Resurrection of Donald J Trump!

The God Who Suffers With Us!

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God,  let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:19-25

American democracy is an example of a relationship along the horizontal line alone. It doesn't have a true vertical line coming down from God. Because of that lack, it shall fail without doubt. Sun Myung Moon, Wake Up, America, June 12, 1988

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started the service by saying that we have been warning about the potential assassination of Pres. Trump for quite a while. Several Sanctuarians were there at the rally on Saturday in Butler, PA where he was nearly murdered. Elon Musk tweeted that Secret Service is either incompetent or complicit.

Only in Christianity does God participate in human suffering by sacrificing His only begotten son. When we compare ourselves to God’s righteousness, we realize our sin. The devil doesn’t want you to have the eternal hope, so he distracts with temporary temptations. We need to cut our family ties to Satan, and come into God’s lineage. After being shaped by God the potter He throws you into the fire. To harden you into what He desires.

Since the 1950s True Father led the Unification Church to oppose Communism. He helped Reagan to be re-elected. We were one of the few churches to speak out against totalitarianism.

Fight! Fight! Fight! (Sanctuary Service 7/14/24)

Hyung Jin Nim spoke out against his mother because he loves her. He was condemned for being unfilial and disrespectful. She predicted that a time of peace and blessing would come to the earth because of her identity as the Only Begotten Daughter.

But Hyung Jin Nim predicted a cosmic level judgment due to betrayal of Sun Myung Moon as the returning Christ. America is in tribulation, and we see conflicts around the world.  The Covid 19 response was a disaster. They locked down the entire world and destroyed the middle class, transferring wealth to the elites. They used government coercion and force. Rev. Artur Pawlowski in Alberta, Canada was locked up for 50 days for speaking out.

God has vindicated True Father’s Kingship line. Even though Hyung Jin Nim was crowned 3 times in 2009, the church said not to believe your lying eyes. Ten years later, while he was visiting  Japan, judgment came upon the FFWPU through former Prime Minister Abe’s assassination and the Japanese government’s investigation and censure of the Family Fed. They worshipped their bureaucracy. Hyung Jin im and Yeonah Nim had a faithful marriage and could not be blackmailed.

Hak Tuah Spitting Bullets Music Video

DP Lecture by 3rd King 7/14/24

After hearing about the attempted assassination of President Trump, Hyung Jin Nim worked all night to write a new song about this issue.

There is common ground between the Communism and Islam. They both want centralized power and approve pedophilia. On the road to Mecca, many Muslim pilgrims stop at “marriage areas” and “marry” a temporary Mutta wife in order to have sex for one hour and then divorce her.

The Deep State used sex and blackmail to control people. Jeffrey Epstein and P Diddy are two figures who were blackmailing others for this purpose.

Even though homosexuals comprise 1 to 3 percent of the population, they commit up to one-third of the sex crimes against children. Pedophile themes abound in homosexual literary culture: Gay fiction as well as serious academic treatises promote “intergenerational intimacy.” They should be judged. If your genitals do not define your gender, then how does chopping them off and inverting them define you?

Sex Addict or 2nd Advent?

In Babylon it was common to sell your daughter to the state-sanctioned temple prostitution. Manza Ishtar means rainbow Ishtar. Her priests were castrated and dressed in women’s clothes. America is becoming a pagan nation. But we must worship God the Father.

Feminism is socialism in panties. We pray for those in unions not approved by God.

On the macrocosmic level Trump is on the cross. He could be enjoying his grandchildren. He is showing fatherly masculine leadership. We all need God’s forgiveness and grace, but making your men weak means Islam is coming.

You see European feminists demonstrating in support of Hamas. But in Islam men can take 4 wives and take sex slaves in war.

OSDP Online Seminar, July 15 - 23, 2024

Boldly Patriotic - Kimchi. Coffee. Cult Leader?

