Every year, employers are responsible for posting a summary of the prior year's work-related injuries and illnesses in an easily accessible area at every worksite. Under California law, this summary must remain visible and accessible between February 1 and April 30.
If you don’t already have your summary posted, now is the time to prepare and post the document known as Form 300A summarizing 2021's work-related fatalities, injuries, and illnesses. As with last year, this year's summary, in addition to the traditional work-related fatalities, injuries, and illnesses, must also include work-related COVID-19 fatalities or illnesses. For a COVID-19 reporting requirements FAQ visit here. Even employers who had no recordable incidents of injury or illness at a worksite in all of 2022 must post a Form 300A.
Cal/OSHA provides employers a framework for keeping track of incidents throughout the year. Employers are responsible for keeping a running record, called a Form 300 log of work-related fatalities, injuries, and illnesses and for maintaining records of individual incidents on what is known as a Form 301 incident report.
To be recordable, an illness must be work-related and result in one of the following:
- Death
- Days away from work
- Restricted work or transfer to another job
- Medical treatment beyond first aid
- Loss of consciousness
- A significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional.
For instructions on maintaining Cal/OSHA mandated records we recommend a visit to the agency's Record Keeping Overview, a handy guide that also includes templates for all three forms.
It is important to note that current and former employees and their representatives are entitled to a copy of the Form 300A summary and the Form 300 log upon request.
On a related note, many employers in California must also comply with electronic submission of workplace injury and illness records requirements by March 2nd each year. For more information on that coming deadline please visit the Cal/OSHA electronic submission of workplace injury and illness records page.
We will continue to monitor all related developments on this issue. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the matters discussed in this issue of Compliance Matters, please call your firm contact at 818-508-3700 or visit us online at www.brgslaw.com.