Restoring Success Newsletter                                                        Special Edition 2020
Where you Stuck Wednesdays
Your friends at Restoration Technical Institute are always here for you with a friendly face, ready to brighten your day. We are also ready to help you through this confusing time. So please let us know where you're stuck!

This Wednesday, RTI launches a new video series called "Where you Stuck Wednesday". Send us a question or stuck to and our team will help to answer it in a 10-minute video recording. We will follow with answers posted to our social media platforms every Wednesday.

Please don't be shy about what you want to ask us, chances are that if you are looking for an answer to something, someone else is too. We look forward to hearing from you! Click here to learn more.

You friends are here for you: Kristen Orgera , Chuck Boutall , Destry Ransdell , Lisa Lavender
Restoring Hope: A Message from Chase
11 year old, Chase, the son of one of our project managers, often visits RTI and helps us out with special projects in the office when he has time away from school. When schools initially closed many weeks ago and before the spread of Covid-19 escalated, he was ready for a new project. We told him that we wanted reach out and share some tips with the friends that we have made at Restoration Technical Institute. This talented young man, far exceeded our expectations, he took diligent notes and wrote the following (unedited letter from RTI , by Chase)
Thank you Chase for all of your help, we couldn't have said it better. Wishing you good health and safety, we look forward to seeing you again soon in our classes!
As you all know, the novel coronavirus is causing disturbance across the world. While
the times are tough, the restoration industry has united to continue to provide
exceptional service to our communities. We as restorers have pressure put on us to
control the situation, sift through the facts, find what’s most useful and true, and work
through the chaos for our community. We could not do this without the help of our
partners and product manufacturers. They play a remarkably important role in helping
our communities run, and they are going above and beyond around the clock to
provide us with the materials and information we need to function. With strains in all
industries, the economy, and our families, it is crucial to stay positive. Positivity is the
wind beneath our wings, and nothing is truly productive without a good attitude.
Here are some tips to keep your boat afloat at this time of choppy waters:

1.) Communicate More with Your Team
Nothing is more important than your staff. Help, support, and positivity will create a
more effective and joyful environment for your workers.

2.) Train and Retrain
Your staff can not perform their jobs properly and safely without the right information.
Make sure your team has a constant strain of info, and be sure to review topics such as
PPE and task-specific products and techniques. Keeping your team in the loop is
essential for maximized productivity and safety among your company.

3.) Practice Additional Caution
It is crucial to keep your staff up-to-date on safety precautions, especially at a time such
as this. Review these to keep your team out of harm’s way.

4.) Community Communication
New information is being published every day, with some being less true than others.
Be a reliable information source to your community by posting updates to a company
blog, website, social media pages, or maybe an email blast to subscribers. Having
reliable information at a time like this is very soothing to a concerned community
member, and being able to remove at least some stress from our customers is our goal.

5.) Stay Positive!
RTI is Proud to Partner With The Following Reputable Companies:
Stay Connected. Stay Informed.
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