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Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany
June 2020 (Rev. 1)
Clergy Clatter
Well. It turns out that old dogs can learn new tricks. If there is one positive thing that has come out of this dreadful virus, it is that I have tried my hand at cooking – and enjoyed it. As most of you know, I have eaten all of my meals “out.” I have my favorite haunts. I figure out what I want to eat and visit my favorite restaurant that offers that particular thing. I know that sounds ridiculous to people who enjoy cooking for themselves, but it has worked for me. That is, until this pandemic closed ALL of my favorite restaurants. Oh, I know. I can call in an order and go pick it up and bring it home. But it’s not the same.
I tried the “to go thing” for about two weeks. It might work for Chinese, but it doesn’t work for a wonderful dinner with great sauces and a beautiful presentation, dumped into a box. What goes in, has to come out. And some of the delicious meals that I pulled out of to-go boxes left me anything but hungry.
So I donned my mask and braved a trip to Food Lion. I had forgotten the old adage about not going to the grocery store when you are hungry. After dropping a few hundred dollars, I went home with a freezer full of TV dinners, a few bags of canned vegetables, some salad fixings, and a lot of deserts. Most of the TV dinners are in the freezer waiting for a power failure so I have an excuse to throw them away. My trip to the store was during the height of the shortages. I had planned on some nice steaks and chops, and stuff I knew I liked. I discovered that I’d better take what I could get and figure it out when I got home – ground beef, sausages, sauerkraut, etc. The first couple of meals were horrible, but then I discovered Greek salad dressing. You can pour it on anything, and it becomes tasty. Each meal got a little better, bolstered by salads that contained everything but the kitchen sink.
The one thing that seems beyond me is fish. I love fish. So I bought some frozen Cod filets from Britain. I figured the way the Brits like their fish and chips, I couldn’t go wrong. Wrong! Those things are their revenge for the Boston Tea Party. I’m going to have to work on this fish thing.
But as late afternoon rolls around, I find myself enjoying planning what I’ll fix. I’ve pledged to add something new to every meal. I’ve found that I have a passion for sautéed celery on almost everything. Whoever heard?
I mention all of this as we move into trying to get our church opened for worship. It’s going to be different. It’s going to take some experimenting, just like our video services and my cooking. But with a little creativity, and some noble experiments, some neat things can happen. The important thing is that we pull together, stay together, and work together to find a way to get back into our house. We have our worshipping community. Now it needs its home back.
Richard +

Vestry Highlights
May 14, 2020

  • Reported that our on-line services, Coffee Klatch, and Adult Class are being well received.

  • Reported that the Centennial Anniversary Committee has been meeting by Zoom. Joyce Williams shared initial ideas and requested historical pictures of interest.

  • Reported that Epiphany has received a Payroll Protection Program grant to keep our staff employed. John Greene was requested to get additional details from the Bank as to how the program works.

  • Reviewed in detail Recommendation #2 from Tina Wright's Audit requesting further information on approval of expenses. Agreed to keep the present policy in place.
Morning Prayer You Tube Schedule

June 7 - Trinity Sunday:
  • Homily by Richard Bridgford.
  • Officiant - Julia Ashby.
  • Lector - Mary Shaffer, John Moscoe, Gayle Greene, Vaughn Coffman.
  • Organist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

June 14 - Second Sunday after Pentecost:

  • Homily by Julia Ashby.
  • Officiant - Richard Bridgford.
  • Lector - TBA.
  • Organist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

June 21 - Third Sunday after Pentecost:

  • Homily by Richard Bridgford.
  • Officiant - Julia Ashby.
  • Lector - TBA.
  • Organist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

June 28 - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost:

  • Homily by Julia Ashby.
  • Officiant - Richard Bridgfors.
  • Lector - TBA.
  • Organist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

B e on the lookout for emails giving the details and links for the services on YouTube featuring our favorite priests, Richard Bridgford and Julia Ashby.
Status on Regathering for Worship

If there is one question that I am being asked by everyone, it's "When do we get back into church?"

When Bishop Haynes met with the Norfolk Clergy via Zoom she shared a little bit of information that may be helpful. In the very near future, the diocese will be issuing a list of guidelines. Each congregation will have to prepare a plan for returning to in-person-worship, and that plan will have to be submitted to the diocese for approval. So - it will not be immediate. The Vestry will have to appoint the committee. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please let me or one of the Wardens (Joyce Williams & Brian Pritchard) know. A note by email would be best.

Richard +
In Our Thoughts and Prayers

Linda Armstrong
Sheila Brinck
Jerry Cronin
Kevin LaPointe
Mike Scott
Nell Steckman
June Birthdays

11         Kimie Porter
11        Edmond Thompson
12        Lisa Kopacz
19        Wes Irby
25         Mary Evelyn Scheible
26         Junie Pritchard
27        Melinda Youngblood
28        Anna Cronin
29        Nakiah Newsome

June Anniversaries

9 - Marcie & Robert Kidd
10 - Kimie & Jonas Porter
14 - Sharon & Kenneth Barrineau
15 - Mike & Gini Scott
18 - Brian & Junie Pritchard
Dear Friends and parishioners,
Thanks to all of you who have continued to pledge and give during the social distancing that has canceled our church services for the time being. If you’re not presently giving but would like to, remember the mailbox at Epiphany is locked and secure. If you mail in a gift, it will be counted and deposited during the week by Jackie Rochelle, our chief money counter. If you want to pay by credit card, Jackie can take your credit card payment over the phone; call her at 757-435-2302. The treasurer John Greene and also Lynne Pipis who writes our checks are both also busy behind the scenes. We thank everyone who helps keep the bills paid.
Peace, Julia 

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