April 22, 2020
Funding Connection

The Department of Agriculture, NIFA added a program area to its main Agricultural and Food Research Initiative (Foundational Program) — Rapid Response to Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Impacts Across Food and Agricultural Systems   addressing: Health and Security of Livestock; Well-being of Farm, Food Service Providers, and Rural Americans; Economic Security; and Food Safety. 

The  National Science Foundation (NSF)  and Amazon are partnering to jointly support computational research focused on  Fairness in AI , with the goal of contributing to trustworthy AI systems that are readily accepted and deployed to tackle grand challenges facing society. 

Institutional Review Board Protocol Approvals 
During the COVID-19 suspension of normal activities, and in accordance with federal guidance, the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and the University Research Compliance Office, continue to work with faculty and students seeking reviews and approvals of research protocols. In addition to accepting new applications, the IRB continues to maintain and help revise previously approved protocols.   Full committee meetings will be held on an as-needed/case-by-case basis   (many student surveys do not require full committee review).
If you have any questions, please contact  comply@k-state.edu   .
Reminders for GTAs and GRAs
Since the university moved to a limited operations model and classes moved to remote instruction this semester, GTAs and GRAs are encouraged to continue to communicate with their supervisor about the status of their work and/or research. 

We anticipate that since teaching through summer session will continue via remote instruction, teaching assistants may continue to be needed as determined by their department.

Current and prospective graduate/research assistants should discuss remote work options with your advisor or PI, discuss any issues with your director of graduate studies, or consult with your department/lab's administrators. PIs should communicate with their funding program officers about no-cost extensions or scope-of-work changes on projects in a condition of limited operations (see OMB  M-20-11  and M-20-17 ).

The Office of the Vice President for Research continues to provide support for the research activities of the university including updated  guidance for researchers  as the situation for summer operations evolves, and will post regular updates in Research Weekly. A working group is currently preparing a plan for how research operations can safely resume on campus.

Additional FAQs and information can be found on the university  COVID-19 website .

Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations
On March 9, 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued M-20-11 , Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), providing federal agencies with flexibilities for grants in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A memorandum distributed on March 19, 2020, M-20-17 , provides additional clarifications and administrative relief listed in M-20-11 and expanded the scope of considerations and recipients affected by the loss of operational capacity and increased costs due to the COVID-19 crisis. Many of the operational impacts and costs are unknown at this point, as they will depend on the spread of the coronavirus and response dictated by public health needs. This memorandum provides short-term relief for administrative, financial management, and audit requirements under 2 CFR Part 200. This memorandum recommends that PIs communicate directly with their program officer to request administrative relief and/or change in work scope to accommodate the grant or contract. Program officers may also provide guidance about changing deadlines or continuing staff/graduate assistant contracts under limited operations.

Events and announcements
Global Food Systems Microbiome Workshop
The Global Food System Initiative is hosting an interactive virtual workshop on microbiome research at K-State.

2-4:15 p.m.
April 30, 2020
Via Zoom

This workshop is an opportunity for faculty and students to learn about and discuss the broadly defined area of the microbiome. Interesting things are happening at K-State in areas such as methods development, water, soil and animal research, all relating to the microbiome. Attendees will learn more about what is happening in this area of study and find out where continued discussion might be beneficial. 

Register to attend this workshop by noon, April 30, 2020 .
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
AFOSR Virtual Office Hour
AFOSR recently a hosted a Virtual Office Hour - a Q&A session - on Twitter to answer questions about communicating with AFOSR, funding opportunities, and our grant process. Please click the button below to view the event thread. If you have additional questions, please reach out to your Program Officer (PO) or send an email to Calvin Scott at  afosr.baa@us.af.mil .

Join us for our next Twitter chat on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 12 p.m.
Research Brown Bag Discussions
Across the nation, faculty are grappling with how to maintain research productivity during a time of a public health crisis. Federal funding agencies and private sector supporters are trying to understand how to make progress as well. We have been providing updates from funders as they come in, but this is still a complex environment to understand. Our Brown Bag virtual lunch series will focus on responding to changes and guidance about how to secure funding into the future.

