Church School Update
Lucie and Sylvie Speropulos show off their Resurrection Trees.
Please share pictures of your creations from this week's craft video.
The Road to Emmaus
This Sunday we continue to learn about the days following Christ's resurrection. The videos above, one from Church School parent Krista Jarvis and another called The Seriously Surprising Story, explain what happens when Jesus encounters two of his disciples along the Road to Emmaus.

Children's Chapel Leader Brett Rutledge offers some talking points for families to discuss the story of The Road to Emmaus:

  • Is it possible to solve a puzzle if you don't have the picture on the box?
  • What three things did the disciples need to understand they were with the resurrected Jesus?
  • Stories about Jesus (That's what they talked about when Jesus first joined them.)
  • Other stories from the Bible (That's what Jesus talked with them about - how those stories fit with the stories about Jesus.)
  • The importance of praying together
  • When we do all three things, we come closer to understanding and learning about the resurrected Jesus.
Make a Memory Map
In the video above, Director of Children's Education Mary Beth Tipton explains how to make a memory map of a walk around your neighborhood. You may create your own map on a blank piece of paper or use the template shown below. What special people, places, and things are on your map? Please send us pictures of your creations!

We miss seeing all of our Church School families and hope all of your are healthy and safe. Please reach out to us with any needs. CSMSG services are available daily via Facebook Live and the Sunday service is posted at by 10 am each Sunday.
Bible Games Online
Church School families asked about resources for online Bible games for children. Adventure Bible, which we use as part of our Church School curriculum, offers free online games for children. Additionally, Bible Activities Zone provides online puzzles, memory games, and more.
Camp Phoenix Virtual Campfire
The Rev. Canon Loren Lasch is holding a virtual campfire for Camp Phoenix, the official summer camp of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, on Sunday, April 26 at 7 pm. If you have participated in past summers or want to learn more about Camp Phoenix, plan to attend this event. Camp Phoenix 2020 is for students age 8 to 15 and is scheduled for July 26 to August 1 barring COVID-19 restrictions. Click on the link below for more information and to register for the virtual campfire.
Contact Us
Mary Beth Tipton
Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Amy Zimmerman
Assistant Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Church School | The Church of St. Michael & St. George | 314.721.1502 |