Channeling the Upper Valley | |
May 9, 2022
Weekly Highlights
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Art can help anyone through tough times, according to Hood Museum curator John Stomberg. Travel with him into the sculptures of Ghanian artist El Anatusi and Choctaw/ Cherokee/ American Jeffrey Gibson and American painter Jane Hammond. "Be open to connections and bringing things together that are not alike," says Stomberg. | |
Recorded just prior to Justice Alito's leaked Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, this week's conversation with NH State Representatives Mary Hakken-Phillips, Russell Muirhead with VT Reps Becca White and Jim Masland touches on the contrasting legislative approaches to reproductive rights in two states, with increasing protections in VT and restrictions in NH. Other topics include the courage of legislators who sacrificed their seats to pass Civil Unions in VT and procedural extremes to get legislators to vote. | |
What questions do you ask? What are the environmental pros and cons? Charging an EV is like paying $1.50 a gallon for gas, and maintenance costs are less. That's the view of David Roberts of Drive Electric Vermont. Plus, learn about special EV rates and incentives from Green Mountain Power.
From Sustainable Woodstock's 'Green Drinks' series.
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Orientation clocks... stair glides... rollators... reachers... smart lights. All are aids occupational therapists use to help with home health care. Learn the A to Zs. From Visiting Nurse & Hospice of VT & NH in cooperation with Dartmouth Health. | |
Produced by Jordyn Fitch & Simon Reed for CATV
Live-streamed April 28, 2022 from the Hotel Coolidge
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Join WISE's Executive Director Peggy O'Neil, Program Director Kate Rohdenburg, and producer Jess Chayes as they talk about the themes that emerged In producing a podcast retrospective of WISE's first years creating positive change against gender-based violence. WISE partnered with Northern Stage to create the podcast series, which features stories of the people who helped evolve WISE into the organization it is today. You can listen to the series and other local podcasts on CATV's "Listen" page.
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Pictured: Hanover, NH Selectboard.
Find local government and school meetings for Hartford, Norwich, and Hartland, VT; Hanover, NH and Lebanon, NH (SAU88 only).
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Pictured: United Methodist Church, White River Junction
Join your local house of worship or visit a new one Sundays.
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Gardening help from
Join Allie, Sam, Emma, Kari and Lisa in episode 4 for book recommendations to inspire your gardening and some great gardening tips to help us all fully embrace spring and summer!
Shelf Help is a collaboration between the Book Jam, a nonprofit designed to inspire readers; CATV Upper Valley media community; three Upper Valley bookstores: Yankee Bookshop in Woodstock, VT; the Norwich Bookstore in Norwich, VT; and Still North Books & Bar in Hanover, NH.
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@CATV in the Briggs, the Upper Valley & Online
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White River Indie Films (WRIF) Festival 2022 delivers two weekends of new global cinema that puts a lens to our changing world. Ten feature films and an array of shorts at the Briggs Opera House, a free outdoor screening in Lyman Park, a showcase of local filmmakers, panel conversations, movie trivia night, parties, and more.
May 20-29
Briggs Opera House & Lyman Park
White River Junction, VT
Schedule & passes now available:
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Film & Media Maker Open House at JAM
Saturday, May 21, 5-6:30pm
Come JAM with CATV in our new home base-in-progress at Junction Arts & Media in the Newberry Market space between Tuckerbox & Piecemeal Pies
5 S. Main Street, White River Junction VT
Learn about media production equipment & facilities including podcast and studio livestream recording available to the public, meet film/media makers and film/media-curious, gnosh and share your ideas for building our local multimedia community.
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@CATV's "jamLABs" with local media professionals & jam CAMPs for kids
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Wednesday 5/11 6-9pm
remote via ZOOM
Register to receive link
Feature Screenwriting
with Rivers Cahee
We all possess a voice, unique to our lives as individuals. In this workshop, I will focus on helping our artists enhance their voices, while also applying structure into the stories they wish to tell. We will begin with screenwriting’s basic principles, from the premise, through the relationship between character and plot with a focus on writing for feature film format.
Rivers Cahee is a screenwriter and learning filmmaker from Lafayette, Louisiana. At Dartmouth, he pivoted from football to pursue the arts. Upon graduation, Rivers completed two short films and won the James Joseph Kaplan ‘Filmmaker of the Year’ award. He is now stationed in New York City where he is beginning his career as a writer for AMC studios.
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Saturday 5/14 10a-1pm
Digital Music Production
with Chris Lehmann
In this hands-on workshop, I will share my current interest: orchestral music composition for film and video games. We will explore the storytelling power of music as well as the nuts and bolts of creating it with entirely digital tools. Depending on participants’ interests, we may also touch on producing electronic dance music.
Chris Lehmann is a composer, producer and musician based in Boston. He has experience playing guitar and piano, but almost all of his music is created electronically. In his 10+ years of producing he has released over 30 original songs, and created many tutorial videos on YouTube to help others interested in music production.
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What’s your media jam, kids?
Find out at CATV's jamCAMPs!
June 27 - July 1 Studio Production
July 5-8 Music Video Production
July 11-18 News & Multimedia Journalism
July 18-22 Animation Camp
July 25-29 Martial Arts Moving Making
Camp directors are media-making professionals supported by teen and young adult counselors.
Grades 5-12
Learn more and register here!
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From around the region... | |
CATV partners with the Vermont Access Network (VAN) for HD (high def) community-produced content on Comcast 1070 (VT) and streaming everywhere.
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Produced by ORCA Media in Montpelier, VT for Vermont Access Network
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In this hour-long interview Republican candidate for Congress Erika Redic discusses her belief that "the Green Mountain State has become better known for its mountain of taxes and regulations than its ski resorts. We’re leaving drug addicts and mentally ill people on the street and calling it mercy." | |
CATV supports lifelong learning to engage the tools of media for individual and community expression in the Upper Valley. | |
Studio in the Briggs Opera House
5 S. Main Street, White River Junction, VT 05001
Media Lab in the Hartford Area Career & Technology Center
1 Gifford Road, White River Junction, VT 05001
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