Join us for Global Food Systems Focus Day   Thursday, March 7.

This event will provide an opportunity for researchers across the university to:

  • Recognize and promote the broad array of research, educational, and extension activities in the area of food at K-State; and
  • Plan the next steps for this important all-university research initiative.

The event is from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the K-State Student Union KSU Ballrooms and will include the following.

  • Welcome and brief presentation by Vice President for Research Peter Dorhout
  • A look at past efforts by GFS Coordinator Maureen Olewnik
  • Overviews of projects and paths for continued research by 2015 GFS seed grant awardees
  • A keynote talk
  • Facilitated discussion about future efforts and directions
  • Panel discussions with two successful interdisciplinary teams led by Melanie Derby in mechanical and nuclear engineering and Ruth Welti in the Division of Biology
  • A poster session displaying interdisciplinary research activities
  • Networking and social time — refreshments included!

Don't miss this opportunity! Please register by February 25.