Respect Life Ministry
e-newsletter | July 15, 2021
I have three items for you this month:
Legislative ALERT--> ACT NOW
Sidewalk Advocates Event--> RSVP
Humanae Vitae Webinar--> REGISTER
First, with the click of a button you can add your voice to the "No Taxpayer Abortion" campaign and let Congress know that we are not okay with funding the destruction of innocent human lives. Check out the Save Hyde, save lives piece that I wrote for the Archdiocese's Let's Talk blog, and take action at A nationwide grassroots effort is the best shot we have of saving Hyde (and related amendments) before it's too late.
Second, I am so pleased to announce that we have partnered with Sidewalk Advocates for Life to train, equip, and support us in providing a prayerful, peaceful, and life-saving presence outside abortion facilities throughout the Archdiocese. Join us for a LIVE "Cast the Vision" online reception Saturday, July 31st at 7:00pm to learn more. Together we can be the hands and feet of Christ to families in crisis.
Friends, there are many fronts on which the battle to end abortion must be fought, and many things we as the Church must do to build a culture of life and love where abortion will become unthinkable. Thank you for joining me in advocacy, outreach, education, and prayer as we move forward towards this goal together.
Since July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus, I will close with this quote of Saint John Paul II:
It is from the blood of Christ that all draw the strength to commit themselves to promoting life. It is precisely this blood that is the most powerful source of hope, indeed it is the foundation of the absolute certitude that in God's plan life will be victorious.
May we too draw our strength and hope from the Precious Blood of Christ.
For Life,
Rebecca Brady
Director, Respect Life Ministry
Secretariat for Parish Life, Archdiocese of Miami
PS- Check out the announcements and resources below, and don't forget to share with you parish, school, family and friends!
Thank you to everyone, especially our parish representatives and core teams, who helped run Baby Bottle Drives and collections benefiting our pregnancy help centers. Please join me on congratulating the following parishes on their FY 2020-2021 fundraising event totals:
These funds go directly to Respect Life Ministry to support our pregnancy help centers which provide free and confidential life-affirming services to abortion-vulnerable women and their families. Our five pregnancy help center locations had 6,410 visits serving 1,619 babies and their parents this fiscal year.
There's still time for your parish to host it's Baby Bottle Drive for the Walking with Moms initiative! Call your Program Coordinator for more information about hosting a fundraiser in support of your local Pregnancy Help Center.
All five of our pregnancy help centers are in need of volunteers. You can make a difference for LIFE by ministering to abortion-vulnerable women and families in your community.
This week the U.S. House of Representatives is marking up appropriations bills which currently exclude the 46-year-old Hyde Amendment and other longstanding, bipartisan provisions. Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee for Religious Liberty, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a statement expressing deep concerns, saying:
“This is the most extreme pro-abortion appropriations bill that we have seen, effectively mandating healthcare professionals to participate in abortion, and forcing American citizens to pay for abortion with their tax dollars…We implore the House Committee on Appropriations to reverse course on these bills that currently expand taxpayer funding of abortion, and to restore the longstanding, bipartisan Hyde provisions and Weldon Amendment that have saved millions of lives and protected conscience rights.”
The full statement can be read here.
Without the Hyde Amendment and Hyde-related policies, billions of taxpayer dollars could be used to pay for abortion in the United States and throughout the world. Eliminating the Weldon Amendment would be an egregious violation of conscience rights by forcing individuals and entities to perform, pay for, or otherwise participate in an abortion against their beliefs. Don’t let our government make you pay for, or participate in, the taking of innocent human life. Take action by clicking the buttons below.
Next Webinar: August 19th
After a brief hiatus, we're resuming the Walking with Moms webinar series! Join us for the next webinar on August 19th at 7:30pm. We'll be joined by Dr. Ryan J. Brady for an overview of the encyclical Humanae Vitae.
As a reminder, our April Walking with Moms webinar was on pro-life saints and how we can celebrate and seek their intercession for the remainder of the Walking with Moms initiative. The next feast days coming up are on August 13th & 14th for Blessed Michael McGivney and St. Maximilian Kolbe. Visit our website to download the graphics for use in your parish communities.
We've entered phase six of the Walking with Moms initiative! Please use the buttons below to view and download the complete Walking with Moms Parish Action Guide adapted for use by parishes and groups in the Archdiocese of Miami and view the recording of the phases 5 & 6 rollout webinar.
Sidewalk Advocates Online Reception
Join us Saturday, July 31st, at 7:00 pm for a conversation with Lauren Muzyka, Founder, President and CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, to learn more about our vision for ending abortion and upcoming training opportunities.
National Congreso Pro-Vida
Registration for the National Congreso Pro-Vida is now open!
This trilingual event will be held at St. Thomas University on October 29-31, 2021. Learn more & register as either an in-person or online attendee at
Friends, some things are just common sense — like the Hyde Amendment.
Henry J. Hyde was a Catholic politician who defied partisan politics. He supported social measures such as family leave legislation, and promoted what he referred to as “capitalism with a human face.” The Almanac of American Politics describes Hyde as “one of the most respected and intellectually honest members of the House.” President George W. Bush called Hyde “a tireless champion of the weak and forgotten.”
To continue reading Rebecca's blog, click HERE.
Archdiocese of Miami | Secretariat for Parish Life