Research Bulletin
News from the Child Health Research Institute
December 2020
CHRI Priorities & Activities:
Update from Dr. Anderson Berry
Ann L. Anderson Berry, MD, PhD, interim executive director, Child Health Research Institute (CHRI), reflects upon the highlights from this years collective research activities and triumphs, despite the challenges faced.
Investigator Feature:
Jeffrey Salomon, MD
Jeffrey Salomon, MD, assistant professor in Pediatric Critical Care, has earned the third CHRI Scholar award. This award recognizes early-career physician-scientists at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center and University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) who lead promising research programs in pediatric medicine. Read on for a Q&A with Dr. Salomon.
Grants Awarded:
Rusty McCulloh, MD
Rusty McCulloh, MD, associate professor of Pediatric Hospital Medicine, and his team competed successfully for funding to continue the Nebraska Pediatric Clinical Trials Unit (NPCTU) for another five years! This $2.1 million grant, awarded by the National Institutes of Health Office of the Director, ensures that the NPCTU can continue to engage in important clinical trials and rural outreach as part of the IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network (ISPCTN).
2021 Pediatric Academic Workshop Series:
Save the Date
Mark your calendars for the next semi-annual installment of the Pediatric Academic Workshop Series, previously known as the Pediatric Writing Workshop series, which will be held Feb. 19-20, 2021.The virtual workshop will offer interactive learning on the theme of Health Advocacy & Communication. Organizers are planning a program to include local and national experts. A detailed agenda and open registration will be released in January. The workshop will be open to colleagues in our neighboring institutions and the nationwide IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network.
Disseminating Discoveries:
October & November Publications
Browse the list of articles CHRI investigators published in a variety of journals in October and November.
Upcoming Events:
CHRI Pediatric Research Seminar
*A few slots remain open for interested presenters – please visit below link for more information.
Jan. 15, 2021, noon | Zoom | Series Information

Enhancing Academic Careers Throughout the Pipeline (offered by APS & SPR)
Jan. 25, 2021, 4:30 p.m.-6 p.m. | Webinar | Register

Pediatric Academic Workshop: Health Advocacy & Communication Workshop
Feb. 19-20, 2021 | Zoom | Workshop Information
Funding Opportunities:
E.W. Thrasher Awards
Jan. 19, 2021| Up to $550k over 3 years | Grant Information

Hubbard Water, Climate and Health Fellowship
Jan. 29, 2021 | $17,500 for 1 year | Grant Information

CENTRIC Pilot Grants
Feb. 1, 2021 | $50k for 1 year | Grant Information

Patient Safety in the Context of Perinatal, Neonatal, and Pediatric Care (NIH)
R01 Feb. 5, 2021 | Up to $500k for up to 5 years | Grant Information
R03 Feb. 16, 2021 | Up to $50k for 2 years | Grant Information

For more funding opportunities, please review the CHRI grant calendar available here.
Request for Future Content:
Inform Your Colleagues
Please send content ideas for future CHRI Research Bulletins to Alex Garcia. We would especially like to highlight any presentations or posters at national conferences, grants received, service to professional societies, engagement with philanthropies or study/patient stories.
Child Health Research Institute
986847 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-6847
402-559-4032 or 402-955-7907