Our Pacifica Synod Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Work Group is pleased to announce that the "Undoing Racism" Training Workshop postponed from April 2020 has been rescheduled to October 20-22, 2021 at Luther Glen Farm Retreat Center. Registration is now open through October 15. Details about the event may be found below and on the event web page.

Workshop Description
The fabric of racism is inextricably woven into the structures of every system and institution in our society, including the church. The workshop will focus on understanding what racism is, where it comes from, how it functions, why it persists and how it can be undone through effective anti-racist organizing with, and in accountability to the communities most impacted by racism.

This will be a faith-based anti-racism workshop that will explore how to bring about change within the church and how the church can participate in ending racism in society. By the end of the workshop, participants will be enabled to take further steps in the long-term task of creating an anti-racist church.

This workshop is open to lay and rostered leaders and will fulfill the 2019 Pacifica Synod resolution requirement for rostered leaders to complete an anti-racism/diversity training at least once every three years. The workshop is limited to 32 participants.

Barbara Crain Major, B.A., M.S.W.
The Rev. Joseph Barndt

For more information about each of our speakers, please visit the event web page.

Participants MUST be present for the ENTIRE event – Wednesday through Friday.

Wednesday, October 20
Check in begins at 4:00 p.m. – Programming begins at 5:00 p.m.

Friday, October 22
Program ends by 4:00 p.m.

Workshop Registration
Event registration for Pacifica Synod attendees is now open and will close on October 15 or when the maximum of 32 participants has been reached.

Those wishing to attend from outside of the Pacifica Synod may register beginning on September 10. Prior to that date, those outside the Pacifica Synod are asked to email Terri Robertson at terrirobertson@pacificasynod.org to be placed on a waiting list until September 10. You will be notified on that date with confirmation of space availability.

Due to space limitations, a maximum of 2 registered participants per congregation or organization will be in place until September 30. If you wish to register more than 2 participants, please register your first 2 participants and contact Terri Robertson (see above) to place the others on a waiting list until September 30. At that point, you will be contacted to confirm space availability.

To register, click here.

Program Fees
Program fees include a shared room (no single rooms) and 6 meals (Wednesday dinner through Friday lunch).

Rostered Ministers - $250 full fee/$225 early bird fee if registered by October 1, 2021**
Lay Leaders (Pacifica Synod Only) - $25*
Lay Leaders (outside Pacifica Synod) - $250 full fee/$225 early bird fee if registered by October 1, 2021

*Pacifica Synod Lay Leader Scholarships
Thanks to funding from the Cathryn Wright Trust Fund, Pacifica Synod Lay Leaders may attend this workshop at a cost of $25. Lay leaders from outside the Pacifica Synod must pay the early bird/full price as listed above.

**Financial Aid
A limited amount of financial aid for Pacifica Synod Rostered leaders (a 50% fee reduction) is available on a first-come, first-served basis. You must indicate on the registration form that you are requesting this option and include the specific reason for your request to be considered. You will be notified within 2 days as to the outcome of your request. Once the funds are depleted, the option to request them will no longer be available as a selection on the registration form.

COVID-19 Protocols
To provide a safe environment for all participants, all attending must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of vaccination status at the time of check-in.

Please contact Terri Robertson at terrirobertson@pacificasynod.org or by phone at 714.352.8732.