Ringer Digest
A Charter of the NHPA
Official Publication of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association
Charter Bulletin Board
2021 MGSHPA Tournament Schedule

Donnelly News
By Jerry Werk
Save the weekend of August 28 and 29 and put Donnelly Threshing Bee on your summer horseshoe schedule! 
We are celebrating our 50th Annual Horseshoe Tournament and have completed court upgrades. 
We invite you to come and be a part of our 50th celebration! 
Enter by contacting Jerry Werk at 320-246-3475 or 320-288-8067 or email us at werkkrew@runestone.net
Lower classes  will pitch on Saturday, August 28 / Higher classes pitch on Sunday, August 29
Our tournament is held in conjunction with an old-fashioned Threshing Bee! 
Saturday events include antique tractor pull, bean bag tournament, and queen coronation
Sunday events include parade and horse pull
Featuring gas engines, Bingo, Church food stands, music on the grounds, raffles for a pedal Ford tractor,
small toy tractors, and cash prizes.   Free parking on the grounds, primitive camping available.
Bring your family and come join the fun!  
Jerry Werk
The Alexandria Horseshoe League will be holding their spring organizational meeting in the Douglas County Library meeting room on Wednesday, April 21st at 6:00pm.  Everyone interested in learning more about our league is encouraged to attend.  Our league consists of pitchers of all abilities and we are willing and able to mentor anyone new to the sport or wanting to get back into it.    If you cannot attend, but would like more information contact Janet Larson @ 218-731-5987, text messages are acceptable also.    

Forest Lake

The Forest Lake Horseshoe Club Spring Meeting is scheduled for April 17th at 11:00 am at the FL VFW.   After the meeting please plan to stay and help with courts to prepare for the season.  If your dues have not been paid, please go online to the MGSHPA website and pay using eshoe if possible.   Thank you.  See you soon.
Joe and Helen

    Ray Volkers Captures 2021 NHPF  Title

     The 2021 NHPF Benefit Tournament had no shortage of hot horseshoe action on a winter Saturday. The day started with Class C pitching the first shift at 7:30. It was a very competitive class with many close games, but Tom Prokop, GHC, posted an undefeated 6-0 record to score the patch. Dan Belden was a close 2nd after being defeated by Tom by 1 point in the 2nd game. Rick Wright took 3rd place honors.

Brian Wipper, Dan Belden, Lance Van Wyhe, Rick Wright, Mike Timm, Tom Prokop, Mike Demars

                     Rick, 3rd     Tom, 1st        Dan, 2nd

      After some socializing time between shifts, Class B took the courts and fired off some exciting games. Dale Lipovsky edged out Nathan Dehkes in a close 4th round game, and won 1st place by the tiebreaker against Nathan. They both posted a 5-1 record, with Dale's only defeat coming at the hands of Patti Oakes in round 3. Brad Heth pulled in the 3rd place prize.

Nathan Dehkes, Phil Rodenberg, Shawn Warnemunde, Dale Lipovsky, Patti Oakes, Joe Mueller, Brad Heth

                Nathan, 2nd     Dale, 1st         Brad, 3rd

     Josh Olson got the tournament on live-stream social media for all to enjoy. Folks from all over the country were chiming in. We all took a break and snacked on some great sandwiches that Helen Hawkinson brought over, thank you they were fantastic.
     The A class got under way about 4:30. Ray Volkers, GHC, has been shooting well in league, and he didn't slow down for this event. Ray shot 63.75% to capture the title with a 5-1 record. Ray's only loss was Jerry Hokkala, who took the runner up spot at 4-2, 64.17%. Jerry tied for 2nd with Eric Dehkes, but won it on the HTH tiebreaker. Jerry was on track to win 1st but was narrowly defeated by Joshua Olson in an intense final round battle by a mere 2 points.

Josh Olson, Helen Hawkinson, Jerry Hokkala, Ray Volkers, Eric Dehkes, Mark Smith 

       Jerry, 2nd         Ray, 1st           Eric, 3rd

     In a tribute to my good friend Bill Marvin, all scorekeepers were paid a 2 dollar bill per game. Bill started that tradition at the 2009 Springfield World Tournament as an interesting way to track the flow and impact of local revenue from the world tournament visitors. The bills showed up everywhere. I always thought it was cool and  I enjoy doing this in his honor to keep it going. It could become a nationwide tribute to Bill Marvin.

