Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

Proverbs 6:16-19 focuses on the seven "things the LORD hates, and are an abomination to Him." Some years ago these were written up, in a booklet called "Take the Repentance Route." The booklet gives directions for any prayer group to take up privately those sins, one per week for seven weeks. During any meeting anyone can share if she or he wishes, how, during the private prayer on that sin, they have removed that sin, confessing it to the Lord and then repenting. The unity in the group grows as they grow in Christ.

And now that same booklet is spread to nations in other languages: to the Philippines, to Pakistan, and in Malawi. Even reading it alone, it is bringing souls into His Kingdom. Here are some recent testimonies:

8th June,2024

Mathews Peter Banda


Dear Jamal,

I’m Mathews Peter Banda. I’m an ex-convict. I have been in prison for over 10 years and I just came out about a few days ago. While I was in prison I came across Take the Repentance Route booklet. It changed my life and forever. I became a better person and soon became a born again Christian after reading this booklet. And it was because of my good conduct that prison authorities had pardoned me during the Easter festivities. I thank God for the power of this booklet. 

I have secured an opportunity to work in Tanzania at a farm as Manager and I will be leaving on Tuesday morning. I would like therefore to ask for about 100 copies of the booklet if possible so that I can help spread the message of repentance to farm workers and communities around the farm. I would want the Swahili version if you have it. I have no money that I can contribute towards this booklet, but I will help in taking the message to all corners of the region.

Kindly help me so that I can also help to change others through the message in this booklet.

May God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Brother Mathews P. Banda.

1st June, 2024

Peter Botha

Malawi Defence Force Headquarters


Dear Jamal,

Request for Take the Repentance Route booklet

My name is Peter Botha from Malawi Defence Force (MDF) headquarters in Lilongwe. I’m a born again Christian. I came across this booklet, Take the Repentance Route. This booklet changed the course of my life and that of my family. It transformed our Christian life forever. We are no longer the same after reading this booklet. For the past one year, this booklet has become our daily companion. 

I’m leaving on Tuesday on a peace keeping mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). I would like therefore to ask for a donation of 35 copies of the booklet so that while on the peace keeping mission, I would also spread the Gospel of Repentance among colleagues. I’m extremely convinced that this booklet has what it takes to repent.

I will appreciate your kind heartedness in this regard.

May God bless you for the work you are doing.

Yours brother in- Christ,


1st June, 2023

Students Christian Society (SCS)


Dear Brother Jamal,

Requesting for Take the Repentance Route booklet

My name is Christian Chirwa. I’m a President of Students Christian Society (SCS). This is an organization with membership cut across all public and private universities and colleges in Malawi. 

We have a membership of born again Christian students across the country. We are non-profit making. We are students with no source of any income. We are organizing a retreat on repentance for students from Tuesday. This retreat seeks to create awareness among students on the significance of repentance to a Christian. 

We are therefore humbly asking for 50 copies of Take the Repentance Route booklet. This booklet will act as our guide during the retreat. We will be grateful for your support.

May God bless you.

Sincerely yours,

Christian Chirwa.

5th June, 2024

Daudi Osman


Dear Jamal,

I’m Daudi Osman. I was born and grew up in a Muslim family. I knew very little about Christianity. It was until last year that I got converted to Christianity after I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. I come from a heavily Muslim dominated district in Malawi. Since my conversion, I have gone through a lot of scorn and ridicule from fellow relations, but I have not looked back. My faith as a Christian is growing very strong on a daily basis. 

About two weeks ago, I came across Take the Repentance Route booklet which has helped to solidify my faith even further. I’m travelling to the remote parts of my district to minister to the elderly and the sick on Friday morning. I would like therefore too ask for 50 copies of this booklet in Chichewa so that I can give them to the people I would minister to. I have put together some little money so that it can cover expenses for printing the booklets. I will not be able to afford costs for sending them to me. I would be very happy if you can help in making them available to me. I’m very keen to preach to the Muslim community about prayer and repentance which this booklet teaches about.

Please help me with this booklet.

God bless you brother.

Osman Daudi


You're welcome to a copy of Take the Repentance Route for free at any time. Start your own group, or use it as a devotional.

Will you please ask the Lord if He wishes you to support the distribution of Take the Repentance Route? The LORD will bless you!

Thank you in advance for giving, whatever amount, in the sacrificial spirit of Luke 8:3, and 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9.

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance

You're invited each Wednesday to "Teshuvah,Cleansing the Bride"- time with the Lord, privately, to remove old sin patterns, replacing them with God's Word. The focus also each time is standing with Israel. To connect by zoom or phone please email us for details. A beautiful call took place recently:


a powerful teaching and beautiful sharing of communion was given by Susan Hammer on an Africa Kneels call-- great teaching:

The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance |