October 2, 2019
Funding Connection

The Department of Agriculture’s  Higher Education Challenge  program is focused on improving formal, baccalaureate, or master’s degree level food, agricultural, natural resources, and human sciences education and first professional degree level education in veterinary medicine. 

The National Endowment for the Arts'  Art Works   program supports public engagement with, and access to, various forms of excellent art across the nation, the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, learning in the arts at all stages of life, and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life. 

The USDA APHIS NBAF Scientist Training Program, or NSTP, builds the necessary technical and subject matter expertise to support the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, or FADDL, at the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. In addition to serving as an international reference laboratory for foot and mouth disease virus and a national reference laboratory for other foreign animal diseases such as classical swine fever and African swine fever viruses, FADDL’s mission will expand to include emerging and zoonotic diseases, including BSL-4 pathogens. 

NSTP fellows will receive the following for a maximum of five years.
  • Full tuition and supplementary support to complete an MS, PhD, or DVM/PhD program in target laboratory-based fields of study such as microbiology, virology, molecular biology, diagnostics, and bioinformatics;
  • A stipend ($50,000 annually for PhD or DVM/PhD students; $35,000 annually for MS students) and health benefits (Kansas Board of Regents GRA health insurance plan);
  • Materials and supplies ($20,000 annually);
  • Travel support ($5,000 annually); and
  • Publication costs ($1,000 annually).

Find out more and apply for admission for the spring 2020 semester by 5 p.m. on October 23, 2019. 
Join National Geographic editor Dennis Dimick for a workshop on communicating science visually

Monday, Oct. 14
10 a.m.
Bluemont Room, K-State Student Union
How do you communicate science through visual arts? Global Food Systems is hosting a workshop with Dennis Dimick, a picture editor for the National Geographic Society for more than 35 years.

This is an opportunity for graduate students to talk with Dimick about how he communicates the effects of humanity's expanding presence in the emerging Anthropocene epoch visually . This new "age of man" is marked by a rise in long-term impacts resulting from our expanding quest for resources, energy, water, and food. 

Dimick grew up on a sheep and hay farm in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, and he holds degrees in agriculture and agricultural journalism from Oregon State University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

For questions or more information about this lecture, email Maureen Olewnik at molewnik@k-state.edu.
Events and announcements
You are invited to the  Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research’s  (FFAR) fifth annual  Public Conversation   with the  Board of Directors  on October 11, 2019 in Washington, DC. The Public Conversation is an opportunity to hear from FFAR’s leadership. You are also invited to comment on the recently released  Strategic and Sustainability Plan   and address   FFAR's leadership. Please  register   to attend the Public Conversation today.

8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2019
Flint Hills Room*
K-State Student Union
This event is full and registration is no longer available.

Learn about how Big Data can impact your area of study.This event will provide a more global understanding of big data, how it is/can/should be used in analyzing complex challenges in basic and applied research. Faculty, graduate students and post docs are encouraged to attend; undergraduates and non-university professionals are also welcome. We encourage you to come and go as your time permits and hope to have a full house of interdisciplinary attendees there for the afternoon workshop. Lunch will be provided. Please  register for this event  by October 8, 2019 

*Please note the room change

The Role of Beef in a Sustainable Food System
Global Food Systems hosts a presentation on the Role of Beef in a Sustainable Food System, presented by Sara Place, senior director of sustainable beef production research for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.
4-5 p.m. 
October 16
Leadership Studies Town Hall.
Discuss your thoughts on the sometimes controversial topic of the role of beef in a sustainable food system. Share challenges, water and climate impact as well as where this might fit or challenge your area of study or academic interest.
This presentation is intended for an interdisciplinary audience with the additional hope of some good questions and discussion.

For questions or more information about this lecture, email Maureen Olewnik at molewnik@k-state.edu.
Major Research Instrumentation Program proposals due October 21

NSF’s  Major Research Instrumentation Program proposals requests support for the acquisition or development of a research instrument or components when combined serve as an integrated research instrument that are too costly or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs. This is a limited submission with K-State only able to submit three proposals.  If you are interested in this opportunity, send a notification – a working title and a team list – to ordlimitedsubs@k-state.edu  by September 23, 2019. If an internal competition is needed, preproposals are due October 21, 2019. 
3-5 p.m. 
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2019
K-State Alumni Center Banquet Room

K-State faculty, postdocs, graduate students and staff engaged in research, scholarly, and creative activity and discovery are invited to participate in  Research Connections .

Register by Oct. 18

Agency news and trending topics
Financial conflicts of interest that could bias researchers funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) are rare, a report released last week found: About 3% of the 55,600 grants the agency awarded in 2018 involved at least one researcher reporting such a conflict. sciencemag.org

Electronic band structures dictate the mechanical, optical and electrical properties of crystalline solids. Their experimental determination is therefore crucial for technological applications. nature.com

Research supported by the National Science Foundation has improved our understanding of how kids learn — not only in classrooms, but also in informal environments like at home, where they are likely prowling around your house saying, “I’m bored” at ever-decreasing intervals.  nsf.gov

Joel Sartore has photographed nearly 10,000 species. His goal: ‘to get the public to care about the extinction crisis while there’s still time.’ nationalgeographic.com
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