       It was a great day of re-connecting with our horseshoe friends, and also live-streaming the fun out to the world. Looking forward to the next event here, the "Covid Crusher"

Jerry LaBrosse, Greenfield Horseshoe Club/Tournament Director

From the Prez
By Rick Wright

Hey Everyone.
I would like to thank the members that continued to support our association during this crazy year. After having a very limited season in 2020 thanks to the pandemic, the members of our association are at the lowest it has ever been in Minnesota. As it is understandable, it is time to regroup and start enjoying our sport again. I know that many of you have set the date for your spring meeting so I encourage our league directors to start rebuilding your league by welcoming back and encouraging all your members to come and enjoy playing our sport outdoors. I understand that there are a few city parks that are still closed and that affects some leagues during this time. Please reach out and invite fellow pitchers to come play in your league. We have a tremendous tournament schedule this year as well as our State Tournament in Hibbing. Just a reminder, you need 2 events to compete in the State Tournament. League counts as 1 event.
Our Spring Meeting will be held on June 5th at the Bud Nelson Tournament in ForestLake at Noon. I invite all members to attend even if you do not play in this tournament that day.
In upcoming news, this is the year that we elect a new President. Anyone that is interested, you must send in a written letter to me by August 1st. Just a reminder, we do not accept any nominations from the floor at the annual meeting.  
This is a new year and I wish everyone good health and let's have a positive outlook that the pandemic is coming to an end for good!
See you on the courts.
Jeff Washburn
Southern Vice President
by Jeff Washburn

       Greetings to all of our fellow MGSHPA pitchers, families, and friends. We are coming into one of my favorite times of the year, SPRING. Winter is just about gone, birds are chirping, golf courses are getting close to opening, and activities surrounding our great sport of horseshoes are starting to ramp up. I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge how surreal the past year has been for everyone. Who would have anticipated what the world has experienced with the pandemic, and let me offer my sincere condolences to everyone who lost a family member or friend to the virus. Hopefully in the next few months, most of this will be behind us as more and more people receive their vaccinations and we get back to doing what we were all doing before this pandemic started.
I have talked to several league directors recently so thanks to each of you for your updates. The tournament schedule has been out for some time now, and it looks as if most tournaments will be back in action in 2021. Most leagues across the Southern region appear to be going forward as well. Please help out your MGSHPA by renewing your dues as this is the primary source of income for our organization. Eshoe is available and an easy way to take care of this. Just access the MGSHPA website and click on Membership sign up and follow the prompts. You can also print a copy and mail your check to Ann Hagman.
As the days get longer and the temps keep warming up, please take a look at the tournament roster and see which ones might fit into your schedule. Perhaps you have a neighbor or friend that has been thinking of joining a club, so lets all keep our ambassador hats on and encourage new prospective pitchers. I look forward to seeing many of you on the courts this summer.

Here's a little something I thought you'd enjoy:

My First World Tournament - As a Spectator
Lafayette, Indiana, 1975
For those horseshoe pitchers who are willing to embark on a little journey with me, then I hope you enjoy reading this story. The year is 1975, and I am one year out of high school. In late May, I received notice that I had been hired for a summer job by the City of Duluth's Parks and Recreation Department at a whopping $2.50/hour. I was assigned to report to Wheeler Field in West Duluth, close to where I lived and not far from the iconic ore docks that have been used to load iron ore into Great Lakes freighters for many years. On my first day, I met my new boss. His name was George "HOTS" Anderson. Some of you that have been around horseshoes in MN for many years will certainly recognize this name, as Hots is in the MN hall of fame for bowling, fast pitch softball, and horseshoes. Hots brought me out to Peterson Arena (I knew of this arena as I had played amateur hockey in Duluth and this was one of 2 covered city hockey rinks). The other is the Fryberger Arena in Woodland. Inside the Peterson Arena, which I thought would be completely empty as it is now early June, I saw 12 horseshoe courts which used "portable" pitching platforms on either end of the courts. I was amazed at these portable courts, and as it turned out Duluth was ahead of its time on indoor pitching. My job was to take care of the courts, along with the 12 courts outside of the arena. After a while, I became pretty adept at turning the pits, adding just the right amount of water, painting the stakes, and getting the courts ready for league play. The Duluth Horseshoe Club had leagues going 4 nights a week, with doubles on Monday, Class C on Tuesday, Class B on Wednesday, and Class A on Thursday. Sadly, the Duluth Horseshoe Club does not exist today.
One day, Hots brought out a pair of Diamond Tournament horseshoes and asked me if I wanted to learn how to pitch. Of course, I said sure. I was 18 years old at that time and didn't mind a break from shoveling clay. That is how I got started in horseshoes 46 years ago. Hots became a good mentor, horseshoe instructor, and lifelong friend to the whole Washburn family. A short while later, my brother Scott was hired by Parks and Rec and he took over the horseshoe duties and I was tasked with taking care of the 5 baseball and softball fields at Wheeler Field. That was fun, and after a few weeks I became pretty good at dragging a baseball diamond and chalking the lines. My personal record was dragging and chalking 5 fields in 45 minutes, and the City paid me for 8 hours. That is how I earned the nickname of "Slider" and not because I played baseball.
In mid-July that year, Hots asked me if I would like to accompany him and his good friend Jim Newland to the World Horseshoe Tournament, which was taking place in Lafayette, Indiana. What an opportunity, I thought to myself, so I agreed. The tournament was scheduled from July 13th to August 3rd, however Hots and Jim wanted to go see the Class A pitchers on the last 5 days of the tourney. It is about 600 miles from Duluth to Lafayette, and I did most of the driving. It didn't take me too long to figure out maybe that was part of the reason Hots and Jim asked me to join them. Driving a manual 3 speed 6-cylinder Plymouth Valiant through the Chicago freeway system was probably better for an 18 year old "no fear" young punk kid rather than 2 older guys who might have frozen up on the Dan Ryan Expressway.
We arrived in Lafayette with no issues and proceeded to the tournament site. I was amazed at how many spectators there were. The grandstands, extending the entire length of what was at least 24 courts and perhaps more, were absolutely full of people.

Since it was the middle of the summer, it was hot, and I mean hot with high humidity. 90's every day, with the warmest temp hitting 95 degrees. I remember the wind being fairly steady except for rain and higher wind on one of the days. The pitchers seemed to pitch all day and into the evening, as the courts were lit by overhead lights similar to a hockey rink. I also vividly recall the big scoreboard that kept track of all the wins and losses for each player.
Men's Class A had 36 players, which means each person would play 35 games, 7 games a day for 5 straight days. The games were to 50 points and some of them went a lot longer than others and then the rest of the pitchers would have to wait. In checking the 1975 statistics, the average number of shoes pitched was approximately 80-85 shoes per game, in the heat and wind. 25 Class A pitchers averaged over 70%, 13 averaged over 75%, and 4 pitchers averaged over 80% for the entire 35 games. After one of the day's pitching was over, I mustered up the courage to go and try and say hello to Elmer Hohl. He was very cordial, and I asked if I could have my picture taken with him. He was more than happy to oblige and walked back with me to where Jim and Hots were sitting. At the time, we were in a group of other pitchers from Minnesota, including Andy Paglarini from Hibbing, who had just WON the Men's Class A Intermediate World Championship earlier that week. I vividly recall Elmer Hohl saying to our group, "I guess it must be pretty nice sitting here in the stands while we are out there pitching in the heat". Well, I thought Andy Paglarini was going to come out of his shoes and punch Elmer, as Andy certainly wasn't a spectator, but Elmer didn't know that. Elmer Hohl went on to win Class A that year with a 33-2 record and averaging 84.53% ringers. Perhaps this personal experience with Elmer might be a small reason why I pitch Elmer Hohl shoes today.
Hots, Jim, and I thoroughly enjoyed the competition over those 5 days, and today I'm very happy to be able to say I got to watch all of these legends of the game in their prime. Us 3 stooges made it back to MN safely, dropping Jim off at his home in Fridley and then Hots and I making our way back to Duluth. What an experience, and this event is still THE reason why I still thoroughly enjoy going to World Tournaments as a spectator. Perhaps one of these years I will go as both a pitcher and a spectator, we will have to see.
This brings me to my final thoughts. In the January-February 2021 edition of the NHPA's Horseshoe Pitching Newsline, 3rd Vice President Jerry Smith wrote what I consider a very interesting and thought-provoking article on the Greatest of All Time pitchers. After my 1975 World Tournament experience with 36 pitchers playing a 35-game round robin tournament, 7 games a day for 5 days, 50-point games, in the daylight, nighttime, heat, humidity, wind, and some rain, it does beg the question: How would today's best have done in the 1975 conditions, and how would the best of 1975 have done in the climate-controlled, air-conditioned, windless arenas of today. I invite each of you to give this your personal thoughts.
Jeff Washburn South Vice President

Ray Volkers Strikes Again!!
Can it be "home field advantage?
     The "Covid Crusher" tournament was held on a beautiful sunny February day, but the action was hot inside the "Greenfield Academy for Sports Excellence", home of the Greenfield Horseshoe Club. Players traveled from all over MN and one from ND, our friend Jerald Hagen.

