Our TENT REVIVAL IN THE HOLY SPIRIT (Life in the Spirit Seminar) resumes tomorrow, Wednesday. Rosary & Litanies at 7pm and then at 7:45, praise & worship, followed by a talk on "Growth: Where Do We Go from Here?”
Our newsletter coverage on our recent Tent Revival celebration, including the recorded seminar talks, will be posted soon.
From Fr Joseph:
What a loving, joyful and blessed celebration we had at our Tent Revival this past weekend ( Fri, May 20- Sat, May 21)!
All glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
All honor to our Blessed Mother and all the angels and saints who accompanied us and led us to God's sanctuary.
And thank you to all who participated and contributed to the success of our Tent Revival in the Holy Spirit 2022
The first part of the Tent Revival consisted of the five Life in the Spirit talks: “God’s Love” , “Salvation”, “New Life”, “Receiving God’s Gift” and “Preparing for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.”
Then came our Saturday evening of extraordinary grace. This began with adoration, praise & worship, Divine Mercy reflections, 7 priests hearing confessions, and finally, everyone having the opportunity for the grace of a “personal Pentecost” as each person was prayed over for a baptism in the Holy Spirit. All this took place as we gathered around the Blessed Sacrament. Very Powerful!
So what 's next? Where do we go from here?
How do we go from the high of this past weekend, to truly living the “life in the Spirit” in the midst of the many temptations, battles and disappointments of Life?
How can we be victorious over the many challenges we face in life?
What was impossible before is now becoming possible because we have a new openness to receive the help of the Holy Spirit.
Yet, we need to be fully equipped for the many battles we face as Catholic Christians.
This is why we will continue with the last part of the Tent Revival / Life in the Spirit Seminar with two more talks.
The first on will happen tomorrow, Wednesday (May 25), and then the following Wednesday (June 1st).
Tomorrow’s Life in the Spirit talk is "Growth: Where Do We Go from Here?”.
Both times will be during our weekly Wednesday night prayer meeting, which begins with Rosary at 7pm and continues at 7:45pm with praise and worship. In these talks, we will look at how we can grow deeper in the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
And there is more!
The following weekend – Pentecost weekend (June 2, 3 & 4th) will be the New Jersey Charismatic Conference in Middletown.
Join us! More information will be sent out on separate email/text.
And then the climax of our Tent Revival 2022 celebration!
On Sunday, June 5th is Pentecost Sunday.
Here at St Antoninus Church, Pentecost Sunday is our parish Feast Day, in that the parish was founded on Pentecost Sunday in 1875 and then re-founded in the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday 1975.
But most of all Pentecost is our feast day because of the work of the Holy Spirit here. That day we will be immersed even more in the fire of the Holy Spirit, to receive even more gifts and blessings for service in His Kingdom!
Do not miss out on the great opportunity of grace to complete the Life in the Spirit Seminar with the final two talks this Wednesday and next Wednesday (7pm Rosary & 7:45pm Praise & Worship and preaching)!
In Jesus thru Mary & St Joseph,
Fr Joseph