We are praising and honoring our Heavenly Father for this amazing accomplishment! By God's grace and His favor, He has allowed Rhovonda's debut book, Walking in Freedom! A Thirty-Day Devotional Journey for Women, to make it on Amazon's Best Seller List in the Women's Inspirational Spirituality category.
Only God can be exalted and glorified! This is just the beginning. We praise Him for Rhovonda's obedience to share her gift with the world. And we thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers.
Help us celebrate what God is doing. Click here to congratulate Rhovonda.
See what's all the buzz is about. Click
here to read testimonies and reviews of how the devotional book,
Walking in Freedom!, is impacting lives for Christ.
If you haven't had a chance to join others on a journey of discovery, inspiration, motivation, and growth, today is your chance to take the 30-Day Challenge. Begin now!