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Thanksgiving: Thinking & Thanking

At TTF, we are looking at Thanksgiving this year as a way to think, learn, and thank in different ways.

Honoring the Lenape
The Tookany/Tacony-Frankford watershed, like the rest of the Philadelphia area, is the traditional territory of the Indigenous people, the Lenape.

The headwaters of the creek begin in Montgomery County, where the main stem is called the Tookany. When the creek passes into Philadelphia at Cheltenham Avenue the name changes to Tacony. These two names come from the native Lenape word tèkëne, meaning woods or wilderness.

We recognize and honor the Lenape as the original and
enduring stewards of our watershed.

Learn about the Lenape language at the Lenape Talking Dictionary.

Continuing to think & have conversations about Race.
Our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee continues to meet, set goals for our strategic plan, and develop programs. Here's the statement we posted in June after the murder of George Floyd.

We are also committed to sharing and learning from resources. Here's a link to My American Melting Pot Podcast by Lori L. Tharps on Rethinking Race + Thanksgiving.
Saying Thank You!
We'd like to thank you for your participation in actively improving the health of our watershed this past year.

Whether you served as Board Director or Advisor, Streamkeeper or TCP Keeper, installed a rain barrel, planted trees or cleaned up trash at a group event or on your own, planted native seeds in your garden, worked with us to turn your yard into a restoration site, donated to us as an individual or through our Partner Alliance -- You are an integral part of the collective work of an active community of volunteers, partners, and friends!

Please join us in celebrating a little bit differently this year by sharing your thoughts and photos of how you made a difference, no matter how small -- or large -- to improve our creeks. We're just an email away: julie@ttfwatershed.org.
Let's give thanks for our watershed community!
Have you installed a Rain Barrel?

We've sold and given away about 100 rain barrels. Each barrel keeps 58 gallons of water out of our stormwater system when it's raining. 100 barrels keep 5800 gallons of rain out of the system. These numbers make a difference! Send us a photo of you with your rain barrel to share: julie@ttfwatershed.org.

Now you know that rain barrels collect rainwater for later use, helping our creeks by decreasing pollution and reducing demand on stormwater systems.

Tell your neighbors to get one too! They can learn more about how using a rain barrel helps local waterways in this virtual workshop!
Have you planted Native Seeds?

Native plants provide food and shelter for wildlife and support important pollinators.

They also attract a variety of beautiful birds, butterflies, and other wildlife for you to enjoy in your garden year-round.

We've distributed hundreds of packets of Black Eyed Susan and Purple Coneflower sees from our friends at Ernst Seeds for many years. Do you have a photo you can share of the native plant that grew in your garden? Send to: Julie@ttfwatershed.org.

What goes down the drain ends up in our creeks! Help us keep our watershed streets, parks, and trails clean!

We've distributed 100 Cleanup Kits to individuals, families, and student groups since the pandemic started. Each kit comes in a reusable bag and includes gloves, trash grabber, trash and recycling bags, Tacony Creek Park map and t-shirt, and a bandana!

We'd love to see you and your kit in action! Please send a photo to: Julie@ttfwatershed.org. If you'd like to request a kit, contact susan@ttfwatershed.org and we'll get you one!
Music Heals: Tacony Creek Suite
Join our partner, Olney Culture Lab, for a Zoom Listening Party for the new Tacony Creek Suite album!

Learn more about Professor Randy Gibson and his musical response to this under-appreciated urban green space which starts in Olney and winds all the way to Juniata Park.

WHEN: Saturday, December 5 from 7pm to 8:30pm


Olney Culture Lab celebrates cultural assets by designing and producing events and programs showcasing the multitude of diverse cultural expression found in the greater Olney neighborhood of Philadelphia.