Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

Thanks to your prayers and tangible support, a Holy Spirit FIRE has been lit in Africa. The body position of these young men--eager for the Kingdom--- speaks volumes. Praise reports are flooding in: today I'm sharing one from Memory Phiri in Zambia, and then the others from Joseph Kazembe with the "Joseph Project" purchasing maize in Malawi:

Blessed evening , our conference went well, we have testimons 10 people gave gave there lives to Jesus Christ, and many where healed, next week we will in evangelism outside Lusaka it's our prayer that God will provide for us food and transportation we will be outside Lusaka, 


This is Kondwani from Mpheza village  youth Out Graduate  speaking in vernacular language thanking God for assistance received from NDR for their Joseph project of purchasing maize during this haverst season in there area you see the youth showing the money received from NDR he said this will help them to buy additional bags of Maize as we continue purchasing before the season ends and he thank God for opening their mind to understand that they can help their community to themselves through this Joseph project.

Personally l thank God for these youth Out group from Mpheza they are serious helping community even the Head Chief of this village thank God for OUT international in his village lam a witness 


The teamwill leave tomorrow morning going to Nsanje on a mission this coming Saturday we will have more than 150 leaders and hundreds of young people for OUT training And vision casting on Joseph project for southern region this is by demand we have no choice but to go  pray for us this is long trip approximately 500 KM from Lilongwe  to Nsanje .

This is important trip and we thank God that these leaders contributed something towards this trip but we need at least $300 for OUT training which will take place after meeting leaders we are hoping to have hundreds of young people who will be coming from churches of these leaders.

The importance of this Trip is that we will have unified vision and purpose with all Young people in all regions of Malawi and not only that but increase community participation and ownership of Joseph project exactly what Joseph of the bible did in Egypt , so brother Jeffrey and the NDR family continue pray for us as we trust God to meet our budget for the training and vision casting.

Thank you for your support remain sensitive to his voice  

Greetings in yeshua,s Name 

Yesterday l failed to attend zoom meeting all three of us who are on Trip to southern region fall sick myself was sick , Pastor Winstead Chipangula fall sick and Mr Gawani also was sick. Almost everyone of us fall sick yesterday it was an attack from the enemy to stop us on our trip to Southern region.

But we thank God for your prayers lam better now and ready to start off  thank you so much for your prayers , continue pray for us it's a long journey and people there are excited to see us and Holy spirit is ready to minister to the church leaders and the youth in Southern region of Malawi ,

We will update you.and give reports of what our Lord will be doing in this trip 

No wonder we were attacked left and right the enemy hate what we are seeing and happening here from yesterday  and to day Is awesome .

I want to share to whole family of NDR God is surprising us he is moving and we can compare with anything it is great and the devil is mad 

Joseph project is welcomed by the youth in Nsanje both the youth and church leaders.

We need more support l want before l leave Nsanje tomorrow afternoon with something for a start  even if we can give them 150 to start with it will be break through 


As the Lord leads, please join me in this prayer: Heavenly Father, in Yeshua/Jesus/ Name above all names, please anoint afresh Your precious servants preaching Your gift of repentance and salvation. May many come into Your kingdom by their bold preaching of Your Truth. And may the witchcraft, idolatry, killing of innocents, sexual perversions, and any failure to stand with Your Chosen People, Israel be replaced with a zeal to repent, to cleanse as Your Bride. Replace satan's darkness with Your Eternal Light! In Yeshua/Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen"

Your donations are sent to pastors all over His planet now preaching repentance (Mark 6:12) and, like the first disciples, seeing miracles (Mark 6:13) . Thank you in advance for giving, whatever amount, in the sacrificial spirit of Luke 8:3, and 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9. Proverbs 11:25 in the amplified version says: The generous man [is a source of blessing and] shall be prosperous and enriched, And he who waters will himself be watered [reaping the generosity he has sown.].

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance

You're invited each Wednesday to "Teshuvah,Cleansing the Bride"- time with the Lord, privately, to remove old sin patterns, replacing them with God's Word. The focus also each time is standing with Israel. To connect by zoom or phone please email us for details. A beautiful call took place recently:


a powerful teaching and beautiful sharing of communion was given by Susan Hammer on an Africa Kneels call-- great teaching:

The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance |