Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Denver Republican Party Calling for the Immediate Resignation and Removal of the Colorado Republican Party State Chairman Dave Williams.

Whereas, the Republican Party proudly supports the U.S. Constitution, including freedom of speech, expression, and assembly;

Whereas, State Chairman Dave Williams issued emails dated June 3 “God Hates Pride” and June 10 “No to Pride, Yes to Jesus.” In the June 10 email he threatened Republicans who expressed views contrary to his own, which is inappropriate and against the spirit of open discourse within the Republican Party;

Whereas, the June 10 email implies that those who do not agree with Chairman Williams are not true Republicans, which is divisive and harmful to the unity of the party; 

Whereas, the Denver Republican Party Executive Committee believes in the importance of respectful dialogue and debate within the party, where diverse viewpoints are welcomed and discussed openly;

Whereas, the Denver Republican Party Executive Committee is shocked and saddened at the attempt of Chairman Williams to suppress freedom of speech and dox those who do not agree with him;

Whereas, the Denver Republican Party Executive Committee believes that threats and intimidation have no place in the Republican Party and must be condemned unequivocally;

Whereas, Chairman Dave Williams and State Republican officers have endorsed candidates in Congressional Districts 3, 4, and 8 in contested primaries, in violation of Article III, Section C of the Colorado State Republican Bylaws (dated September 30, 2023): “No candidate for any designation or nomination for partisan public office shall be endorsed, supported, or opposed by the CRC [Colorado Republican Committee], acting as an entity, or by its state officers or committees, before the Primary Election, unless such candidate is unopposed in the Primary Election, or the candidate has gained access to the primary election ballot but has not participated in the applicable authorized Republican Assembly/Convention.”;


Whereas, such actions undermine election integrity, which is a fundamental tenet of the United States of America, by attempting to alter the rules and bylaws of the Colorado Republican Party and imposing personal will over the electorate;


Whereas, the Denver Republican Party Executive Committee is concerned regarding the use of party funds in primaries, particularly when the funds are used to support one candidate over another in a contested primary;


Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, That the Denver Republican Party Executive Committee calls for the immediate resignation or removal of Dave Williams from his position as Chairman of the Colorado State Republican Party, to restore integrity, transparency, and unity within the party.


Be It Further Resolved, That the Denver Republican Party Executive Committee commits to not endorsing any candidate before the Primary, unless such candidate is unopposed for the Republican nomination or designation.


Passed unanimously by the Denver Republican Party Executive Committee on June 12, 2024.


Roger B. Rowland


Denver Republican Party  

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