Men and women need each other. The West has been trying to get rid of Christian men. They are hoping that the man who bled and died for you will be forgotten. God’s love should be represented by the blood drip heart, not a sparkly heart emoji. Christianity teaches that the core of civilization is sacrificial love. Hyung Jin Nim has had experiences of calling out to God and experiencing a miraculous rescue.

People in developing nations suffered the most from the Covid lockdowns, even though very few Covid fatalities. A vice president of Pfizer pharmaceuticals was speaking out against the use of the mRNA injection and got banned. Hyung Jin Nim saw a man on a motorcycle wearing a mask, but no helmet. Who is in the cult?

Death penalty laws were enacted in TN and FL as a punishment for pedophilia. The Southern Poverty Law Center said this will disproportionately affect gay and transgender people. Are they admitting that homosexuals are more likely to sexually abuse minors?

Christian Eliot TKR Interview

Communism uses wars to eliminate strong men. In Congress there is a proposed bill to make registration for the Selective Service automatic for both sexes. We see admirals wearing skirts in the U.S., while army personnel punished for using the wrong pronoun.

Bankers fund both sides of wars. The Rothchild family has controlling interest in national banks all over the world. The narrative that the US is systemically racist is meant to divide the races and increase racial conflict. The Bible says there is no black or white in Christ. In Communist China they divided the population into the poor versus the wealthy with “struggle sessions” for landowners and professors.

A Godly revolution is a vertical revolution with wealthy, high class people, middle class and working class working together in opposition to tyranny and against predators of all classes. Upholding God-given principles of freedom and asserting the moral high ground, not just class warfare where all you get is a new dictator. We need unity against globalism and open borders.

After getting shot, Trump kneeled down and then rose up and starting pumping his fist and shouted “fight, fight, fight!” He sought to transfer bravery to all in the audience. Don’t give up. God uses imperfect people. True Father used him to give courage. The Bible says fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Many in the West pursue the religion of pleasure, but in Christianity we willingly suffer with Him. If Christianity does not become brave again, slavery and oppression are coming.


Heal Your Body! Ronald Drucker TKR Interview

Historian Chris Bray TKR Interview

Gregory Stenstrom- Mail In Ballot Fraud Exposed

John Stubbins- American Anarchy

True Father Prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his Successor

by Jim Stephens

This article will present the evidence that I can clearly see which shows that True Father trained and prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his heir and successor.

Just as Jesus knew that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed, True Father could foresee that Hyun Jin (Preston) and then later Hak Ja Han were going to betray him.

True Father knew all his life by the Principle of Creation that he had to establish God’s lineage on the earth in order to build the Kingdom of God.

He spoke extensively about “love, life, and lineage.” Therefore he knew that he had to have a lineage and thus a successor to carry on after he passed to the Spirit World.

After the many failures of a long line of John the Baptist figures, True Father must have realized that God’s Kingdom was not going to be established during his physical lifetime.

(read rest of Jim Stephen's essay)

Woke Hanism Contradicts DP!

by Peter Daly

FFWPU lecturer Robert Kittel gave a presentation explaining Hak Ja Han’s new ‘Only Begotten Daughter' theology. He said that in the Divine Principle, the Tree of Life means Perfect Adam, and so the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil means Perfect Eve. He said that when he joined the church in 1975 he was taught wrongly that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil means immature Eve before the Fall.

His claim is wrong according to the Divine Principle because, throughout all the time when Father was alive, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was always understood to be immature Eve before the Fall, ‘Good and Evil’ indicating the two possible ways she could have gone.

In any case, the Tree of Life only meant Adam in perfection and we know he never reached perfection, so clearly the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil standing next to the Tree of Life meant immature Eve. If it was perfect Eve, as Robert Kittel states, then how could a perfect woman fall?

(Read rest of article.)

"Let My People Go" by Dr. David Clements Eye-opening documentary about the 2020 Selection!


Dear Father Music Video

Grand Sanctuary Meeting

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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