Restoring Success Newsletter                                                                            July 2018
Restoring Success
Accounting For Contractors
When I received my degree in accounting from Penn State in 1996, I did not realize I would be using these valuable skills to start and grow a restoration company. Managing and understanding the accounting within your organization is important to the overall health of your company. Accounting practices and information are not just for owners and managers, but it can also provide useful tools to those running jobs and helping you with everything from long-range planning to daily decision making.  Read the full article  here  and read all of Lisa Lavender , our COO's, monthly articles  here !  
Tip For Your Success
Reaching Your Audience Through Social Media
In today's increasingly digital world it is important to develop your company's presence on social media. Not only is social media less expensive to implement than other traditional means of marketing, but it is also more effective with a significantly higher close rate. Focusing regularly on your company's social media and posting relevant content, as well as replying to your customers' comments, can help build customer trust and establish communication. In return, this also helps create brand loyalty and trust while helping to humanize your business.

If you don't have time to implement a multi-platform social media strategy, you can start by marketing regularly on Facebook. Investing in just a handful of hours per week can make a significant impact on your viewership, as over 68% of adults in the United States use Facebook and two thirds of this percentage check their account at least once a day. Every time you post content, which includes videos, images and blog posts, you are increasing the chance that your viewers will visit your company's page.

In fact, it is important to include visuals in as much of your social media content as possible. As a rule of thumb, always include an engaging visual with each post. In 2017, it was predicted that video content would represent 74% of all Internet traffic. A recent statistic from SocialMediaToday declares that 500,000,000 people watch Facebook videos each day. It is also important to include graphics in videos, as 85% of videos are viewed with the volume off. Digital marketing expert, James McQuivey, believes that "one minute of video content is equivalent to 1.8 million words."

If this information doesn't encourage you to plug in to Facebook and other social media, consider the statement declaring that "71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others." Social media is a low-cost, effective way to reach new potential customers and strengthen relationships with previous customers. Here's some ideas to get you started and help engage with your followers – Consider posting useful tips, hosting social media contests, and sharing articles and industry news from trade publications and industry leaders.
Partner Connection
How Asking Your Customer For Reviews Will Grow Your Restoration Business
Roughly half of all customers read reviews before hiring a restoration contractor, and 85% of consumers said they trusted reviews just as much as a recommendation. Despite their importance, many companies still don't have a strategy for obtaining reviews.

While some assume customers will leave a review on their own, the majority of companies are not asking for reviews. The simple truth is this – You're missing out on restoration jobs if you don't have a strategy for getting more reviews.

Click here to learn why reviews matter and how to more easily obtain them from Jeff Rooks, RTI guest blogger and content editor at 33 Mile Radius .
The Proper Use of Moisture Meters Part 2 Live Webinar
-Monday, August 20 at 8 AM EST (7 AM CT) and 12 PM EST (11 AM CT)-
Hands on learning meets online training during this one hour webinar. Along with a live concrete drying demonstration, the following topics will be covered:

  • The basics of water characteristics and consequences, including the characteristics of water and why they are important

  • Definitions, categories, classes of water and their application as defined by the IICRC

  • Hygroscopic & secondary damage

  • The Science of Drying and understanding Psychrometrics

  • Pyschrometry and how to use the Psychrometric chart
Technology Connection
Our software industry partner can help move you forward.
Your iRestore helps you to manage your important accounting functions to help you to run your accounting effectively and efficiently. These features include cashflow, collections, and job profitability. As an option, your iRestore system can fully integrate with Quickbooks, which will help you to quickly eliminate any duplications.

You don't have to be an accountant to use this software. iRestore is designed for restorers, allowing you to easily access everything you need. Whether your company is made up of five people wearing many hats or 50 people, the job boards and next step features allows everyone to stay on the same page and keep things moving under the context of “proactively” collecting the accounts receivable.  

Learn more by requesting a demo .
Upcoming IICRC Courses
Tuesday, July 31
to Wednesday, August 1

Thursday, August 2
to Friday, August 3

  Monday, August 13
 to Friday, August 17
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