April 29, 2020
Funding Connection

The Spencer Foundation’s  COVID-19 Related Research Grants  support education research projects that will contribute to understanding the rapid shifts in education in this time of crisis and change. The Foundation is particularly interested in research projects that work to reimagine educational opportunities in these times.

Facebook is offering awards to researchers interested in exploring the  societal issues of misinformation and polarization related to social communication technologies .

Spring 2020 Faculty Development Awards and University Small Research Grants announced
The Office of Research Development is pleased to announce the spring 2020 Faculty Development Awards, known as FDA, and University Small Research Grants, or USRG.

A total of 13 USRG proposals were submitted, for a total amount requested of $48,408. Six proposals have been funded to date for a total of $22,195.

Funded proposals include:
  • Matthew Brueseke, geology: “Investigating links between <5 million yr old basaltic volcanism in the Centennial Valley Region and the Yellowstone hotspot”; $4,428
  • Anne Longmuir, English: “Research Visit to the Bodeleian Libraries, University of Oxford to consult material related to John Ruskin, 19th century art critic and social theorist”; $4,500
  • Nancy Morrow, art: “Travel and Residency Expenses to Conduct Extemporaneous Investigation in Painting and Drawing on Site at Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity, Leighton Artists Studios Residency Program”; $1,369
  • Yue Teng Vaughan, hospitality management: “Exploring corporate social responsibility disclosure on preventing modern slavery in the tourism and hospitality industries in the United States”; $4,098
  • Erin Wiersma, art: “Tallgrass Prairie Research: A Cross Disciplinary Catalog”; $4,000
  • Anna Marie Wytko, music: “The Loveliness of Air - I Can't Breathe: A world premiere electroacoustic recording based upon select poetry and prose of children who were victims of the Theresienstadt Nazi Concentration Camp”; $3,800

Faculty Development Awards and University Small Research Grants  are awarded each fall and spring by the Office of the Vice President for Research through the  Office of Research Development .

Faculty Development Awards support travel expenses to present research, scholarly or creative work or a performance at an international meeting or to visit an external funder or sponsor. University Small Research Grants are seed grants to support small research projects, scholarly activity, and other creative efforts. Both programs are meant to catalyze a faculty member's RSCAD career success. As such, new faculty and faculty from disciplines with minimal outside support are given priority for both awards, as are trips or projects that enhance awardees' abilities to compete for extramural funding. All proposals are peer-reviewed and discussed in a panel. Unsuccessful applicants are given feedback on how to improve their proposals.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly all conferences for which FDA proposals had been submitted had been cancelled, moved online, or postponed. For this reason, no awards will be made for Spring 2020. Individuals who had requested funds for travel have been asked to resubmit in a competition appropriate for their rescheduled conferences.

Congratulations to all awardees!

University Small Research Grant reviewers were: Necia Chronister, modern languages; Rollie Clem, biology; Sara Luly, modern languages; Mary Lou Marino, Office of Research Development; Alyssa Morris, music, theatre, & dance; Aleksey Sheshukov, biological and agricultural Engineering; Chad Schwartz, architecture.

The contributions of our peer reviewers are greatly appreciated.
NABC ready to help with NIFA COVID RFPs
The National Agricultural Biosecurity Center (NABC) is supporting campus efforts to respond to the recent additions that USDA has made to its Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Request for Application (RFA) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, these additions fall under the Rapid Response to Novel Coronavirus Impacts section (pp. 73-75 of the RFA).

NABC is planning its own center-led submission to the Rapid Response Program Area and is actively seeking collaborations in any of the four areas of priority identified in the RFA: Health and Security of Livestock; Food and Food Processing; Well-being of Farm, Food Service Providers, and Rural Americans; and Economic Security.

NABC has established capabilities, relationships, and projects across the agricultural biosecurity spectrum, including previous work in:
  • Disaster response/emergency management
  • Veterinary public health
  • Economic risk/resiliency/security
  • Zoonotic disease network modeling
  • Crisis communications

NABC can assist with proposal design and structuring, obtaining letters of support, reviewing text drafts to help strengthen submissions, and research/project administration.

If you are interested in discussing ideas or collaborations at any level, please contact nabc@bri.ksu.edu .
Events and announcements
Join BioNexus KC via Zoom this Friday, May 1 at 1 p.m.
to learn about the latest on regional COVID-19 testing efforts, why testing is important to our overall response and about unique public/private partnerships.

