Dear Colleagues, 

I want to share with you how the universities in the Regional University System of Oklahoma are making an impact for students across the state. We invite you to share the newsletter and contact the universities for more information and collaboration. 

Regent Jeff Dunn


The GREATNESS of an institution ALWAYS begins with PEOPLE
-Jim Collins
 Regent Dunn's Update

By Jeff Dunn, Chair

As the budget crisis continues to evolve at the state capitol, our regional universities are being asked to revise our budgets to comply with the latest rounds of cuts. While our universities strive to provide the same excellent curriculum and instruction to the more than 40,000 students that attend regional universities throughout the state, each university will have to develop its own innovative strategy to minimize the effects felt by its staff, faculty and students. The regents commend the tremendous efforts that all of our universities have made thus far to preserve affordable, quality education amidst increasing costs and growing budget cuts. We're confident that, together, we can learn from one another, confront the challenges that lie ahead and prevail as the beacons of opportunity and hope for a better tomorrow that our students and our state need during this difficult time.

Good-to-Great, the Hedgehog

By Jeff Dunn, Chair
Photo credit

I nspired by Jim Collins' presentation at the "Good To Great and th e Social Sectors," RUSO has embarked on a transformative journey from "Good to Great" by establishing a special com mittee to help our institutions focus their resources and efforts on what makes them great during tough times. 

Last summer, we began the Good to Great process at the annual RUSO retreat by  having a frank discussion of what Collin's refers to as "the brutal facts without losing faith in the potential for greatness." Since the retreat, the facts have become more brutal. Faced with rising costs and growing budget deficits, the timing could not be better to enter the second phase of Stage 2 - Finding Our Hedgehog Concept. Read more.

Share Your Great Ideas
The path to making a good to great organization is lit by the multitude of bright ideas. We want to hear what you consider to be great ideas, suggestions, potential collaborations and opportunities for efficiency. Submit your ideas online to RUSO.  Select comments may be posted on the Web page to share with others
RUSO Makes An Impact
More than  40,000 Oklahoma students  rely on  regional universities  to help them achieve their educational goals and improve their quality of life See our impact

Six Questions
An interview with Regent Lake Carpenter, Elk City. A RUSO regent since 2013.

1 ) What is the most rewarding part of being a regent?

So many rewards are associated with being a regent. The most rewarding for me is seeing lives changed, improved and broadened through the process of obtaining a degree from a regional university. 

2) What is the best advice you've ever received?
The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. - My Grandad Carpenter

3) Rumor has it that you're musically inclined. What's your favorite song to play/sing?

Bow the Knee is one of the favorites to sing. I could list several, but I think that's the one that I could sing over and over. 

4) What is the most significant change you've observed in higher education since graduating from college?
The growing challenges and cost of technology that higher education has to implement in order to stay on the cutting edge of attracting and educating students for the ever changing future of tomorrow's workforce. 
5) What is the most unexpected lesson you've learned since becoming a regent?
The most unexpected lesson I've learned is to realize the abundance of overwhelming talent and diversity our board and each of universities brings to the table each time we meet.
6) What is one item on your bucket list?

Take a ride in a hot air balloon.

Learn more about  Regent Carpenter

Regent Updates
Regent Reilly Reappointed by Gov. Fallin

Regent Connie Reilly   has been reappointed to the Board of Regents of the Regional University System of Oklahoma by Governor Mary Fallin. Reilly was first appointed as a regent by former Governor Brad Henry in 2007. 

Over the past nine years, Reilly has served as the chairman of the board, been involved in hiring presidents for five of the six regional universities. In her next term, Reilly hopes to expand the dialogue between secondary and higher education to better prepare teachers for the classroom and students for college.

Both Regent Reilly and Regent Gary Parker were confirmed by the senate during this legislative session.  Learn More About the Regents.
Higher Education Day Recap

More than 300 students, faculty and representatives from public colleges and universities across the state convened at the state capitol on February 15 to advocate for education this budget season. 

Representatives from all six  regional universities attended, presenting a united front to implore legislators to secure Oklahoma's future by investing in education. Crystal Tate, a nursing student at Southeastern State University, was one of three students selected to address the legislature at Higher Education Day. As the first person to attend college in her family, Tate expressed her concern for the scholarship and financial programs that provide students like her with then opportunity to earn a degree. She told lawmakers that she's looking to them to keep those programs in place. Read More
Great Happenings at Your Regional University
For inspiration and collaboration learn more about 
what is happening  at regional universities.

Oklahoma Business Week Scheduled at ECU -  Oklahoma Business Week , a one-of-a-kind, award-winning summer camp designed to expose high school students to the world of business, is set for June 5-9 at East Central University.  Learn More

NSU Wins LERN Award - The Learning Resources Network, the world's largest lifelong learning association, recently honored Northeastern State University's Department of Continuing Education for excellence in the Best Programming category, at the 2015 LERN Annual Conference in New Orleans. Learn More

Northwestern Receives Approval for First Doctoral Program -  For the first time in its 119 year history, Northwestern Oklahoma State University will offer a doctoral program. Its impact upon the health of rural Oklahomans could be dramatic Learn More

Murray State, Southeastern to Share Business Officer through Unique Collaboration - Southeastern Oklahoma State University President Sean Burrage and Murray State College President Joy McDaniel announced a collaborative agreement that will allow the institutions they lead to share the services of Murray State's Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for Finance and Administration Dennis Westman. Learn More

SWOSU Foundation Launches SHINE Scholarship Fund -  Amidst a tightening state budget and difficult economic circumstances, alumni and friends of Southwestern Oklahoma State University now have an immediate opportunity to help SWOSU students continue investing in their education.  Learn More

UCO Honored as International University of the Year - Indian Higher Education Review Magazine recently named the University of Central Oklahoma as a 2015 International University of the Year.  Learn More

Regional University System of Oklahoma
3555 N.W. 58th Street, Suite 320
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
405.942.8847 Fax