Your resource for environmental education updates, workshops, and more.
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August 2021
Volume: 31 Issue: 11
Welcome Back to School!
We at SCARCE are so excited for a new school year, and we hope you are too!

REMEMBER: If you're building a classroom library, we have over 100,000 books at SCARCE! Stock changes on a daily basis, so come check us out. Fill a box for just $5 and ramp up your bookshelves!

We also have no shortage of school supplies to stock up your classroom so make sure you come to us first before spending a fortune on new things. SCARCE rescues these resources so they stay out of the landfill and so teachers can supply their classrooms without spending an arm and a leg. Like us on Facebook and subscribe to our E-blasts (subscription located at the very bottom of our website)-- we post unique items we receive there and these are sold on a first come, first serve basis.
Storm Drain Medallions are small markers that are adhered to storm drains to let people know not to dump anything down them. Many individuals do not realize that the water from the storm drains goes directly into our local waterways without being filtered or treated first. It is imperative that we educate the public of this to protect our water.

The fall semester is a great time to sign up for a storm drain medallion project with your class or Eco Club. Many people are cleaning up their yards before winter and they will let homeowners and landscapers know not to put any yard waste down the drains. This project is rather difficult to do in the winter, so don't wait! Check out our website for the full instructions, and then apply here.
Bottle Cap Collections

Is your school collecting bottle caps to earn a bench? Let us know! We have quite a few plastic caps here at SCARCE and we would love to speed up your collection by offering them to your school. This is a great program called the ABC Promise Partnership through Green Tree Plastics, located in Evansville, IN. If you are unfamiliar with this program, check out their website to see a unique way to teach your students about the environment while also rescuing resources from the landfill and earning a beautiful bench for your school. If you would like to take SCARCE's collection of bottle caps, email
If you're an educator and you've ever wanted to host a Pumpkin Smash, you're in luck! School parking lots are a great place to hold the event (with proper approval, of course).

Halloween is sneaking up on us! The 2021 Pumpkin Smash will take place Saturday, Nov. 6th this year. With that date in mind, now is the time to get planning, since city approvals must be submitted to your county recycling coordinator at least 30 days in advance of the event. SCARCE is excited to already have several new towns adding locations to our growing list, and we want to see your school on it this year!

Check out our website for more information, and please refer to our "How to Host a Pumpkin Collection" Guide. Email or give us a call at 630-545-9710 with any further questions. We look forward to adding your school's Pumpkin Smash to our map of locations and giving people even more opportunities to divert pumpkins from the landfill!

Besides books, SCARCE offers many special collections for specific items. Bread tags are just one of these collections, and we had huge totals this summer.

At the end of June, SCARCE weighed our large quantity of bread tags, resulting in 121.9 pounds! This is equal to about 16,000 bread tags collected for Danielle Cares for Chairs. Your bread tag donations contribute to the 260,000 bread tags needed to purchase a basic wheelchair for a child. Thank you to The Lane School for your massive donation and to everyone who continues to donate them -- little things add up!

Starting a bread tag collection at your school is simple: simply set up a box for students and staff to bring them from home. You can additionally notify cafeteria staff to save any they may have. When you have a good amount collected, bring them by SCARCE! Just shoot us an email first so we know you're coming.

August is here and it's National Crayon Collection Month! This doesn't change much for SCARCE as we have been collecting crayons all year round for close to 30 years.

Our Super Crayon project diverts broken, unusable crayons from going to the landfill by recycling crayon pieces into “Super Crayons.” Volunteers help peel, sort, and melt the broken crayons. The liquid crayon mixture is poured into molds to form large Super Crayons in a variety of shapes which can be used by anyone, especially children with dexterity needs.
Thank you to all who bring us crayons and to those volunteers who spend time on this project.

If your class or school would like to start a crayon collection, check out our blog post for steps!
Upcoming Eco-Events
National Honey Bee Day
Thank you to our School Special Collections!

The following schools collected bread tags for us last month:

Cub Scout Pack 86 collected crayons and school supplies for SCARCE at Lester Elementary in Downers Grove
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities
Our Reuse Center couldn't function without these amazing individuals that dedicate their time each week to sorting, stocking, and organizing.

If you see them when you visit, give them a round of applause!
Mon-Fri: 9am-4:30pm
Saturdays 9am-12pm

Upcoming Special Dates
CLOSED September 4th, 5th, & 6th for Labor Day
Helpful Links
Ripples | SCARCE | 630.545.9710 | |
This newsletter was created by SCARCE and funded in part by the DuPage County Board, Daniel Cronin, Chairman,the DuPage County Environmental Committee, Sheila Rutledge, Chair, and the DuPage County Stormwater Committee, James Zay, Chair.
Kay McKeen, founder & director; Jan Breyne, Heather Goudreau, Bev Jaszczurowski,
Erin Kennedy, Jean Kent, Grecia Landin, Rose Naseef & Olivia Ryan

Environmental education programs are operated by SCARCE
This newsletter is part of the Teacher Training Program funded by DuPage County.
Our Professional Development Provider Number: 190000000000000
The mention of a specific product or company is not an endorsement by DuPage County's Environmental Education Program.