July 25, 2024

List of Articles for DWF NEWS 7/25/24:

Gaza Is the Single Defining Feature of this Political Moment in the US  

Caitlin Johnstone  


What the Top UN Court's Ruling Means for Israel

Tarik Cyril Amar       RT - TRANSCEND Media Service


Pakistan Declares Jewish-Occupied Palestine a Criminal State and Netanyahu a Wanted Terrorist

Dilara Afifi    The Intel Drop


 US Rights Group Urges Genocide Probe of Netanyahu

Jessica Corbett    Common Dreams


 NATO'S Obscure Relations with Israel

Ann Wright        TRANSCEND Media Service

UN Needs the Earth Constitution to Deal with World Criminals

Roger Kotila          Earth Federation News & Views                         


A world constitution (such as the Earth Constitution) is what is needed to give the world community democratic control over Big Money's predatory behaviors and its co-partner -- militarism, all of which rob the people of a decent life, free from worry over war and weapons of mass destruction, and free from poverty.

Another critical need is a means to establish global Law & Order. Currently there is no reliable world federal enforcement of international law, UN Conventions, or standards. We live in a world of anarchy. Individual leaders of Bully nations commit crimes against humanity, war crimes and other world crimes with impunity. They are above the Law. The Earth Constitution offers a well-thought out World Judiciary system with enforcement. - R. Kotila, editor

Gaza Is The Single Defining Feature Of This Political Moment In The US

Caitlin Johnstone


The single defining feature of this political moment in the United States is that all major presidential candidates favor continuing the perpetration of an active genocide — and that everyone’s trying to tap dance around this issue.


What makes watching the Gaza genocide so much more awful is remembering how nobody suffered any consequences for the invasion of Iraq. Everything just went back to the same dystopian “normal”, despite our just having watched them lie the world into an unforgivable mass atrocity with the full complicity of our news media. It was like a family watching a father casually behead his daughter over Thursday night dinner, and then everyone just returning to their meal and going on as though nothing had happened.

And realistically that’s what we can expect to see after this horror as well. Israel will keep all the material gains it made from its crimes in Gaza, just as the US did in Iraq. Biden will die peacefully in his bed surrounded by loved ones, as will Netanyahu, when neither of these monsters have any business dying anywhere outside a prison cell in The Hague. All the war crimes, all the lies, all the mass media propaganda and distortions, will all likely go completely unpunished, and then the empire will go on to its next unfathomable evil.


What the Top UN Court's Ruling Means for Israel

Tarik Cyril Amar       RT - TRANSCEND Media Service


 21 Jul 2024 – The 15 judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the highest judicial organ of the United Nations, have issued what everyone agrees is a landmark finding. “Legal Consequences Arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,” is, in essence, a devastating condemnation of Israel’s policies and crimes in the territories which it conquered more than half a century ago, as a consequence of the Six Day War of 1967, which it still holds today.

The ICJ finding also, inevitably, means (whether the judges intend it or not) that not only Israel’s policy in these specific territories, but the Zionist project as such, is based on the irreparable injustice of violently depriving the Palestinians of their inalienable right to national self-determination. Make no mistake, this is not “merely” a blow to the crimes of Israeli occupation and annexation; it calls into question the foundations of Israel as a state, as it is built around the systematic defiance of justice, law, and elementary ethics.

One thing that the ICJ findings confirm is, of course, that the Palestinians have a right to armed resistance under international law. Another thing that follows is that many things that Israel and its Western backers pretend are up for negotiation are not: Palestinians have a right to get their land back; Israel has no right to use it, in any way, not even as a bargaining chip.   READ MORE

Pakistan Declares Jewish-Occupied Palestine a Criminal State and Netanyahu a Wanted Terrorist

Dilara Afifi     The Intel Drop

Islamabad urges world community to give Netanyahu ‘terrorist’ designation

GAZA CITY, Palestine

Hamas welcomed on Saturday a Pakistani government’s declaration that said Israel is an “entity committing war crimes” and “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a criminal terrorist figure.”

The Palestinian resistance group pointed out that the declaration is a “step towards supporting our people who are subjected to genocide and ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Zionist terrorists and an expression of the genuine historical positions of the Pakistani people, government, and parties in support of the first cause of Muslims.”