     Once again we paid our scorekeepers a 2 dollar bill for each game  to honor the memory of my buddy Bill Marvin, former NHPA officer. I hope to see this being done at all tournaments where scorekeepers are paid. 
     April Lynch dominated the C class with an unblemished 5-0 record. April and John Hustings were tied for first going into the final round. Hustings ended up in 2nd place after being defeated by Lynch 41-23. Tom Prokop pulled in third place honors

L/R Paul Olson, Brian Wipper, Tom Prokop, April Lynch, John Hustings, Lance Van Wyhe

Tom Prokop, April Lynch, John Hustings
     The B class was very competitive at the top. Brad Heth and Jim Aleckson were also tied for first going into the final round. Brad prevailed over Jim in a tight match 32-24 to take first place. Nathan Dehkes ended in third with a 3-2 record and posted the high ringer percentage for the class at 54.21%

R/L    Jerald Hagen, Nathan Dehkes, Joe Mueller, Brad Heth, Patti Oakes, Jim Aleckson

Nathan Dehkes, Brad Heth, Jim Aleckson
       The A class started with some fantastic games from Helen Hawkinson and Lori York 42-37 (Helen), as well as Eric Dehkes and Ray Volkers 42-36 (Ray). Several games went down to the last pitch.
Ray Volkers methodically worked his way through the first 4 games undefeated, and had the championship wrapped up right there because nobody else had 3 wins. There was a 3 way tie for 2nd place. It was announced that the first tiebreaker would be HTH, then go to high over average. All three had tied for the HTH, so it went to High over and Mark smith ended in 2nd place and Eric Dehkes in 3rd. Josh Olson took the 4th position, but was the only player to defeat the champion Ray Volkers. Smith posted a tournament high 57.46 ringer percentage, with Eric Dehkes posting 55.51%

R/L    Lori York, Mark Smith, Ray Volkers, Eric Dehkes, Josh Olson, Helen Hawkinson

Mark Smith, Ray Volkers, Eric Dehkes
     Thank you Helen for bringing over those great sandwiches and snacks. And thanks Josh for setting up the live streaming throughout the day and also helping organize the monitor situation. It's nice to know a good IT guy. We all had a generous slice of normalcy and everyone had a great time. The event really lived up to it's name.....COVID CRUSHER 

Ray, Eric, Mark, and Josh laughing it up between games.

Ray and Helen are all smiles after a hard fought close game !

 Jerry LaBrosse, Greenfield Horseshoe Club/Tournament Director

From the Editor
Jerry LaBrosse

   I hope this digest finds you healthy and happy during this most challenging year. Things are looking up in many ways, particularly the pandemic. I'm sure many of you are already vaccinated and soon everyone will be, and life will start getting back to a new normal.
     There should be league play across the state, and we have a full tournament schedule just waiting for you to explore. Maybe this would be a great year to not only pitch in your regular favorite tournaments, but pick a tournament that you've not played before and give it a try.
    Our state association, as well as most charters, has really taken a hit in membership numbers. We all need to try and keep that in mind and make sure we stay involved and spread the word about our sport. It's outdoors, inexpensive, good exercise, and fun for any age. If we can share that message, some people will discover the simple joys of pitching horseshoes.
If you are thinking about entering the World Tournament in Minnemucca Nevada this summer, but are waiting and watching the entries, I suggest you send your entry now, or enter online. The earlier that the NHPA receives enough entries, the sooner they will finalize and confirm all the plans.

Helen's Corner
by Helen Hawkinson

    Jim Aleckson's name is well known in the horseshoe world. He has been pitching horseshoes for 60 years. He is 83 this year and he started pitching when he was 23 and loves it just as much today as when he started. He told me he still gets butterflies before the tournaments he plays in. He has a brother who pitched, but he got his start from his cousin who is well known as well as he was inducted into the National Hall of Fame in 2013. Jim pitches a ¾ turn shoe and enjoys pitching in the clay more than sand.

