Cost Transfer Policy and Procedures & Cost Transfer Form REVISED
This OSP Cost Transfer Policy & Procedures has been revised to eliminate the outside routing and signatures needed for the Cost Transfer (CT) Form. This policy impacts any costs that are transferred to or from a GR account. The policy aligns with the Business Process in Workday. The revised form must be completed and attached to the workday JV process which will then be routed for required approvals including OSP. The revised CT Form must be used for any cost transfers and no more routing for signatures or via email - just complete and upload to the BP to be reviewed and approved.
The revised policy & procedures and form are available in the OSP Researcher Toolkitas well. The OSP website will have the updated policy and form soon.
For NIH, changes to the grant application and peer review processes will impact all grant application submitted for due dates on or after January 25th, 2025. The announcement from NIH for this can be found at:
Althea Sheets, Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities Development Manager, Office of Sponsored Programs,,702-895-1880