Hudson River
Fishermen’s Association
Tuesday June 9
Starting at 7:30 PM
(login details below)
Stripers for the Future: A Research and Education Campaign
The goal of Stripers for the Future is to educate anglers on how they can contribute to the conservation and long-term sustainability of the striped bass fishery. In this presentation, Professor Tiedemann will discuss information on the life history of striped bass and ongoing studies to develop scientifically-based information relevant to striped bass conservation and management.
John Tiedemann is the Assistant Dean in the Monmouth University School of Science and Director of the University’s Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy Program. His work over the past 40 years has addressed a breadth of marine and environmental science and resource management issues in our region. 

In 2019 the Jersey Coast Anglers Association (JCAA) honored John with their prestigious "Sportsperson of the Year Award" for his outstanding contributions to conservation and management of marine recreational fisheries.
Here are the details for logging into the online meeting using ZOOM. Just click on the links below (or dial in by phone) on Tuesday June 9th at 7:30PM. Professor Tiedemann's talk will follow a brief discussion of HRFA activities.
Topic: Hudson River Fisherman Association
Time: Jun 9, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 941 9758 9985
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Next General Meeting
Tuesday June 9
7:30 PM via ZOOM
Guest Speaker
John A. Tiedemann
Executive Meeting
1st Tuesday of every month Ridgefield Park Elks at 7:30 pm
HRFA Officers
Aram Setian
Vice President
Joseph Albanese
Frank Wisniewski
 John Malool
Membership Secretary
 Arnold Ulrich
Board Members
Chairman Youth Anglers
Wayne Geider 
Hooked on the Hudson
Pete Musse
Gil Hawkins
Miguel Sardinas
Fishing Contests
Aram Setian
Scott Havner
Outdoors Shows
Dave Mercer
Janice Soto
Dan Harrison
Director Emeritus
Tony Evangelista
Antony Carbone (2020)
Ivan Garcia (2021)
Marius Bahr (2022) 
Nominating Committee:
John Golon
Gil Hawkins
Aram setian
Send Comments to:
Want to help us "Fight for the Hudson"? Click here or the striped bass image & make a donation today.
To stay healthy the HRFA supports "social distancing" during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The New Jersey Striped Bass Bonus Program (SBBP) is now open! Applications are available on the SBBP webpage and must be submitted by e-mail before October 31, 2020.  Applications submitted by mail will not be processed.  All permits issued in 2019 are not valid in 2020.  Reporting Bonus harvest within 24 hours is mandatory. Please visit the  SBBP webpage  for more information and to apply. Bonus Program Information and Applications
From our President
Greetings HRFA Members and Friends,

I hope that as of this writing, we find you all well and safe.

The fishing season has begun and taking the recommended health-risk precautions, we are enjoying our favorite pastime, boating/fishing and ready to share our achievements this year. Patience has its rewards.

First, I would like to thank all the participants and congratulate the winners of the HRFA 2nd Annual “Catch, Tag and Release Striped Bass Derby" winners. Christopher Palmer is the BIG winner and for the most and largest tagged for the American Littoral Society. Myself, although registered, did not have the opportunity to get out and fish. Well, there is always next year – be ready. Thanks to Joe Albanese and Scott Havner, the contest was successfully conducted under these very unusual and challenging circumstances. The contest result details are below.

At this time, all HRFA gatherings continue to be suspended or postponed. As we are closely following the current safety and health recommendations on the COVID-19 and reassessing our planned activities.

I happy to report that our first attempt to conduct HRFA Monthly General Meeting, using WEB based communication media was relatively successful. I would like to thank our presenter Douglas Zemeckis, Ph.D. for a very engaging presentation on “What do we think we know about Stripe Bass”. The Q&A session brought up several key points. The one, in my opinion particularly important, was the fact that there is considerable lack of data, correct data, to help determine number/type of fish caught by recreational anglers. I applaud those members, that keep records of and report the trips and information on the fish, kept or released. As a scientist, I regard that as an important task of all us and can contribute to better understanding the status of
the fisheries. I was also surprised, but glad and welcome to see participation by members that are not in the immediate area and that we have not been able to “get together” until now.