Jim has pitched in 11 world tournaments. His first world tournament was in 1981 in Genola, MN where he pitched in B Class. He made it to the qualifying round with 66% but didn't take 1st. He laughed when he told a story about the 1989 world tournament in Spearfish, SD. He made it to the qualifying round at 67%, along with 31 others. He said he lost every game except one and that was because the Georgia State Champ left and forfeited. The championship games started at 10:00 pm at night and finished the first night at 4:00 am and the 2nd night (morning I should say) at 2:00 am! What perseverance they had back then!

Jim was very proud of getting 22 ringers in a row in 1976 Class A at the MN State Tournament when he pitched at 40 feet. But he lost to Jack O'Connor, who was the 5 time State Champ.

In 2018 at age 70 Jim moved to 30 feet and that was where he won the MN State Title. But his highest game ever pitched was at his favorite tournament - the Beloit Team World Tournament. Jim pitched 35 ringers in a row and ended with a 87.5% game. He is so proud of that accomplishment.

He enjoys pitching at tournaments all around the state and his wife accompanies him and enjoys watching him pitch. Jim Aleckson is a big part of our Minnesota horseshoe family and we look forward to many more tournaments with him
Junior Promotion
by April Lynch

Big & Little Community Education League

   We are proud to introduce our newest endeavor to try to grow the sport of Horseshoes, starting at the elementary school age. This spring Helen Hawkinson-Mike, Michelle Foard and I are teaching a class through the Forest Lake Community Education in which children and/or young adults are teaming with an adult (their parent or sibling) and will learn proper technique, scoring, and then play 20 shoe games each week for six weeks at the Forest Lake VFW. The class starts on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm beginning June 1 and ends July 7. If you know of anyone in the Forest Lake area that may be interested, direct them to the Community Education website at: Home - Forest Lake Area Schools Community Education (eleyo.com). They can get in touch with Helen or I as well. Hharleyhawk28@gmail.com or aprilhnybr@frontiernet.net. We are very excited about growing the sport, and having fun along the way.
Michelle Foard
Promotions/News Media
By Michelle Foard

        Happy Spring to all! With the weather warming up leagues will be having their spring meetings soon. I can certainly post about any club meetings coming up on our Facebook page. Also those of you on FB check out your community page and post in there about your spring meeting.
I had Jerry post a few non sanctioned tournaments that are coming up. April 24th in Ham Lake. Also the Hinkley tournament on July 11th. Keep in mind non sanctioned tournaments are a great place to try and recruit new members. I always have a lot of fun at these tournaments. If you have questions, get a hold of me and I can answer them for you.
As tournaments and leagues are kicking off I would love for you to take your own pictures. Send them to me and I will share on FB. I also share on other pages as well. It is great to see pitchers represented from all over. If you host a tournament take a group photo and then the top 3 and send it to me.
I certainly hope to get out to several tournaments this summer. I love taking photos and videos of you all pitching. Make sure to contact your club and find out about your spring meeting. Make sure you renew your membership. Hope to see you all soon. 


Ham Lake Lanes
Non Sanctioned

When: April 24th 2021
Sign up by 10:30am
Start at 11am
Where: 16465 MN-65 NE
Ham Lake, MN 55304
Cost: $10 per person
Bring your own partner. If you don't have one we will find one for you. We will play round robin.
Questions contact: Sara Merten
Cash Payouts

First Annual Hinckley Corn & Clover Carnival Veterans Memorial Non Sanctioned Tournament

When: July 11th 2021
Time to be determined
Where: 102 Dunn Ave S
Hinckley, Mn 55037
Cost: $20 per tournament
Hosted by: Hinckley VFW
Info: Morning tournament is draw for partners. Afternoon is Tournament of Champions. You and your partner(of choice)must have won a singles or doubles tournament at some point in time.Trophies and cash prizes paid put to 5th place.
More info to be published in next Ringer Digest. Just wanted you to have to date ahead of time. If you have questions you can contact Michelle Foard at Lynx3921@aol.com

NHPA Regional Director's report
  By Josh Olson

On the Court with Josh

Greetings everyone!

