March 22, 2023

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NIFA Equipment Grant Program

The Department of Agriculture, NIFA Equipment Grant Program serves to increase access to shared-use special-purpose equipment/instruments for fundamental and applied research for use in the food and agricultural sciences programs at institutions of higher education, including State Cooperative Extension Systems.

NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Program

The Department of Health and Human Services NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Program supports individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative research projects with the potential to produce a major impact on broad, important areas relevant to the mission of NIH.

K-State events and announcements

University and industry communication: How to build effective communication between faculty and industry colleagues 

3-5 p.m. 

Tuesday, March 28 



The K-State Global Food Systems Initiative is hosting a workshop to help faculty make industry connections. Attendees will work directly with industry colleagues to focus on how to clearly define research activities, how best to approach potential industry colleagues and some best practices in communicating with industry. 


The workshop is meant to be interdisciplinary and will include industry representatives from BASF, Bay State Milling and KPM Analytics. The workshop will include breakout sessions for facilitated discussion and feedback on the importance and advancement of effective communication. 


3 p.m. – Welcome

3:05 p.m. – Industry participant introductions

3:50 p.m. – Break out sessions

  1.  How do you initiate a conversation that conveys your knowledge to any industry participant?
  2. How do you make new connections in an interdisciplinary field? 
  3. How do you convey skills and knowledge?

4:35 p.m. – Industry participant critique of approaches and ideas generated, including a question and answer period. 

5 p.m. - Adjourn 


Register to attend. 

NSF CAREER Nuts and Bolts Session

The Office of Research Development will present a Nuts and Bolts session on National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development, or CAREER, Program at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4. 

This program is NSF’s most prestigious award in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars. This session will start with presentations on the requirements for submission, review criteria, submission protocol and evaluation resources. These will be followed by a panel of recent Kansas State University CAREER awardees who will provide tips on submitting to and receiving an award under this program. Session attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a CAREER Writing Clinic that will start after the session and end in July when the proposals are due. 

Please register to attend this session.

External events and announcements

NSF Office Hours: Accelerating Research Translation

The U.S. National Science Foundation's Accelerating Research Translation, or ART, program invites you to attend a virtual office hour session. An NSF program director will host a group discussion to answer questions about the ART funding opportunity and the proposal submission process.

Each session can hold a maximum of 50 participants, so we kindly ask that only one representative per proposing team register and attend one of the six office hour slots below.

  • 10-11 a.m., Thursday, March 23
  • 1-2 p.m., Friday, March 24
  • 11 a.m.-noon, Wednesday, March 29
  • 2-3 p.m., Thursday, March 30

Register for an ART office hour session on Zoom.

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program 2024-25 Competition Opening Soon

Applications due September 15, 2023

Curious where your Fulbright journey could take you?

Join a webinar to learn more!

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program's 2024-25 competition will open soon,featuring over 400 awards offered in more than 135 countries. Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards allow academics, professionals and artists who are U.S. citizens to teach, research, and carry out professional projects abroad.

The first webinars of the year will share details about the U.S. Scholar Program, awards and the application process. Register to join us and learn more:

March 30: Middle East and North Africa

Visit the webinar schedule for details about events throughout the competition, featuring specific countries, regions and disciplines.

NSF GRANTED Office Hours

2-3 p.m.

Wednesdays through April 26

Heard about the new Growing Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity, or GRANTED, and you want to learn more? Thinking about applying to our most recent Dear Colleague Letter? Then NSF invites you to GRANTED office hours, held every Wednesday from 2-3 p.m. to meet with the GRANTED team of Program Directors.

  • All meetings during office hours are 1-on-1. Guests are seen in the order they join. You may have to wait if others join before you.
  • If you need captions or other accommodations, please contact Dina Stroud in advance.

Learn more.

NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments Office Hours

NSF Program Directors will be available at virtual office hours to answer your questions about NSF's Revolutionizing Engineering Departments program solicitation 23-553. The RED program supports radical changes to the training of undergraduate engineering students to help them establish identities as professional engineers with the technical and professional skills needed to solve the complex problems facing society.

RED solicitation 23-553 is limited to the RED Two-Year track. RED two-year projects will develop radically new approaches among multiple two-year institutions to expand the path to engineering and engineering technology four-year programs from two-year institutions with programs such as pre-engineering, engineering and engineering technology.

At RED office hours, come prepared with your questions or simply join in to listen. Responses will be provided to questions typed into the Zoom chat window or you may use your microphone to ask a question. Office hours will not be recorded. Feel free to join/leave at any point during the meeting. To join, simply follow the event registration link below. 

Office Hours: Preparing your Phase I Proposal for America’s Seed Fund at NSF

1-2 p.m.

March 23, April 6

Join this open-ended session to ask questions about what’s needed when creating a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer proposal. An SBIR/STTR program director will answer questions and point you to resources. Prior to this session, you're encouraged to learn more about the proposal process, then come prepared with any questions you have.

Register for the Preparing your Phase I Proposal for America's Seed Fund webinar on Zoom.

Visit our full calendar
Visit Faculty Resources
K-State research in the news

‘Tar spot’ is killing corn across the Midwest KRQE

How ChatGPT has changed how academics write, research The Oklahoman

Automation use jumps on U.S. farms, report says Ag Update

How to get rid of fleas in the house

Kansas fire season is here, K-State officials say The Mercury

The meaning of 'Made in the USA' could change for meat and poultry products KCUR

Sustainable cows can lead to greater profitability Farm and Ranch Guide

Agency news and trending topics

Moooove over: How single-celled yeasts are doing the work of 1,500-pound cows

The first course was a celery root soup lush with whole milk. The last was a spice cake topped with maple cream cheese frosting, served with a side of ice cream. And then a latte with its fat cap of glossy foam. In all, a delicious lunch. Maybe a little heavy on the dairy. Only this dairy was different. It was not the product of a cow or soybean or nut. The main ingredient of this milk was made by microbes in a lab, turned into tasty and recognizable food, and then served to a hungry reporter. Lab-grown meat is coming. But lab-grown dairy has already arrived. Washington Post

FOA or NOFO – It’s All About Funding

What’s in a name? A Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) by any other name would sound as sweet. NIH advertises available grant support through funding opportunities that provide information on the award, who is eligible to apply, the evaluation criteria for selection of an awardee, required components of an application, and how to submit an application. In an effort to standardize terminology across the government, NIH is joining other federal agencies in using the term Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) rather than Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). You will see both terms in use while we work to update our websites and resources. NIH

Biden backs science in his 2024 budget plan. But don’t bank on those numbers

The 2024 spending plan President Joe Biden unveiled today continues his administration’s pattern of asking for large increases at major U.S. research agencies. But as with all presidential budgets, Biden’s $6.8 trillion request is simply the starting point for negotiations with Congress over everything from taxes to countering China’s growing economic and military might. And with Republicans vowing to reduce federal spending and the bipartisan support for bigger defense budgets, the prospects for any significant increases for science and other domestic programs remain uncertain at best. Science

Facts, Not False Political Narratives, Should Drive American Competitiveness

Bars in Belgium could be among the healthiest places to have a drink, come July. That’s when a new law goes into effect, requiring public venues to meet air-quality targets and display real-time measurements of carbon dioxide concentrations — a proxy for how much clean air is piped in. IP Watchdog

Visually navigating on foot uses unique brain region

Using vision to efficiently move through an area by foot uses a unique region of the brain’s cortex, according to a small study funded by the National Eye Institute (NEI). The region, called the occipital place area (OPA), fails to activate during other modes of moving, such as crawling. The finding may help explain developmental milestones as children learn to interact with and navigate their near environments. The study published in the journal Cerebral Cortex. NEI is part of the National Institutes of Health. NIH

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