This favorable experience has encouraged us to conduct our upcoming general meeting using WEB video technology (please note that phone participation is also possible). Our presenter will be a well known and awarded scientist John Tiedemann. He is the Assistant Dean in the Monmouth University School of Science
and Director of the University’s Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy Program. He is the recipient of 2019 the Jersey Coast Anglers Association (JCAA) "Sportsperson of the Year Award". His presentation will cover studies on the Striped Bass. I am looking forward to see/hear you at the tele-meeting

Lastly, check out "What's in this month's issue of River Views " which can be read by all members and friends of the HRFA. The full version of the newsletter is available for members only. Members will receive it soon. Please click here to join the HRFA in its mission to "Fight for the Hudson".

Be well and stay safe.

Capt. Aram Setian
HRFA President 2020
Fight for the Hudson
Support the HRFA with a $10 donation and you will be entered to win this Mad River Canoe .

NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we postponed the Annual Awards Dinner and the canoe raffle until a date yet to be determined in the Fall. So, tickets are still available for purchase.
To get raffle tickets for a chance to win a beautiful Mad River Canoe in outstanding condition donated & autographed by naturalist Chris Letts contact Dan Harrison or Joe Albanese to get your raffle ticket(s).


To purchase tickets ($10 each) by check make it payable to "HRFA Canoe Raffle" and mail to HRFA, P.O. Box 421, Cresskill, NJ 07626.
What's in this month's issue of River Views
HRFA members may keep scrolling down to see the results of our 2nd Annual Catch, Tag & Release Striper Derby and much more.

Next up is Carl Bruger's column for the month. It's the first of a 2-part article. In this issue he covers six of his twelve favorite hard lures for fishing in salt and freshwater.

Right after that, in THE "LURE" OF A GRANDFATHER , one of our members invites us into some cherished memories from his youth, and how fishing (and in particular, a treasured lure shadowbox) connects generations of family members.

That's followed by another video sent to us by Sandy Federico. This one is on fly fishing for stripers.

Next is a brief review of last month's general meeting which was hosted for us on ZOOM by Rutgers' Professor Douglas Zemeckis. It was our first on-line meeting prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the many things the HRFA does is fight for public access to the Hudson River and its tributaries. The message we recently carried to Albany, NY was "No Public Access? No Public Funding!" The next article "Public Access" by George Browne is from the Jersey Coast Anglers Association's June 2020 Newsletter. The link to the article is shared in this issue of River Views with permission of the author.

George Browne recruited persons interested in discussing the Edwin B. Forsyth National Wildlife Refuge's draft Fishing Plan with Virginia Rettig (USFWS), Refuge Manager, with other interested stakeholders in an online meeting held May 21st. Currently the NWR allows hunting on certain tracts of land during parts of the year but not much fishing except for boaters. They are considering ways to increase opportunities for shoreline anglers and are soliciting input. If interested in learning more, links to the Fishing Plan and the Refuge are below. The period for comment is extended to June 8th.

Pete Musse's From Fish to Dish section includes his recipe that worked well for both sea bass and lingcod fillets. The section includes an Asian approach to preparing sea bass shared by Mona Mak. 

In his monthly column, club Historian Tony Evangelista covers some of the many contributions made to the HRFA by long time member Rick Englesbe. 

We have our Upcoming Events, club Calendar, notes from our Membership Chair Arnie Ulrich, HRFA Merchandise and your photo submissions. We need to form our surf fishing team to complete in the Fall ASAC tournaments. We need volunteers to help in our Youth Angler Program too. And much more.

We hope you enjoy this month's issue. Please email comments, photos, articles, news and other things of interest to members to care of The Editor.

The Editor
River Views
Did you know that back issues (2019 & 2020 only) of River Views , the monthly newsletter of the HRFA, are available for all to enjoy on our website? Click here , or the River Views banner, to go directly there and catch up on your reading.
Partial list of Friends & Supporters of the HRFA
( Click on any image below to visit their website. )