October 9, 2019
Funding Connection

The National Science Foundation’s  Sociology Program  supports basic research on all forms of human social organization -- societies, institutions, groups and demography -- and processes of individual and institutional change. The Program encourages theoretically focused empirical investigations aimed at improving the explanation of fundamental social processes.

The Department of Defense U.S. Air Force Research Lab  Summer Faculty Fellowship Program   offers hands-on exposure to Air Force research challenges through 8- to 12-week research residencies at participating Air Force research facilities for full-time science, mathematics, and engineering faculty.

Science Communication Week 2019 is set to be a fun week with many opportunities for students, faculty, staff and community members to learn about science and research in varied and approachable locations. Events for the week include:
Saturday, October 12
Wichita Public Library’s Advanced Learning Library
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Engage in hands-on science activities and learn more about biology, horticulture, engineering, animal science, food science, technology, health and other STEM-related fields.
GROW Saturday Workshop: It’s Elemental, Dr. Watson!*
K-State Manhattan campus
9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Join us for a Saturday full of hands-on STEM activities as we explore the infinite possibilities a career in science, technology, engineering and math can hold. 
Monday, October 14
McCain Auditorium
7 p.m.
Dennis Dimick is interested in making visual the effects on earth of humanity's expanding presence in the emerging Anthropocene epoch. This new "age of man" is marked by a rise in long-term impacts resulting from our expanding quest for resources, energy, water, and food. 
Bluemont Room, K-State Student Union
10-11 a.m.   
Graduate students and postdocs have the opportunity to meet one on one with National Geographic photographer Dennis Dimick to discuss the many ways of communicating science through the lens of a camera. Registration required .
Tuesday, October 15
Global Food Systems Big Data Day* 
Flint Hills Room, K-State Student Union
All day event
Big data is something that impacts all areas of research. A more global understanding of Big Data, how it is/can/should be used in analyzing complex challenges in basic, applied and humanities research will be discussed.  
Konza Meeting Hall, Konza Prairie Biological Station 
7-9 p.m.
Paint a landscape of the Konza Prairie while learning about the research that is done at the biological station and about the chemistry of paint! 
Wednesday, October 16
Union Courtyard
12:15 p.m.
The English Department will be accepting entries for poems focused on food and the global food system. Participants and/or winners will read the poems over the noon hour in the union. One faculty winner will receive $250 for professional development and one student winner will receive a $250 scholarship.
Deadline for submission is Oct. 11.
Science on Tap
Tallgrass Taphouse
7-8 p.m.
Featured scientist will be Emily Pascoe present - [IMAGE]ing Impact. It will be an image-rich exploration of the fashion industry to help the audience examine the industry’s overall ecological impact. 
Thursday, October 17
Friday, October 18
Graphic Design Brownbag
Wayne Franklin Student Leadership Conference Room, Leadership Studies
Noon-1 p.m.
Ben Cleveland, creative director and Tommy Theis, lead photographer for the Division of Communications and Marketing will share why good design and photography is important in communicating science and design and photography best practices. Biology associate professor Michi Tobler will present on best practices in poster and PowerPoint presentations. 
Bluemont Room, K-State Union
8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Presentations and workshops on using Adobe creative software in classroom environments. Presentations will be offered by faculty, staff, and students from several different disciplines. 
Saturday, October 19
Sunday, October 20
Science Saturday
East Court at the Manhattan Town Center.
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
There will be activity stations led by K-State researchers for families to engage with, as well as some Sunset Zoo led activities.
Rocktoberfest at Blue Vista
Blue Vista , Randolph, Kansas
3-7 p.m.
A “rock”-themed version of Octoberfest with fun and educational activities by the Geology department added to more traditional “Oktoberfest” activities: food trucks, live music, potentially folk dancing, and beer (Free State Brewing’s Octoberfest brew and more).
*This event is full and registration has been closed. 

Find out more about Science Communication Week and the Science Communication Initiative at k-state.edu/scicomm. For questions about any of these events, please email Erin Pennington at erin120@k-state.edu .
Events and announcements
First Round of Global Food Seed Grants Awarded

The Office of Research Development is announcing the results of the Fall 2019 call for proposals for the Global Food Systems, or GFS, Seed Grant Program. This funding is intended to support innovative research in all aspects of global food systems, with particular interest in those projects that are interdisciplinary; engage graduate and/or undergraduate students; partner with industry, particularly those based in Kansas; and are expected to result in job creation and economic development.
All proposals were peer-reviewed by faculty members with a variety of relevant expertise.

Awardees and their project titles are:

Raghavendra Amachawadi, clinical sciences; T. G. Nagaraja, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology; and Yonghui Li, grain science and industry: Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of sorghum phenolic compounds against liver abscess-causing pathogens.

Audrey Joslin, geography; Jason Bergtold, agricultural economics; Marcellus Caldas, geography: Agricultural food production and the conservation reserve program in the context of wildfire: assessing rural perceptions and land management in the U.S. Southern Plains.

Yonghui Li, grain science and industry; Kadri Koppel, food, nutrition, dietetics, and health: Screen and identify sustainable plant-protein sources as alternatives to animal-protein foods.

Prathap Parameswaran, civil engineering; Ganga Hettiarachchi, agronomy: Closing the loop: sustainable food production through integrated recovery of biofertilizers and water for reuse from animal waste operations.

Sara Rosenkranz, food, nutrition, dietetics, and health; Yong-Cheng Shi, grain science and industry: Long-term consumption of Resistant Starch Type-4 (RS4): implications for obesity and chronic disease.

