Faces blurred and locations changed to protect identities.
Relationships are Key

Because of the impact of the pandemic, three CCI classes have shifted to online. In order to do that, our team worked very hard in transferring from in-person approaches to digital approaches. The methodology is changed! Most of our evaluations must be digitalized. However, our philosophical education is to build relationships. This close relationship is a vehicle for one of the key elements of Paul’s training his disciples. The basic ministry of Paul is modelling, example and imitation. Whenever we travel to any province, we prioritize to have a meeting with our students, former-students, and event participants of our seminars.
Time of fellowship and coffee with our students and friends in central Vietnam.
By doing this, we can share our lives and encourage each other in ministry. I would love to share with you some of our student’s testimony. They are in active ministry. Some of them are pastors, youth leaders, church workers, deacons and children’s teachers. As the Bible advocates that “they overcame him … because of the word of their testimony.” (Rev. 12:11). The purpose of these testimonies is to glorify and to praise God for all He has done to our ministry.

Thank you for your prayers and your support,

National Director/CCI Vietnam
From a CCI Student:
"After almost a year of being trained by CCI, I completed the fourth subject. I was taught topical preaching before I started learning “Preaching Biblical Message and Pastoral Ministry”. I used to determine the point of the sermon before the preparation had begun. I already knew what I wanted to say when I imposed the ideas upon the text. This course has changed my starting point and ways of preparation. Expository preaching helps me to stay in the text and take the points from the text. It helps my people to hear God speak what He has spoken. Praise God for this course, which helps me so much to improve my sermon preparation."
~ Pastor in southern Vietnam
From a CCI Graduate:
"First, I would like to thank CCI Vietnam for the training. The most important thing I have learned from the teaching is the right priority. I must put God first, my family second, and ministry is last. Because my priorities were wrong, it caused me a lot of problems. The knowledge and skills are important to every minister, however, growing in character to become more like Christ is the most crucial. This class helps me improve my teaching skills. That’s why I love book#8 the most. From this book, I learned the importance of the teacher’s spiritual preparation and dependence on the Holy Spirit. These practical instructions from all courses equip me to effectively teach the Bible so that the church will grow to spiritual maturity."
~ A graduate of the CCI class in southeast Vietnam
From Love and Biblical Dating:
"Praise God for giving me an opportunity to participate in the seminar on Love and Biblical Dating. This seminar helps me understand the meaning of true love and knowing who the right person is in order to proceed. The instruction of biblical dating is helpful to every young person who wants to glorify God in their relationship. Trusting that this seminar will be a very useful tool for my journey in finding my “Mr. Adam”. "
~ A participant of the online Love and Biblical Dating seminar
New CCI class (left) and a new Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) in southern Vietnam
Online Love & Biblical Dating seminar (left) and online fellowship with CCI Hmong Coordinator and teachers
We praise God for the graduation that was held in north central Vietnam on April 23 with thirty-five graduates. The class was led by the Baptist Convention of Vietnam (BCV), who is a partner of CCI. Please pray for the graduates; that they will apply their training to start new classes and make disciples of Jesus.
Prayer Requests & Praises

Pray for all churches to return to normal activity and that all CCI classes will start teaching in person, especially in the central and northern Vietnam areas.

Pray for God’s protection and health for our Hmong coordinator's wife, as she is one month pregnant a second baby.

Pray for Pastor Thu’s son, who is in the second year of college. May God provide him with the tuition fee so he can finish his studies at the college.

Pray for new class that will open in northern Vietnam for Hmong tribe.

A new class for Jarai church leaders in southern Vietnam will start this month.

A new CCI class for the Hmong tribe in two southern Vietnam provinces, will start in the next couple of months.

Pray for the graduation ceremony next month on June 1.

Pray for the God’s Financial Principles (GFP) Seminar for Hmong Church leaders in the north of Vietnam on May 26-27.
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