CFI Canada is your community for science and secularism - take a peek at our latest news and information.

Dr. Richard Carrier Is Returning to Toronto

This is not a CFIC event, but many members will be eager to say hello to Dr. Richard Carrier:

Richard Carrier will be presenting his seminar on Why the Gospels Are Fiction, with a question and answer session afterwards. Dr. Carrier has a Ph.D. in ancient history from Columbia University and has produced numerous peer reviewed publications on the study of Jesus and other subjects. This will be a prime opportunity to ask an accomplished and expert historian anything and everything pertaining to the historicity of Jesus and the historical reliability of the Gospels. His many books will be available for purchase; and on request Dr. Carrier will autograph them. Those books include On The Historicity Of Jesus, Proving History, Not The Impossible Faith, Why I Am Not A Christian, and more.

Canada to Repeal Criminal Code Section 296?

Centre For Inquiry Canada began its campaign of opposition to Canada's blasphemous libel law in the autumn of 2014 with public education regarding the law, leading formation of the International Coalition Against Blasphemy Laws, meetings with high-ranking government officials and via significant support by our members of a Parliamentary petition which generated necessary support to earn Parliament's response.

We are very encouraged to note.........

On June 6, CBC News reported that Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould tabled a bill that will repeal a number of outdated Criminal Code sections, including section 296, Canada's blasphemous libel law.

Other news sources:

Catholic Register on Denmark...

Coincidentally, the Canadian government recently introduced a bill that would eliminate Canada's blasphemy law, known as "blasphemous libel." Introduced on June 6, Bill C-51 as part of a cleanup effort to eliminate outdated law in the Criminal Code.

While Marshall said he would agree with some opposition to blasphemy, he opposed criminalization, saying that "dragging the modern state into the matter increases hostility and will not have the desired effect."

In some countries such laws "tend to lead to mob and vigilante violence - which is a far greater threat to those accused than is state action."

National Post

Bill C-51, introduced Tuesday by Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, contains a large update to the Criminal Code that also repeals various obsolete, irrelevant or unconstitutional sections.

In addition, the legislation will require every new government bill come with a statement describing how it affects Charter rights and freedom, a practice the Liberal government has already been following under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Please Renew Your Membership with CFIC

Please take a moment to renew your membership with CFI Canada.

Centre For Inquiry Canada | 647-391-2342 | |