Worship and Music Elder Response

January 20, 2022
FPC Congregation:

Over the decades that First Presbyterian of Waunakee has been a “light on the hill,” there have been many changes and challenges. That is to be expected and is normal. Service times change, new members and staff join, tenured members and staff leave; programs start, and programs cease. In the last two years, FPC has faced many challenges, many of which were brought on by Covid.

While changes can be awkward and difficult to embrace, sometimes they can have healthy and positive results. Change requires ALL OF US to look around and realize what is important: our faith in Christ, our families and loved ones, and our health. What I see, and have experienced over the years, is a church with an amazing history and a very supportive and generous congregation. I will be looking to the congregation to help us accept and conquer the challenges in the months and years ahead! I will be seeking your, and your family’s, help with continuing FPC’s tradition of meaningful worship and music --- not relying on just me and the worship and music team. The Church has never succeeded based on the efforts of one person of human origin. (Full disclosure: I cannot sing, nor can I play any musical instruments, and I am not a “morning person.” So do not count on just me for success.) In the weeks and months ahead, I would ask you to consider getting involved in worship services by volunteering to serve as greeters, and once re-implemented, ushers. My vision is to have young and old assisting in all types of tasks. Imagine walking into the Narthex and being greeted by an 8-year-old with a broad smile, and then being handed a bulletin from a somewhat smiling 15-year-old! I want families, grandparents, grandkids, teenagers, and toddlers to be present and active in worship.

For music in worship, in the short term, we will be utilizing the hymnals/TV screens and joining together in familiar songs. We will be singing the songs that have been sung for generations and have meant so much to so many. I will need people to reach out to me and offer their talents, including playing the piano, organ, or other instruments --- or leading us in song. We will be back to basics for a period of time, but that is not a bad thing! We have so much in place already and so many talented people. 

So, get ready to prayerfully support the challenges we face. This church needs you to accept the call to be involved and active! I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Erik Cushman
Worship and Music Elder
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The church office is open Monday-Thursday 9:00 am -4:00 pm
(608) 949-9445info@mypfc.org