Hamas urged countries around the world, especially Islamic nations, “to make efforts to support and aid our Palestinian people and to exert all possible pressure to stop the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip.”​​​​​​​ READ MORE

US Rights Group Urges Genocide Probe of Netanyahu

Jessica Corbett     Common Dreams

With an eye on Netanyahu’s Washington visit this week, the Center for Constitutional Rights says Israeli officials’ frequent visits to Washington place them in U.S. jurisdiction.

With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about to arrive in Washington, an American legal group is pressuring the U.S. Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into Netanyahu and other officials for committing or authorizing genocide, war crimes, and torturing Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Since Israel launched its retaliation for a Hamas-led attack on Oct. 7, Israeli forces partly armed by the U.S. government have killed at least 38,848 people and wounded another 89,459 — according to Gaza officials — while destroying civilian infrastructure and restricting the flow of humanitarian aid into the Palestinian enclave.

“We believe ample credible evidence exists to sufficiently establish that serious crimes falling within U.S. criminal jurisdiction are systematically being perpetrated in Gaza,” says the Center for Constitutional Rights’ (CCR) 23-page letter to Hope Olds, who leads the Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section (HRSP) of the DOJ’s Criminal Division.  Read More

NATO'S Obscure Relations with Israel

Ann Wright        TRANSCEND Media Service

On the arms flowing between members of the military alliance and Israel, which despite its small size, ranks as the 15th top weapons importer in the world.


20 Jul 2024 – NATO has a long, close and relatively unknown relationship with Israel that in 2016 resulted in the establishment of an Israel office in the Brussels headquarters of the military alliance.

Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding in 1948, having received about $310 billion in economic and military assistance. Since Oct. 7, 2023, the U.S. has passed legislation that has provided at least $12.5 billion in military aid to Israel, which included $3.8 billion from legislation in March 2024 and $8.7 billion from a supplemental appropriation in April 2024.


Germany is the second largest weapons provider to Israel providing around 30 percent of all foreign weapons to Israel. In 2023, Germany approved military equipment and arms exports to Israel worth $353.70 million, a 10-fold increase compared with 2022, This includes four submarines. according to the German Economy Ministry data and data submitted to the International Court of Justice in Nicaragua’s case against Germany for complicity in the genocide of Gaza.

In April, Nicaragua argued that Germany had breached the U.N. Genocide Convention by sending military hardware to Israel, thereby aiding and abetting genocide and violating international humanitarian law in Gaza. READ MORE

UN Needs the Earth Constitution to Deal with World Criminals

Roger Kotila Earth Federation News & Views

As we watch helplessly, violators of international law go free, unable to be arrested by the UN, the International Court of Justice (ICJ, "World Court"), or the International Criminal Court (ICC.  Leaders of Bully nations break the Law with impunity. There is no world federal enforcement to protect the citizenry.


We are all world citizens by birth with certain inalienable rights per the Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Constitution.


The leaders of Bully nations have too often felt free to overthrow weaker governments, or invade militarily. They have used illegal sanctions to pressure weaker governments to submit. Sanctions are a form of indirect murder when a nation's population is denied needed products and services for survival -- such as needed medical supplies, etc.


The leaders of the US, NATO and Israel are on the top of the list for many of these deadly violations of Law and Order.  But other countries such as Russia, China and Iran, too, have mocked international law and violated universal basic human rights.


The Earth Constitution's World Judiciary System should be reviewed by the UN General Assembly and compared to the UN Charter which lacks adequate means for enforceable world law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights cannot be enforced due to the inadequate UN Charter.


What to do?  The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR), a leading think tank based out of Brussels, has pointed out that the UN has yet to conduct a legally required Charter Review under Article 109. According to CUNCR the UN Charter is treaty-based, hence unreliable; a more reliable geopolitical system will require a world constitution.


The World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA), via the Earth Constitution Institute (ECI), offers a Two Track strategy to create a new world federal governing structure designed to end global anarchy and war itself. A Provisional World Parliament is being developed with 1000 Electoral Districts to represent "we, the people" (House of Peoples). Simultaneously an attempt is being made to join forces with the UN General Assembly (House of Nations) using the authority of the Earth Constitution for a "new UN".


It is hard to imagine ending war or eliminating the nuclear nightmare until the geopolitical system adopts a new judiciary and enforcement system such as outlined in the Earth Constitution. Leaders of Bully nations currently mock the Law, and are unlikely to change their aggressive patterns until there is the equivalent of world federal marshal or police services to uphold the Law. No one, not even the leader of a nation, should be above the Law.  ~ R. Kotila, PhD

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