I hope everyone has had a good winter here in the gopher state. I know for me it has been both a crazy and exciting winter from announcements of tournaments on my schedule getting canceled and with my recent adventure of purchasing my first home! Lots of exciting things are instore that is for sure!

It has been great to see the Winter tournaments flourishing both in Isanti and at Jerry's Barn. Do not forget that we have a couple tournaments yet this Spring to be held in Becker, one in April and the other in May! Our 2021 Summer Schedule is still coming along as planned. If you have not checked out EShoe we have a complete schedule for the 2021 season right in one spot (Also on the MGSHPA Website). I encourage everyone to participate in our Tournaments and Leagues and bring a friend along, especially a friend that has never played before, lets see if we can get our Charter back up in Membership and reclaim that #1 Charter spot for Membership again!

I would like to Encourage everyone to still sign up to go to Winnemucca Nevada for the 2021 World Tournament, we are going into the right direction with COVID and this pandemic. The event is still scheduled as planned and I hope to see you all there in July! The Dates are July 19th - 31st. And remember you only need (2) events to qualify this year, so get out and get qualified. The Deadline has also been extended to June 8th, so there will be plenty of tournaments to get yourself qualified if you still need an event or two. (Remember that you need 2 events in the past 12 months from June 8th ).

Its never to early to start thinking about the State Tournament as well everyone, Labor Day weekend up in Hibbing! Plan to be there it will be a fun and exciting time like it is every year.

From the Stats Man

       Well 2021 is here at last, we have the 2021 MGSHPA tournament schedule available at Eshoe and periodically on the Website for up-coming events. Do any of you keep track of your "Career Stats" in the horseshoe world? Well, I started to, then I kind of stopped for a while, but I recently sat down at my computer and went back and filled in the rest of the tournaments that I had missed on my spreadsheet and it was a lot of tournaments let me tell you, I am talking about 114 tournaments, yes...114 tournaments. I did not realize that I stopped keeping track of my horseshoe career after I moved to the Men's Division over 9 years ago...It takes a lot of patience and determination to finish something like this, although I do not have all the stats, I am missing some results from 2016 and one or two out of state tournaments that I pitched in over the years as well. Did you know that you can look back and see almost all the tournaments on the MGSHPA website going back to 2003? Well, you can, my career did not start as a Sanction pitcher until 2008 at non other than the State Tournament in Genola, Minnesota. I was 14 years old and I got thrown to the wolves right away as Junior and was in the mix with Joey Mueller, Joe Rolfes and Katie Sheehan just to name a few. My 22% got me the #6 spot of 6 in the Junior Championship Class. I was so excited, I even won 2 games and pitched about 14% over my entry average and let's just say the rest is history! I have loved every moment of horseshoes ever since, there has been some ups and some downs but one thing that you can take away from this great sport is the friendships and fellowship that you ender that makes you want to be at the tournaments each weekend.

Some fun stats that I have compiled.

As a junior I pitched in 28 tournaments from 2008-2011

I won 113 games and lost 70 = .6174 Win%

I pitched 3,048 ringers out of 7,618 shoes which comes out to be a combined ringer% of 39.89%

I won 8 tournaments, one of which was my 2010 State Tournament Championship Win!

My Career in the "Men's Division"

I have pitched in 116 tournaments from 2011 - present day.

I have won 409 games and lost 374. = .5223 Win%

I have pitched 17,508 ringers out of 38,680 shoes so far

I have 15 Tournament Victories so far in the Men's Division with one of those being a 2012 World Class Champion and Men's State Title from 2015.

Tournament Info



Saturday April 10th

Limited to the first 24 PAID entries

Entry fee $35

Entry deadline April 1st

Format TBA

Contact Brian Wipper
9184  37th St SE
 St. Cloud, MN 56304

masks optional

Clank & Thud Spring Fling
Tournament Date:05/01/2021

Josh Olson Tournament Director
Contact info: 218-639-4641
Josh Olson
PO BOX 353
Bertha, MN 56437
Entry Fee: $40

limited to first 24 PAID Entries $40/Entry Fee, High Cash Payouts, 50/50 Drawing, some concessions on Hand. 8 Person Classes, Handicapped possibly in Class B and C, Class A will play 40 Points or straight up 40 shoes. Location: Becker Facility 12155 Hancock Street Becker, MN 55308 

Alexandria Open
Tournament Date: 05/29/2021
Deadline: 05/19/2021
Janet Larson Tournament Director
Contact Info: 218-731-5987
Janet Larson
22651 Co Road 82 NW
Evansville, MN 56326

Entry fee: $30
8 Person Mixed Classes 50/50 Drawing between shifts In case of rain, Tournament will be held at Bertha Lion's Building.