All brownbags will be held from noon-1:30 p.m. on the following dates via Zoom .
  • Monday, May 11 – Topic: TBA

Registration is now required . Please register to attend by 10 a.m. on Monday, May 11.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please reach out to comply@k-state.edu with any questions.
Second Round of Global Food Seed Grants Awarded
The Office of Research Development announces the results of the Spring 2020 call for proposals for the Global Food Systems Seed Grant Program.

This funding is intended to support innovative research in all aspects of global food systems, with particular interest in projects that are interdisciplinary; promote job creation and economic development in the state of Kansas; engage graduate and/or undergraduate students; and partner with industry, particularly those based in Kansas.

Read the full announcement and review the list of awardees and their project titles.
Showcase your research at the GROW & EXCITE Summer Workshop
K-State faculty, staff and students are invited to join KAWSE for the annual middle and high school outreach summer programming, the  Girls Researching Our World (GROW) and Exploring SCIence, Technology, and Engineering (EXCITE) Summer Workshops!  This year, we’re offering our popular camps virtually, offering multiple ways for you to participate:
  • Design and facilitate a hands-on activity for students that demonstrates your research, covers fundamental concepts, or showcases interesting phenomena in your disciplines (Live or pre-recorded)
  • Host a Career Chat to highlight your career path and other career opportunities within your field (Live)
  • Provide a virtual tour of your lab or research facility (Live or pre-recorded)
  • And more!

We hope to include a large variety of STEM topics in our activities, and all interested parties are encouraged to sign up. This includes K-State faculty, staff and students! The camp will be hosted virtually via Canvas, using Zoom to provide live sessions. Activity proposal forms are now available online and are due by  May 8, 2020.  Proposal forms, FAQ sheets, and more information is available by visiting the KAWSE website .
Questions? Please contact the KAWSE Office by emailing  kawse@k-state.edu .
Science to Art benefits STEAM education in Kansas City.

Science to Art is a platform for regional scientists to display and describe their research through the visual arts. Each of these remarkable images tells a personal research story and poetically captures the fieldwork performed by the scientists and their teams. These images were submitted by scientists from Columbia, Missouri, to Manhattan, Kansas. All proceeds from the Science to Art auction will be donated to STEAM education in KC.

The application for 2020 submissions is open until May 8, 2020.
USDA APHIS NBAF Scientist Training Program
Apply now for admission to the program for the fall 2020 semester. Applications are due to K-State by 5 p.m. May 18, 2020.

Webinar on NSF-approved formats for the biographical sketch and current & pending support documents
NSF recently recorded  a webinar about the requirement to use an NSF-approved format  for both the biographical sketch and current & pending support documents as part of proposals submitted to NSF. The policy, outlined in the NSF  Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide   (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1), goes into effect for proposals submitted or due, on or after June 1, 2020. The two NSF-approved formats are  SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae , and an NSF Fillable PDF.

Webinar topics include:
  • the policy guidance for preparation of the biographical sketch and current and pending support sections of the proposal; 
  • a walk-through of the user experience in accessing these formats in NSF systems;
  • detailed guidance from NIH on using SciENcv for preparing both documents; and
  • answers to a number of frequently asked questions.
For additional information, see the NSF pages for the  biographical sketch  and  current and pending support . We would like your feedback on these formats prior to the June 1 st  requirement. Please provide your comments and questions to  policy@nsf.gov .
K-State RSCAD in the news
Agency news and trending topics
See updated Federal Agency Guidance Matrix and NIH Specific FAQs cogr.edu

A new study has begun recruiting at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, to determine how many adults in the United States without a confirmed history of infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), have antibodies to the virus. nih.gov

N95 respirators can be decontaminated effectively and maintain functional integrity for up to three uses, according to National Institutes of Health scientists. nih.gov

Biologists and engineers design 3D printed corals that may help energy production and coral reefs. nsf.gov

The  Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria  has announced a $500 million funding facility for efforts to respond to and mitigate the impact of COVID-19.

The coral reefs of Bikini Atoll can be mapped by a NASA satellite’s green laser, which penetrates up to 40 meters underwater. sciencemag.org

A panel of U.S. physicians, statisticians, and other experts has developed treatment guidelines for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). nih.gov

Advance replicates decades of AI research in days. sciencemag.org
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