December Calendar
It's December! Just a few more days until the semester ends! Make sure to note our special closure hours.
Pet Hug Photos
The December Pet Hugs album is up! Get some virtual hugs to get you through RRR and finals week.
New Nutrition Blog
Nutrition Outreach Worker Fiona wrote a blog on meal prepping and planning! Plan food for finals week or prep for your 2020 nutrition goals.
Five Things to Know Before Winter Break!
Rejuvenate With UHS

Come rejuvenate with UHS! We'll have free tea, snacks, and supplies on the 4th floor of Moffitt Library this Thursday and Friday December 12 & 13, 1-5pm!
Stop, Breathe, Reflect, and Choose

The next time you encounter a stressful situation, try these " Stop-Breathe-Reflect-Choose" steps:
      • Stop what you are doing and limit the continuous flow of negative thoughts for a few seconds.
      • Breathe deeply, feeling your abdomen rise and fall, releasing any tension as you exhale.
      • Reflect on what is going on. Is this truly a crisis? If so, will worrying and becoming tense help solve it? Will this matter as much in a few weeks? Can you do anything productive to make this better? Ask yourself rational questions and listen to your rational answers.
      • Choose how you are going to react in a positive manner - a choice that serves you. Realize that you have the power to choose your actions in the face of stress.
Practice self-care and add your own R, RelaxSee more RRR week tips on our Instagram .

Fighting Procrastination

Try the Pomodoro Technique: 
      1. Choose a task to be accomplished. 
      2. Set a timer for 25 minutes. 
      3. Work on the task until time is up. 
      4. Take a 5 minute break. 
      5. Repeat this 25/5 cycle four times, and then take a longer break at the end (15-30 mins). 

See the rest of the study skills and procrastination handout from our Health Coaches!

Winter Break Reminders
      • Schedule needed medical/GYN appointments.
      • Request refills and prescription transfers.
        • Prescriptions must be filled and picked up by Dec. 20 at 4:30pm. Please note that processing can take up to 3 business days.
        • Outside pharmacies must call for prescription transfers by Dec. 20 at 4:30pm
      • Arrange travel vaccines/consultations in advance.
      • Note special winter break hours beginning Friday, December 20.
Graduating or leaving early this semester?
Staff Highlight: Chrissy Suhua Huang, RN
What's your "Tang Tip" for students?
My Tang Tip for students is to get the most benefits out of SHIP insurance, use the student health services, and get immunized for routine and travel immunizations. You will provide a safer school environment for yourself and others.

Read the rest of Chrissy's highlight on our meet the staff pages!

Good luck on finals! Have a happy, safe, and warm Winter Break!
Be Well @ Cal, UC Berkeley University Health Services
510-642-2000 |  2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 94720 |