Bud Nelson Open
VFW Courts, Forest Lake, MN
Tournament Director: 06/05/21 (SAT)
Deadline: 05/28/21
Tournament Director:
Joe Mueller
2057 152nd Lane
Ham Lake, MN 55304
Entry Fee: $30
Other Info:
Mixed classes, cash prizes, MGSHPA Meeting in between shifts.

Brooklyn Park Open
Central Park, Brooklyn Park, MN
Tournament Date: 06/12/21 (SAT)
Deadline: 06/02/21
Tournament Director:
Jon Vanryswyk
4145 Xenia Ave N
Robbinsdale, MN 55422
Other Info:
Mix Classes
Handicap if needed
Cash Prizes, 50/50 Drawing

West St. Paul Open
1650 Oakdale Ave, St Paul, MN 55118
Tournament Date: 06/13/21 (SUN)
Deadline: 06/06/21
Tournament Director:
Patti Oakes
2138 Williams St.
Roseville, MN 55113
Entry Fee: $30
Other Info:
Masks will be required at all times during competition
Mixed Classes, Handicap if necessary, Cash prizes

Bertha Open
Bertha Lions Building, Bertha, MN
Tournament Date: 06/19/21 (SAT)
Deadline: 06/09/21
Tournament Director:
Josh Olson
PO BOX 353
Bertha, MN 56437
Entry Fee: $40
Other Info:
Limited to First 32 PAID Entries
9AM and 1PM Shifts
Class A will play 40 Point Games
Electronic scoring, high cash payouts

RJ Challenge
VFW Courts, Forest Lake, MN
Tournament Date: 06/20/21
Deadline: 06/10/21
Tournament Director:
Joe Mueller
2057 152nd Lane
Ham Lake, MN 55304
Entry Fee: $40
Other Info:
Special format, you will get to play against pitchers you normally wouldn't play during a tournament. 50/50 Drawing, High Cash Payouts.

Hibbing Open
Bennett Park, Hibbing, MN
Tournament Date: 06/26/21
Deadline: 06/16/21
Tournament Director:
Rory "Rocky" Pierce
10415 HWY 37
Hibbing, MN 56249
Entry Fee: $30
Other Info:
Mixed Classes, 50/50 Drawing, Cash prizes

Publishing Schedule for the MGSHPA Ringer Digest
State Tournament Issue

Send all digest materials to the Jerry LaBrosse  Jlabro6186@aol.com

Use these simple sign up forms to receive the Ringer Digest and  NHPA Newsline publications:
MGSHPA Executive Board                      MGSHPA Directors

Rick Wright
50586 Shorewood Circle
Rush City ,Mn 55069

PO Box 353
Bertha, MN 56437

North Vice President
Position currently vacant
South Vice President
Jeff Washburn
3479   Vivian Ave
Shoreview, MN  55126
(651) 724-7899

Ringer Digest Editor
Jerry LaBrosse
8170 Fern Lane
Greenfield,MN 55357

Josh Olson
PO Box 353
Bertha, MN 56437

PO Box 353
Bertha, MN 56437

Nominations Director 
Joe Mueller
2057 152nd Lane
Ham Lake, MN 55304

Constitution and Bylaws
Position currently vacant

Promotion/News Media Director
Michelle Foard
5228 Pierce St NE
Fridley, MN  55421

Junior Promotions Director
April Lynch
25679 Friesland Ct
Wyoming, MN 55902

Communications Director
Jerry LaBrosse
8170 Fern Lane
Greenfield, MN 55357

About Us
MGSHPA's Ringer Digest is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association. It is free to members of the MGSHPA and other interested parties. Changes of email address can be sent directly to the editor     Jlabro6186@aol.com

All submissions to the Ringer Digest Editor is subject to editing, available space, and must be received by the 10th of the month preceding the date of issue.
Stay Connected

Minnesota Gopher State
Horseshoe Pitchers Association


The MGSHPA is a charter member of the National Horseshoe Pitchers' Assocation (NHPA)