September 2021
"From the Sources’ Mouth"
BBCetc's 5th Annual
September All-Agency Event
September 14 - Granting Agencies
September 15 - Contract Agencies
September 16 - Components of DOD

Our free, virtual 3-day SBIR/STTR training event features program managers from 11 federal agencies. Each will present a 30-minute overview of their agency’s mission along with tips for creating a successful proposal. Everyone who attends will have time for Q&A as well as the opportunity to sign up for special one-on-one discussions with agency officers.
3 days. 11 SBIR/STTR agencies. And just one registration gives you access for all three days. Detailed agenda coming soon so you can choose which presenters you want to see.
September 14
Granting Agencies
September 15
Contracting Agencies
September 16
DOD & Components
We know DOD SBIR/STTR inside and out

BBCetc offers expert knowledge on what the Department of Defense needs and how best to submit proposals to any of their components. Our consultants have deep experience working inside the military with SBIR/STTR as well as working with the DOD on behalf of a wide range of companies to secure funding. If your project might benefit the war fighters, talk with us.

Can this be a real business?
Now is the time to determine how you’re going to make money, compete in the marketplace, use your resources and create value to sustain your company. Find out why it’s time to create an honest-to-goodness business model.

Did you miss last month's
From the Sources’ Mouth?
Find out what the USDA needs and how to create the right SBIR/STTR proposal.

BBCetc consultant Baindu Bayon to present
at AAAS Virtual HBCU Innovation Summit

The AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Virtual HBCU Innovation Summit – Advancing Innovation Capacity at HBCUs will be on Monday, September 20. Dr. Bayon will be speaking during the Resources and Grant Opportunities workshop held from 12:30pm – 1:30pm EDT.   

NIH rules for the biosketch in your submission will change as of
January 25, 2022.

The National Institutes of Health required format for biosketches will be changing in two important ways:

Section D. Research Support here has been removed. The research support is now listed below the Section A. – Personal statement. 

Section B. Positions, Scientific Appointments, and Honors. List in reverse chronological order all positions and scientific appointments both domestic and foreign, including affiliations with foreign entities or governments. This includes titled academic, professional, or institutional appointments whether or not remuneration is received, and whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). 

To make sure your submission is correct, talk with a BBCetc consultant today.

Upcoming BBCetc Training and Events
Most training is currently being done virtually. Check the BBCetc Training Calendar for updates.
Funding Opportunities

Additional targeted funding opportunities from HHS on specific topics with various upcoming due dates can be found here.
2021 HHS Parent Grant Funding Opportunity Announcements (aka Omnibus solicitations).
Released 7/8/21
First due date 9/7/21
Contract Solicitation for SBIR Phase I, Direct Phase II, Fast Track.
Closes October 28, 2021


RFA-DK-21-021 Develop New Methods and Technologies for Assessment of Risk and for Early Diagnosis and Prognosis of Type 1 Diabetes (R43/R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Close date: October 07, 2022
NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) Renewal Awards of SBIR Phase II Grants (Phase IIB) for Pre-Clinical Research (R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Open date: March 05, 2021
Due date: Standard dates apply, next due date September 07, 2021
Multiple Institutes
HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
RFA-NS-20-008,STTR R41/R42- Phase I, Phase II, and Fast Track (Clinical Trial Required)

RFA-NS-20-009, STTR R41/R42- Phase I, Phase II, and Fast Track (Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
RFA-NS-20-011,SBIR R43/R44 - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast Track (Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
RFA-NS-20-010,SBIR R43/R44 - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast Track (Clinical Trial Required)
Expiration Dates: September 8, 2021, September 08, 2022, January 6, 2022, April 6, 2022, and September 8, 2022 

