River Road Reconstruction 9.13.23
Good Morning,

The contractor is undercutting the road and installing new road base near Woods Glen Court. The contractor will get you into Woods Glen Court, please drive up to the machines and they will wave you through to the court.

After today, please go southbound to Innovation Drive during working hours and we'll have northbound lanes open in the evening. Curb and gutter is scheduled for next week between the two Yahara River bridges. Metal plates will be added to the driveways for the businesses.

Thank you for your patience and any questions feel free to reach out hallg@vi.deforest.wi.us or 608-807-7023. Thanks!


Greg Hall
Public Services Operations Supervisor
Village of DeForest
DeForest, Wisconsin
Village Hall
120 S. Stevenson Street
DeForest, WI 53532
(608) 846-6751
Growing the Good Life