Respect Life Ministry
e-newsletter | September 30, 2021
Dear Pro-Life Friend,
Happy Respect Life Month!

Here are four easy steps to making a difference for LIFE this October:

  1. WATCH the Archbishop's Respect Life Month video message.
  2. PARTICIPATE in the Life Chain on Respect Life Sunday.
  3. GIVE to your parish and school Baby Bottle Drives benefiting the Respect Life Pregnancy Help Centers.
  4. JOIN US at the Congreso Pro Vida & bring your family and friends.

Friends, the tide is changing and we, as a Church, have to be ready. WE CAN and WE WILL overturn Roe v. Wade. We are and we will continue to accompany our brothers and sisters facing crisis pregnancies, as well as those seeking hope and healing after abortion. We are called, and we must create a culture of life and love that makes abortion unthinkable-- in our families, in our parishes and schools, throughout our nation and our world.

But each one of us has to play our part.

So let us take a stand and offer prophetic witness, let us give and not count the cost, and let us humble ourselves in order to learn, grow, and be as open to the Holy Spirit and as faithful as glorious St. Joseph, defender of Life!
For Life,

Rebecca Brady
Director, Respect Life Ministry
Secretariat for Parish Life, Archdiocese of Miami
PS- Don't forget to share with you parish, school, family and friends- and I'll see you at the Congreso!
Respect Life Month Video Message
Listen to Archbishop Wenski's Respect Life Month message in English, Spanish, or Haitian Creole.

Appreciation Mass & Luncheon
Join Archbishop Wenski for Mass followed by an Appreciation Luncheon for our Parish Respect Life Representatives on October 2nd at Belen Preparatory School. If you haven't already RSVP'd, please register at
Life Chain October 3rd
Join us for Life Chain on Respect Life Sunday, October 3, 2021 from 2-3pm. Life Chain is an opportunity for parishes to gather in public witness to the sanctity of unborn human life. Each parish meets along a designated area to pray for the unborn, their mothers and fathers, and for the conversion of hearts especially for abortionists and those who have had abortions to find healing. 

Reach out to your Respect Life Parish Representative for information on where your parish/school is meeting. Contact information for your representative can be found on our website at
National Pro-Life Conference
The 6th National Congreso Pro Vida hosted by Archbishop Wenski for the first time on the East Coast is a unifying pro-life conference with talks offered in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. Seating is limited so get your ticket today! All proceeds go to Respect Life Ministry. This event will be held at St. Thomas University October 29-31, 2021. Learn more & register as either an in-person or online attendee at
Launching Sidewalk Advocates South Florida
The Archdiocese of Miami Respect Life Ministry has partnered with Sidewalk Advocates for Life to launch Sidewalk Advocates for Life: South Florida. Read the Florida Catholic story and learn more at

Archdiocese of Miami | Secretariat for Parish Life
(954) 981-2922 |