Good Morning,
The River Road Reconstruction Project is moving along nicely!
The contractor is currently grading the roadway which should be completed by the end of the week. Paving of the roadway is scheduled for October 30th, weather pending.
This week a trail pedestrian bridge is being installed. Trail work along River Road from South Street to Woods Glen Court has also begun. The trail work will consist of removing current asphalt, grading and then prepping for paving. The trail paving could occur as soon as late next week, October 26th, weather pending.
There will be work to be completed after the paving has finished, such as pavement markings, backfilling curb lines, landscaping and tree installations. Please be patient with crews as they continue to work.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me.
Greg Hall
Public Services Operations Supervisor
Village of DeForest