SBIR Contracts are research and development funding opportunities with specific NIH-proposed activities and deliverables. This year, National Cancer Institute released 16 topics ranging from health IT to radiation technology. Interested small businesses can submit a proposal through the electronic Contract Proposal Submission (eCPS) website by 5 p.m. EDT on October 28, 2021. 
For more information about the FY 2022 Contract Solicitation, visit the NCI SBIR current contracts website.
2022 NCI SBIR Contract Solicitation
Receipt Date: October 28, 2021, 5 p.m. EDT
NCI Topics:
FY21 SBIR Phase I: NSF 21-562
FY21 STTR Phase I: NSF 21-563
FY21 SBIR Phase II: NSF 21-565
FY21 STTR Phase II: NSF 21-566
Submission windows for 2021:
Sept 3 to Dec 2


Eligibility restricted to domestic small business concerns. Currently open topics:

Tethered Unmanned Aircraft System (TeUAS)
Application due September 22, 2021
The DoD Small Business and Technology Partnerships Office announces the pre-release of the following Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) topics:

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), HR001121S0007

SBIR Topic HR001121S0007-23: “Inexpensive Long Endurance Drone (ILED)”

SBIR Topic HR001121S0007-24: “DELTA (DEfining and Leveraging digital Twins in Autonomous undersea operations)”

SBIR Topic HR001121S0007-25: “TARMAC (Topology-Agnostic Resource Management and Control)”

SBIR Topic HR001121S0007-26: “Testing Hardware for Event BasEd Systems (THEBES)”

  • September 9, 2021: BAA opens, begin submitting proposals in DSIP
  • October 12, 2021: BAA closes, full proposals must be submitted in DSIP no later than 12:00 p.m. ET

The DoD Small Business and Technology Partnerships Office announces the pre-release of the following Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) topics:
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), HR001121S0007

SBIR Topic HR001121S0007-20: “High Density Connectorized Cryogenic Cables”

SBIR Topic HR001121S0007-21: “Extreme Photon Imaging Capability- Hard X-ray (EPIC-HXR)”

SBIR Topic HR001121S0007-22: “Rapid Time-domain Modeling of Electromagnetic Coupling”

  • September 28, 2021: BAA closes, full proposals must be submitted in DSIP no later than 12:00 p.m. ET
The following Offices within DOE are offering topics:
  • Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research
  • Office of Basic Energy Sciences
  • Office of Biological and Environmental Research
  • Office of Nuclear Physics

Due date of full proposals: 
Tuesday Oct 12, 11:59pm ET

FY 2022 SBIR/STTR – Phase I Release 1.  Funding Opportunity Announcement
closes 10/12/2021

FY 2022 SBIR/STTR - Phase 0. First-time SBIR/ STTR applicants should apply now for limited spots to receive application assistance.  
The Department of Energy (DOE) has issued its FY 2022 Phase I Release 1 Funding Opportunity Announcement (DE-FOA-0002554) for the SBIR and STTR Programs. Qualified small businesses with strong research capabilities in science or engineering in any of the research areas sought in the announcement are encouraged to apply.
The following DOE program offices are participating in this Funding Opportunity Announcement:
  • Advanced Scientific Computing Research
  • Basic Energy Sciences
  • Biological and Environmental Research
  • Nuclear Physics

Downloading the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) and Topics
  • The FOA (DE-FOA-0002554) is now available at Download the FOA Instructions and the Application Package by keying in DE-FOA-0002554 under FUNDING OPPORTUNITY NUMBER.

The Topics for Release 1 are available here.
Important Dates
  • Letter of Intent: To be eligible to submit a Phase I application, you must first submit a Letter of Intent to the DOE Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS). Letters of Intent must have
been submitted by August 30, 2021 
  • Grant Applications:  All Phase I applications must be submitted through the web portal to be considered for award. Grant applications to both SBIR and STTR programs must be successfully submitted by October 12, 2021 11:59 pm EDT.  Please visit our applicant resource page and our SBIR online learning site for assistance in preparing your application. 

About BBCetc
BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting, LLC (BBCetc) works with technology-based entrepreneurs and companies across the U.S. on strategies to advance their R&D efforts to commercialization. The BBCetc team is nationally recognized for its success in helping clients secure federal funding through the SBIR and STTR programs. BBCetc services include research grant assistance, SBIR/STTR training and proposal development assistance, and grants and contract management.

Contact us: / 734.930.9741 /