Reminder: KDA Now Offers Student Travel Grants

We'd like to remind post-docs and graduate students interested in attending KDA's annual conference in Orlando (2-4 November) that you can apply for a student travel grant to offset the cost of your trip. The conference will be a unique opportunity to interact and learn from other SBMA researchers. (Changes to the original February 2024 announcement are in blue bold letters.)

Thanks to generous contributions from one of our member families, the Kennedy’s Disease Association (KDA) is pleased to announce the availability of travel funds for post-doctoral scholars and graduate students who would like to present their current Kennedy’s disease (SBMA) research at a conference related to neuromuscular diseases, neurology, or related topics. (Note: The requirement for presenting research is waived for attendance at the 2024 KDA conference.)


Purpose: To allow graduate students and post-doctoral researchers the opportunity to attend conferences to summarize their research with a presentation or poster. The goal of this program is to increase awareness of Kennedy's disease (SBMA) among researchers and clinicians who attend these conferences and to provide an opportunity for junior researchers to gain exposure to the broader research community and obtain feedback on their research.


Eligibility: Graduate students and post-docs working in established labs on projects related to Kennedy's disease (SBMA). KDA travel grants are limited to one per student per year.


Award: Travel grants may be awarded in amounts up to $1,000 per student per year. Upon approval, funds will be sent to the student's lab or university for dispersal to individual applicants. Awardees are requested to acknowledge KDA on their poster or presentation.


Process: Applications for KDA student travel grants may be submitted at any time and should be submitted at least one month prior to the conference they wish to attend. Send applications to "" with the subject line "Student Travel Grant Request."  KDA intends to respond to these requests within two weeks of receipt. Each application must include the following information:

  • Applicant's name, academic status, and contact information
  • Name, dates, and location of conference
  • Statement of interest in attending the conference, including abstract of poster or presentation submitted to conference
  • Written endorsement signed by lab director or professional mentor with their contact information

We urge post-docs and graduate students interested in attending KDA 2024 to apply for a student travel grant today!

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