Love. Challenge. Equip.

Unwavering Focus and Drive

For more than 20 years the focus, drive and passion of Jeremiah's Promise have been relentless. We've raised the standard of excellence for our young clients, dramatically decreased overhead costs yet vastly improved long-term outcomes. We've committed to sharing the essence of our success with like-minded teams in order to ease their workload and raise the standard of care for all foster and at-risk teen providers - and the teens they serve - as we work together on the same platform in real time.

Recently the Hawaiian Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations (HANO) caught onto the technological advantage JP has offered our youth and non-profit leaders nationwide. JP extended an offer of support to Hawaii's non-profit teams to integrate DeeperEngaged Social Impact into their own programs with special focus on those foster/at-risk teens and young adults who were affected by Maui's devastating wildfires this past August.

After a demo of our evidence-based, DeeperEngaged web and mobile App, HANO introduced us to 3,000 to 4,000 non-profit leaders and teams across the Hawaiian Islands. You can read about JP in HANO's article below.


2023 Grants and Donations:

You Went Above and Beyond!

We're grateful to the Ronald and Ann Williams Foundation for their 4th year of a $50,000 grant award!

William and Stella Coker also have given selflessly for 12 years, donating another $10,000 in Dec.

Earlier in 2023, the Hurlbut-Johnson Charitable Trust added another $6,000 on top of 17 years of considerable grant awards.

Safeguarding JP's Future

Before we reveal our ultimate Baton Pass, JP would like to extend appreciation to ALL of those who have supported our work financially and otherwise for more than 20 years. Your friendship and each special gift have meant much to us. There have been several people who have given for years through monthly and quarterly contributions. THANK YOU! Some of you have made our day by including updates and kind notes.

About that baton, while our Founder and CEO has no plans to slow down, life sometimes makes that happen for us. So we've developed an in-depth strategy to hand off all pertinent knowledge, key information and critical access to successors to ensure JP's seamless continuation if Kim is incapacitated or unable to continue. It's part of our standard of excellence. notes that

A New Gold Standard

Take a glance at the video above that captures the essence of what we do.

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