Register today!


Early registration sign-up!

Register on or before 7/20/24

receive $45 in Dorothy's Dance Shop gift credit

Register between 7/20 and 7/27

receive $20 in Dorothy's Dance Shop gift credit

Gift credit applies towards dance apparel, shoes and accessories.

Gift credit may not be available for immediate use. Gift credit promotion is one per family.


What other discounts do we offer?

We also offer a 7% tuition discount when you pay 3 months of tuition and a 10% tuition discount when you pay for the full season.

When I register, what fees am I responsible for?

First month tuition and registration fee is required to hold your dancer's spot for the 2024-2025 season. Once fully registered you will not see another tuition payment until Oct 1st.

All tuition and fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

View our 2024-2025 Dance Guide here
Have questions? Call or email us and we would be
happy to help you find the best class for your dancer!
210-829-8489 or dkdancers1532@gmail.com
Download our Fall/Spring 2024-2025 schedule here.

Unsure of what class to take? Try a class during our summer session!

Register for a summer trial class here.
Register for the August 3rd trial class event here.

We can't wait to dance with you!

Dorothy Keck Dancers
1532 Austin Highway,
San Antonio, TX 78218

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