Kaliamesh Siliveru, grain science and industry; Suprem Das, industrial and manufacturing systems engineering; Randall Phebus, animal sciences and industry: Rapid detection and mitigation techniques to prevent the potential risk of E. coli contamination in the wheat supply chain.

Donghai Wang, biological and agricultural engineering; Weiqun Wang, food, nutrition, dietetics, and health; Jason Griffin, horticulture and natural resources: Hemp: a new crop for nutritious food in Kansas.

Umut Yucel, animal sciences and industry; Timothy Durrett, biochemistry and molecular biophysics; Valentina Trinetta, animal sciences and industry: Sustainable and biodegradable food packaging applications using sorghum DDGS.

Sarah Zukoff, entomology; Vipan Kumar, agronomy: Skills lost to the age of GMOs, creating IPM Leaders to thrive in 21 st century farming.

PIs of selected projects will be providing progress reports after six months and at the end of the funding period, as well as participate in a poster session in Fall 2020. The next round of GFS Seed Grants will be due February 28, 2020.

Watch the video and find out more about why you should attend this event!

3-5 p.m. 
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2019
K-State Alumni Center Banquet Room

K-State faculty, postdocs, graduate students and staff engaged in research, scholarly, and creative activity and discovery are invited to participate in  Research Connections .

Register by Oct. 18 

NASA Postdoctoral Program Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
The NASA Postdoctoral Program is seeking reviewers for upcoming applications! To create an account, visit,  npp.usra.edu/reviewer_connect
Reviewers are matched with proposals based on an online self-evaluation. No travel is required. Typically, two weeks are provided to complete the self-evaluation and an additional two to three weeks for any assigned reviews. Eligible reviewers receive an honorarium of $50 per review and $250 for participation in a Virtual Panel.
Reviewers must be at least three years past their Ph.D.
Research Areas:

Aeronautics, Aeronautical or other Engineering
Biological Sciences
Earth Science
Interdisciplinary Science
Planetary Science
Technology Development
If interested in being a reviewer, visit  npp.usra.edu/reviewer_connect  to create an account. For additional questions please contact  nppreviews@usra.edu .
The Role of Beef in a Sustainable Food System
Global Food Systems hosts a presentation on the Role of Beef in a Sustainable Food System, presented by Sara Place, senior director of sustainable beef production research for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.
4-5 p.m. 
October 16
Leadership Studies Town Hall.
Discuss your thoughts on the sometimes controversial topic of the role of beef in a sustainable food system. Share challenges, water and climate impact as well as where this might fit or challenge your area of study or academic interest.
This presentation is intended for an interdisciplinary audience with the additional hope of some good questions and discussion.

For questions or more information about this lecture, email Maureen Olewnik at molewnik@k-state.edu.

October 15-17, 2019
Kansas State University, Manhattan

The 2019 Petfood Research and Development Showcase features unique, interactive learning and networking opportunities for the global pet food and pet treat industry, which includes an exclusive network of industry suppliers, co-packers and service providers. Attendees of the Petfood R&D Showcase includes professionals working in nutrition, ingredient and processing technologies, packaging, food science, R&D, product development, food safety, QA/QC, purchasing, import/export and regulatory compliance.

Learn more or register at   Petfood R&D Showcase . Faculty can register at no cost by entering code: RDS19FACULTY.
Global Food Systems Lecture: Global-to-Local-to-Global Analysis of Agricultural Sustainability

Noon on October 18 in 137 Waters Hall

The Global Food Systems Initiative invites you to a brownbag lunch presentation by Thomas Hertel from Purdue University. Hertel will provide an interdisciplinary presentation on the “Global-to-Local-to-Global Analysis of Agricultural Sustainability.”

For questions or more information about this lecture, email Maureen Olewnik at molewnik@k-state.edu.
The USDA APHIS NBAF Scientist Training Program, or NSTP, builds the necessary technical and subject matter expertise to support the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, or FADDL, at the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. In addition to serving as an international reference laboratory for foot and mouth disease virus and a national reference laboratory for other foreign animal diseases such as classical swine fever and African swine fever viruses, FADDL’s mission will expand to include emerging and zoonotic diseases, including BSL-4 pathogens. 

NSTP fellows will receive the following for a maximum of five years.
  • Full tuition and supplementary support to complete an MS, PhD, or DVM/PhD program in target laboratory-based fields of study such as microbiology, virology, molecular biology, diagnostics, and bioinformatics;
  • A stipend ($50,000 annually for PhD or DVM/PhD students; $35,000 annually for MS students) and health benefits (Kansas Board of Regents GRA health insurance plan);
  • Materials and supplies ($20,000 annually);
  • Travel support ($5,000 annually); and
  • Publication costs ($1,000 annually).

Find out more and apply for admission for the spring 2020 semester by 5 p.m. on October 23, 2019. 
Agency news and trending topics
The NIH must tighten its oversight of biomedical research because instances of foreign influence are vulnerable to slipping through the cracks, a watchdog agency concluded. news.bloomberglaw.com

The  Rockefeller Foundation , in partnership with  UNICEF , the  World Health Organization , the  Global Fund , the World Bank's  Global Financing Facility , and  Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance , has announced the launch of a global health initiative aimed at preventing six million deaths in ten countries by 2030. philanthropynewsdigest.org

From vaccines to medical devices that provide a better quality of life, the  United States  has long been a global leader in medical research. Yet new investments by other countries, particularly  China , threaten that standing. The way for the U.S. to remain on top: push for more innovation while paying closer attention to Asia, say experts.   usnews.com

Discovery boosts understanding of how human brain learns speech. eurekalert.org
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