St. James Cathedral Immigrant Assistance invites you to watch the new Netflix documentary, Immigration Nation, and then join us for a discussion on Zoom on Wednesday August 19 from 6:30–8:00pm.
Register by emailing Chris Koehler at Once registered, you will receive a link to join the discussion via Zoom.
Time Magazine calls it “The Most Important TV Show You'll See in 2020": “…a complex, 360-degree view of the American immigration system, combining in-depth research, empathetic storytelling and bold investigative journalism into a uniquely urgent humanitarian appeal.” Read more here.
CNN says “The filmmakers behind Immigration Nation were granted extensive access to ICE agents, which raises the question what the government's communications people were thinking. Now, there are reports they've had second thoughts about this Netflix docuseries, a searing dissection of Trump administration policies that's even-handed but emotionally devastating in highlighting the pain associated with them. What sets "Immigration Nation" apart is fly-on-the-wall coverage of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel (presented using only their first names), providing an opportunity to tell their side of the story but seldom in a way that's flattering to the agency.”
Immigration Nation is available to stream on Netflix as of August 3. Watch the trailer here.