idea and exploring ways to move it forward. Let them know what you think and are willing to do.