Dr. Jamie Henningson from the K-State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory will present on:
  • KSVDL overview and National Animal Health Laboratory Network
  • SARS-CoV-2 PCR setup, logistics, and capacity
  • Serology testing for SARS-CoV-2 (CoVID-19)
  • Readiness for future needs

BioNexus KC is virtually convening the life sciences and healthcare community to discuss current conditions on the front lines, highlight new and exciting initiatives that could impact our response and what our community can do to help in the fight against COVID-19.

Registration is free, but required in order to receive a link for the event.
The Global Food System Initiative is hosting an interactive virtual workshop on microbiome research at K-State.

2-4:15 p.m.
April 30, 2020
Via Zoom

This workshop is an opportunity for faculty and students to learn about and discuss the broadly defined area of the microbiome. Interesting things are happening at K-State in areas such as methods development, water, soil and animal research, all relating to the microbiome. Attendees will learn more about what is happening in this area of study and find out where continued discussion might be beneficial. 

Register to attend this workshop by noon, April 30, 2020 .
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Research Brown Bag Discussions
Across the nation, faculty are grappling with how to maintain research productivity during a time of a public health crisis. Federal funding agencies and private sector supporters are trying to understand how to make progress as well. We have been providing updates from funders as they come in, but this is still a complex environment to understand. Our Brown Bag virtual lunch series will focus on responding to changes and guidance about how to secure funding into the future.

All brownbags will be held from noon-1:30 p.m. on the following dates via Zoom .
  • Monday, May 11 – Topic: TBA

Registration is now required . Please register to attend by 10 a.m. on Monday, May 11.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please reach out to comply@k-state.edu with any questions.
Showcase your research at the GROW & EXCITE Summer Workshop
K-State faculty, staff and students are invited to join KAWSE for the annual middle and high school outreach summer programming, the  Girls Researching Our World (GROW) and Exploring SCIence, Technology, and Engineering (EXCITE) Summer Workshops!  This year, we’re offering our popular camps virtually, offering multiple ways for you to participate:
  • Design and facilitate a hands-on activity for students that demonstrates your research, covers fundamental concepts, or showcases interesting phenomena in your disciplines (Live or pre-recorded)
  • Host a Career Chat to highlight your career path and other career opportunities within your field (Live)
  • Provide a virtual tour of your lab or research facility (Live or pre-recorded)
  • And more!

We hope to include a large variety of STEM topics in our activities, and all interested parties are encouraged to sign up. This includes K-State faculty, staff and students! The camp will be hosted virtually via Canvas, using Zoom to provide live sessions. Activity proposal forms are now available online and are due by  May 8, 2020.  Proposal forms, FAQ sheets, and more information is available by visiting the KAWSE website .
Questions? Please contact the KAWSE Office by emailing  kawse@k-state.edu .
Science to Art benefits STEAM education in Kansas City.

Science to Art is a platform for regional scientists to display and describe their research through the visual arts. Each of these remarkable images tells a personal research story and poetically captures the fieldwork performed by the scientists and their teams. These images were submitted by scientists from Columbia, Missouri, to Manhattan, Kansas. All proceeds from the Science to Art auction will be donated to STEAM education in KC.

The application for 2020 submissions is open until May 8, 2020.
USDA APHIS NBAF Scientist Training Program
Apply now for admission to the program for the fall 2020 semester. Applications are due to K-State by 5 p.m. May 18, 2020.

K-State RSCAD in the news
Agency news and trending topics
Urgent public health measures are needed to control the spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease it causes, coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19. Scientific research to improve our understanding of the virus and how it causes disease, and to develop strategies to mitigate illness and death, is of paramount importance. A new strategic plan from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, details the institute’s plan for accelerating research to diagnose, prevent and treat COVID-19. NIH.gov

Crises are no excuse for lowering scientific standards, say ethicists
Ethicists from Carnegie Mellon and McGill universities are calling on the global research community to resist treating the urgency of the current COVID-19 outbreak as grounds for making exceptions to rigorous research standards in pursuit of treatments and vaccines. eurekalert.org

The court ruled six to three that the federal Clean Water Act applies to pollution of underground water that flows into nearby lakes, streams, and bays, as long as it is similar to pouring pollutants directly into these water bodies. sciencemag.org

“Living document” expected to be updated often as new clinical data accrue. nih.gov

10 years later: What did scientists learn from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill? Paper reviews major findings, technological advances that could help in next deep-sea spill. nsf.gov

The chancellor’s rigor in collating information, her honesty in stating what is not yet known, and her composure are paying off. theatlantic.com

For the first time, one of the many COVID-19 vaccines in development has protected an animal, rhesus macaques, from infection by the new coronavirus, scientists report. sciencemag.org

Fossil vertebrae give insights into growth and extinction of the enigmatic shark group Ptychodontidae. sciencedaily.com
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