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Greetings, friends and neighbors!

Citizens, please show up and speak up and let Gov. Kotek's Water Resources state agency know your concerns!

ALERT – Oregon Water Resources Department Public Hearing – ALERT

The Department is proposing new restrictions on Water Rights permits in Oregon. Could this crush Oregon's economic future?

May 16, 2024 

7-9 p.m. 

Jackson County Auditorium

7520 Table Rock Rd., Central Point 

The Department is soliciting in-person and written public comment about the new rules being proposed. The Water Resources Commission, which leads the Department, will likely vote to adopt the new rules at their quarterly meeting in September.

Proposed new rules:

Read rules here

Rep. Yunker's public comment:

Download comment here

Upcoming Water Resources Department-related meetings:

May 21: Salem and virtual public hearing, link [here]

May 29: Executive appointments legislative committee meeting to confirm new OWRD director, Ivan Gall, along with over 100 other appointees, link [here]

June 14: Water Resources Commission quarterly meeting (Groundwater Rulemaking will be on the agenda), link [here]


Please consider attending a hearing, testifying about any appointees-of-concern to the Rules and Executive Appointments committee on May 29 1130am at the Oregon State Capitol in Hearing Room D, and reaching out to the Water Resources Commission before June 14, and encouraging others to do so as well.


Written public comment:

Submit written public comment by June 14. Please consider submitting comments and encouraging others to do so as well, submit to:

Ms. Laura Hartt

Water Policy Analyst/Rules Coordinator, Policy Section

Oregon Water Resources Department

725 Summer St NE, Suite A

Salem, OR 97301


Please show up and speak up and let the Department know your concerns! Now's the time to get involved.


Capitol Phone: 503-986-1403

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H0371, Salem, Oregon 97301


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