June 30, 2020
On behalf of the URA Board of Directors, we are anxious to let you know about their decision to  bring the 2020 Trade Show to you VIRTUALLY this October . The health and safety of your team and the exhibitors are of utmost importance. 
Although there is no replacement for face-to-face interaction and networking, we know you will be impressed with the virtual experience. Although we are working on final details, here is a little sneak preview:

  • Virtual Trade Show Floor where vendors may show their newest designs in video format, promote give-a-ways and discounts, chat live with reps, schedule appointments, and much more
  • Virtual Education ~ Instead of sitting in a large room all day, you will be able to sit in the comfort of your home, store or wherever you are. Our featured speaker will present several sessions that you can access live or at your convenience.
  • Networking ~ We know that networking is the #1 reason most people attend the URA Show. Wait until you see what we have planned!
One last major announcement ~ the virtual show is ONLY available to URA members!

Please give us a little while to work out the details; many of your questions may be answered in the next communication. And yes, we are working hard to find alternate dates in San Antonio in 2021, or 2022 if necessary.

Stay tuned for more detail!
Uniform Retailers Association

Phone: (866) 775-0080 or (614) 721-0777