May 2021
Dear Friends,

I am filled with joy and gratitude to have been back in Comstock with the entire Shumla staff. Something I would have previously taken for granted felt momentous. We joked with one another, "You look so good in 3D!" And it's true. We are fortunate to report that we all came through the long months healthy and whole.

Being together again we remembered how grateful we are for our friendships, our passion for our work, and our bond as a team. Even Comstock seemed to welcome our reunion with beautiful blooms after the rains and warm sunshine with cool breezes. I couldn't ask for more.

I hope you are experiencing happy reunions these days as well.

All the best,
Always together in heart.
Now back together in the office!

Our first night together we gathered for a pachanga party! We exchanged bear hugs that lasted an awkwardly long time. We played a cut-throat game of spinners dominos and Karen came out victorious. We ate an amazing potluck mix of cuisine. Of course, Vicky cooked up a mean brisket that made for the perfect tacos to go with our margaritas. It was as if no time had passed but we were acutely aware of how long it had been.

In the office we focused on team building, strategizing and getting used to having our normal work days back. We have no time to waste! We are busy in the field and lab, writing grants, leading Shumla Treks and much more. This time together was much needed to re-energize our team as we approach the many new and exciting plans we have in store for the rest of the year.

It's because of supporters like you that we can continue this important work with our incredible staff. We have so much to look forward to and we couldn't do it without your support.

Thank you for getting us through the ups and downs of the past 15 months. We couldn't do what we do without YOU!
Earlier this month our friend and advocate, Bill Worrell, passed away.

Worrell was one of the most vibrant and joyful people in our Shumla world. His connection to the ancient rock art of the Lower Pecos ran deep and inspired his own exceptional art. His iconic voice and presence opens our Shumla video. Click below to watch as he tells the story of his first encounter with the ancient paintings.
Worrell loved Shumla and Shumla loved Worrell. We will miss him greatly, but remember him often and fondly.
This weekend we'll take our first group of trekkers on our very first Shumla Trek! We're so thrilled to share this one-of-a-kind experience.

Did you miss the chance to join the May Treks?
Never fear! We are offering two Treks next month!
June Shumla Treks
1. June 19, 2021 - Visit Painted Shelter and Vaquero Shelter

(June 20th is Father's Day. Take your Dad on a Trek!)
Each Trek costs $160 per person. Fees fund the Shumla Treks program (expert guide, entrance fees, etc.) and a portion contributes to our preservation efforts.
Ready for Trekking
Last week Vicky, Emil, Jessica and Veronica ventured out for some reconnaissance to map out the best path for our trekkers to have the ultimate Shumla experience.
We can't wait to share these incredible sites with you.
How Old is Lower Pecos Art?

Join Dr. Karen Steelman, Shumla's Science Director and the director of our 14C plasma oxidation laboratory, as she shares the science of dating Lower Pecos murals to determine when they were painted.

It's FREE! Click below to register.
Once you've registered, you'll receive an email confirmation with a Zoom link for the event. We will send a reminder email on the day of the event.

We look forward to seeing you on zoom!
Congratulations to the 2021 Comstock High School Graduates!

This past school year, Shumla's Science Director, Dr. Karen Steelman, taught scientific research methods to the Comstock seniors with Science teacher, Kayme Tims. The class was a little different this year due to the pandemic but like everyone else, we made it work. The students learned about the cultural importance of the Lower Pecos archaeological region, as well as some of the science Shumla researchers use to study the ancient paintings found within the canyons. Karen even got to wish the students well during their graduation ceremony, as the keynote speaker.

We are all so proud of Samuel, D'Andre, Kendall, Rhiannon, Carolina, MaKaylee, and Courtney! Go forth and do great things!
Contribute to Shumla's mission
Click below to donate!
Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center 
P.O. Box 627, Comstock, TX 78837
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