Communication Matters Newsletter
MillsWyck Communications - June 2018
Remembering a Speaker for the Wrong Reasons
It can go one of two ways. One great; one… not-so-great.

It begins with someone who appears to be a total stranger approaching you and opening conversation with, “ I saw you speak last year at XYZ conference… ” While the vast majority of people will at least be polite, anything other than “ I loved what you had to say about ___ ” or at least “ You made me think about ____ ” is a colossal FAIL for a speaker. You had the chance to leave a lasting impression that changed someone’s life and instead left… nothing.

I think the worst attendee reunion memory I’ve experienced was someone who confessed hearing me speak, but couldn’t remember when, where, or what I said. “ But I’m sure I liked it, ” she quickly added. Oh, I bet. You liked it so much that you cannot remember anything other than my face (and I’m pretty sure my face doesn’t leave a positive lasting impression!)

But this brings an important warning for speakers everywhere.  A speaker is remembered, simply because they were on the stage, on the clock, or on the hook at a meeting. People remember. But WHAT do they remember? Every time you speak, it's an opportunity for impact. Find the message the audience needs to hear. Figure out a way to make it memorable. And give it with all the gusto you can muster (as opposed to the gusto you want to muster!)
I’ve remembered many speakers for all the wrong reasons. 
  • The national celebrity who used a five-minute intro video to pump his reputation beyond all reasonable expectations and then used an inappropriate example that most of the audience found offensive.
  • The trainer who could not finish a sentence without a nervous tic that people still talk about 20 years later.
  • The community leader whose wardrobe caused her to make constant adjustments and was incredibly distracting. 
  • The conference speaker who gave a top ten list and then said he didn’t follow his own rules. And his reason I should follow them? “You’re not me.” (Thankfully!)
  • The talk radio co-host who could not let any statement go unchallenged, talked over the co-host, and leaves a taste of utter dissatisfaction in the listeners’ minds.

In each case, I speak of them in the past tense because I don’t remember a single positive thing the speaker said. I will actively avoid them in the future. They’ve lost the opportunity to make a positive impact, at least on me.

When you open your mouth, you’ve got that one opportunity to change the life of the listener. Make the most of it.

In a related post I wrote entitled The Speech Coach Genie’s One Wish, I remind my clients to: Find your core, essential, one-sentence message that will be remembered. Everything else is supporting material.
Communication matters. What are YOU saying?
Stay Focused and Get It Done!
Watch the replay of the The Krista Moore Show as she featured Alan as her guest to discuss staying focused and getting things done!
Upcoming Public Workshops
Upcoming Public Workshops
2018 Public Workshop Schedule
Raleigh, NC

Aug 27-28 (Sign up for Early Bird rates!)
Oct 15-16, Dec 10-11

Aug 29
Sneak Peek Video
Here's a sneak peek video at what a workshop from MillsWyck Communications is really like:
Need a Speaker for your Event?
Alan Hoffler, founder and director of MillsWyck Communications, is a Business Communication and Presentation Skills Expert and accomplished keynote speaker. He uses the skills he teaches to craft authentic, custom messages that energize and motivate audiences.  

Alan's Signature Business Communications Topics:
  • Winning Communication - Strategies to Connect and Convince
  • Presentation Sin: The Practical Guide to Stop Offending (and start Impressing) Your Audience
  • Why Modern Business Communication is Killing Productivity (and what you can do about it)
  • The Silver Bullet: The One Skill Every Communicator Should Use
  • Sound Like You Feel: How to Express Passion When You Speak

Check out the full list of Alan's   keynotes or contact us a bout customizing a presentation or workshop for your group. If you need a speaker for your next corporate meeting, professional organization, or conference, contact us at
Key5 Speaker Podcast

Listen to the KEY5 speaker podcast to get more tips for preparing a great speech.
Follow me on Twitter @AlanHoffler!
MillsWyck Communications
Communication matters. What are YOU saying?
Alan Hoffler, Philorator (Teacher & Lover of Speaking)
(919) 386-9238 

Alan Hoffler is the Executive Director and Principal Trainer at MillsWyck Communications. He is a Trainer, Speaker, Author, and Coach who passionately moves others to effective and engaging communication.  Review our Privacy Policy.