June 2, 2024
Preschool Update Liz Curry
Financial Overview and Update of Church Management Software System
Heidi Zinn
Leaving the Board with our Thanks Susan Wadell
We thank Janice Morrison, Peter Johnston, and Peggy Hesley for their gifts on the board and their service to our congregation.
“Church Board members may be elected for as many as three consecutive, one-year terms. After a member has served three consecutive terms on the Church Board, the member will not be permitted to serve on the Church Board for a period of one year thereafter. After the one year period, the member is eligible for reelection to the Church Board.” (Bylaws, Article VIII, Church Structure, subsection e.)
Introduction of the Slate of Governing Marilyn Rampley
Board Members for 2024-2025
Retiring Board Members
- Peter Johnston (elected 2021)
- Peggy Hesley (elected 2021)
- Janice Morrison (elected 2022)
Ex Officio Members (not on the slate)
- Past President, Marilyn Rampley
- Senior Minister, Rev. Ken Heintzelman
Returning Board Members
- Joe Botticelli (elected 2022)
- Tony Spencer (elected 2023)
- Tom Mehlert (elected 2023)
- Barbara Zaborowski (elected 2023)
New Board Members
- Cathy Arnold (elected 2024)
- Rick Stuart (elected 2024)
- Linda Merritt (elected 2024)
Introduction of Candidate for President
Foundation Financial Report Susan Wadell
Affirmation of Church Board acting as Foundation Board Susan Wadell
The motion is for the Shadow Rock Congregational Church governing board to act as the Shadow Rock Foundation Board until June 30, 2025.
Motion to Approve the Facilities Improvement Fund Proposal Susan Wadell 5.50.2401 Sanctuary Soffit Repairs –
Part I at the costs of $56,465.34 and not to exceed $62,000.
Motion to Approve the Facilities Improvement Fund Proposal Susan Wadell 5.50.2402 Fire Panel Upgrade and Replacement –
at the costs of $56,260.00.
Motion to Support the Direction and Work of
Our Transition Team and Governing Board
Susan Wadell
The motion is a vote of confidence for the direction and work of our Transition Team and Governing Board as they develop and implement the strategic initiatives of estate planning, expanding wedding venues, and increasing rental income.